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再訪馬槽 Revisiting the Manger
作者: Michael LeFebvre     譯者:駱鴻銘
Dr. Michael LeFebvre是印第安納州,Brownsburg 改革宗長老會基督教會[Christ Church Reformed Presbyterian Church]牧師)

Nancy Pearcey/誠之譯
根據猶太口傳律法的經典《米示拿》(Mishnah),這些羊羔在出生後馬上就要用「襁褓」(swaddling cloths)包裹起來,避免牠們受到任何損傷,因為羊羔在剛出生的頭幾個小時會激烈扭動,讓自己受傷。照顧這些羊羔的牧羊人也要保持這些洞穴在禮儀上是潔淨的。
馬利亞和約瑟因為在當地旅店找不到房間,就被允許住在半山腰的其中一個洞穴裏。在古老的伯利恆主誕堂(Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem)的教會底下已經找到這個洞穴。

 What did the swaddling cloths signify? Why was *that* given as a sign to the shepherds?
 UPDATE: I decided to check out what the video says. Here is more detail:
"Jesus was born in a cave used for the birthing of sacrificial lambs. The male lambs born in that cave, and others like it in the Bethlehem area, were to be used exclusively in the Temple. They were set-aside to be the TAMIL, or the morning sacrifices which began each day. They were also used for the burnt offerings. The female lambs were used in the Temple for peace offerings.
However, the most common usage for these lambs that were born in Bethlehem was this: they were destined to become Passover lambs. Therefore, the shepherds that attended them were actually shepherd-priests. These men had been designated from the time they were very young to be the ones who would be assigned the task of "keeping watch” over the Temple’s flocks. One of their tasks was to make certain that none of these lambs were blemished while being birthed.
According to the Mishnah, these lambs were immediately wrapped in "swaddling cloths" after their births to protect them from injury, since baby lambs tend to thrash about and harm themselves in their first couple of hours of their lives. The shepherds who attended these lambs, being under special rabbinical care, were also required to keep their birthing caves ritually clean.
Since there was no room for Mary and Joseph at the local caravansary, these young people were allowed to occupy one of these birthing caves in the hillside. That birthing cave is now found beneath the ancient Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem."