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安息日:圣约的末世记号TheSabbath as an Eschatological Sign of the Covenant

作者:Lee Irons    翻译:诚之


异议二   Objection # 2:
A. 威敏思特信仰告白
B. 欧陆看法
C. 克莱恩教授的看法

首先,我会以16条论述的形式将我对安息日的立场做一个总结,读者会因此概略地认识我的立场,我会引用经文,大略描述我如何使用解经的资料。然后我会对此观点进行一般性的阐述(分成神学思考和实际考量),然后回应两种反对意见。最后,我会对其他三种安息日的看法进行比较——威敏思特信仰告白的清教徒看法,海德堡要理问答的欧陆看法,以及克莱恩(Meredith G. Kline)的圣经神学看法。I begin by setting forth a summary of my position on the Sabbath in the form of 16 thesis statements. This enables the reader to get an overview of my position, with Scripture texts cited in order to provide a rough sketch of how I approach the exegetical data. This is then followed by a general exposition of the view (subdivided into theological and practical considerations) and responses to two objections. Finally, I compare my view with three other positions on the Sabbath - the Puritan view as taught in the Westminster Confession, the Continental view of the Heidelberg Catechism, and the biblical theological view of Professor Meredith G. Kline.

关于安息日的16条论述  Sixteen Theses on the Sabbath

 (1) 安息日是创造的律例(a creation ordinance),此律例是照着上帝创造之后安息的模式所设立的(创22-3;出208-11;可227:来44)。
The Sabbath is a creation ordinance patterned after God's creation rest (Gen. 2:2-3; Exod. 20:8-11; Mark 2:27; Heb. 4:4).

 (2) 安息日不属于礼仪律。礼仪律在基督第一次降临时就已经被废止了。但安息日对新约群体来说,在末日成全(consummation)之前,仍然有其效力。
The Sabbath does not belong to the category of ceremonial laws that have been abolished with the first coming of Christ, but remains in effect as a weekly sign for the new covenant community prior to the consummation.

 (3) 主耶稣并未废除安息日,只是洁净了法利赛人的传统,并使安息日在新约里得到最终的表达(可22136;路1310-17;约51-18)。
Our Lord Jesus did not abrogate the Sabbath, but cleansed it from the traditions of the Pharisees, and brought the Sabbath to its ultimate New Covenant expression (Mark 2:21-3:6; Luke 13:10-17; John 5:1-18).

 (4) 从一开始,为了纪念基督在七日的第一日复活,初代教会就守主日。主日就是基督徒的安息日(徒207;林前162;启110;见附录,早期教会的见证。)。
The Lord's Day, which the church from the beginning has observed in commemoration of the resurrection of Christ on the first day of the week, is the Christian Sabbath (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2; Rev. 1:10; see the Appendix for early post-apostolic witnesses).

 (5) 使徒保罗并没有取消安息日,而是警告人不要用犹太教的方式来守安息日(例如,遵守七日的条例—西216-17;加49-10)。他在罗马书145-6关于软弱弟兄的讨论和犹太人禁食的日子有关,而不是和第四条诫命有关。安息日是末世的记号,指向永恒之安息日的安息。神的子民在末日成全时才会进入此安息(诗9511;来48-11)。
The apostle Paul did not abrogate the Sabbath but warned against a Judaizing manner of keeping it (e.g., seventh-day observance - Col. 2:16-17; Gal. 4:9-10). His discussion of the weaker brother in Rom. 14:5-6 has to do with Jewish fast days, not the fourth commandment. (6) The Sabbath is an eschatological sign pointing to the eternal Sabbath rest which the people of God will enter at the consummation (Ps. 95:11; Heb. 4:8-11).

(7) 新约信徒在基督里属灵的安息(太1128-30)——我们在七日的每一日享受到的——是永恒的安息在末世已然实现的范围,是我们产业的凭据。
The New Testament believer's Spiritual rest in Christ (Matt. 11:28-30), enjoyed seven days a week, is an eschatologically realized dimension of the eternal Sabbath, a pledge of our inheritance (2 Cor. 5:5; Eph. 1:14).

 (8) 然而,没有足够的理由因此推断说因为基督第一次的降临,基督徒就不必再守安息日(主日)了。安息日的记号在主再临前,对教会仍有效力,它代表我们是客旅,是寄居的(来1111-16;彼前211)。活在这个“半末世”(semieschatological)的时代,我们仍在等候末日的成全,在荣耀中与基督同在的永恒安息(约141-41714;帖前417;启213)。
However, it is not legitimate to infer from the preceding that weekly Sabbath observance has been abrogated by the first coming of Christ. The Sabbath sign remains in effect for the church until the parousia, signifying that we live as pilgrims (Heb.11:11-16; 1 Pet. 2:11) in this semieschatological age while we wait for the consummation, our eternal rest with Christ in glory (John 14:1-4; 17:24; 1 Thess. 4:17; Rev. 21:3).

 (9) 安息日是末世成全(eschatological consummation)之约定的记号,基于这个特性,它成为恩约的记号,将恩约群体分别出来,归耶和华为圣,把一个有形的差异,放在那些属于恩约群体的人和那些属于世界的人之间(出3113-17;结2012;比较:创1711)。
Due to its character as a promissory sign of eschatological consummation, the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant, sanctifying the covenant community as holy unto the LORD and putting a visible difference between those that belong to the covenant community and those that belong to the world (Exod. 31:13-17; Ezek. 20:12; cp. Gen. 17:11).

 (10) 应许确立了义务(来41)。如此,分别为圣的恩约群体就必须守这个安息日的记号,因为唯独他们能享有这个末世成全的应许(来49-10;路1316)。
Promise establishes obligation (Heb. 4:1). Thus, the Sabbath sign is to be observed only by the holy covenant community, for to it alone does the promise of eschatological consummation apply (Heb. 4:9-10; Luke 13:16).

 (11) 相反地,不信的人没有这个末世成全的应许,因此他们没有义务遵守这个记号。
Conversely, since unbelievers have no promise of eschatological consummation, they have no obligation to observe the sign thereof.

 (12) 圣经不容许恩约群体强迫不信的人守安息日(例如,清教徒所规定的“蓝色法规(blue laws)”,不准所有人在星期日跳舞,喝酒),信徒也没有必要避免一些活动,担心这样的活动会使不信的人干犯了安息日。

It is not biblically permissible for the covenant community to attempt to enforce Sabbath observance on those outside of the covenant community (e.g., blue laws), nor should believers refrain from certain activities solely on the ground that such activity may cause unbelievers to profane the Sabbath.

 (13) 因此,牧师不必巨细靡遗地列出清单,说明哪些事在安息日是禁止的(译按:例如有些教会规定礼拜日不能去餐厅或到超市)。反之,牧师和长老只要公布相关的原则,每个个人和家庭可以自行决定他们如何归安息日为圣。
Rather than dictating a detailed list of things forbidden on the Sabbath it is best if ministers and elders enunciate the principles involved and allow each individual or family to prayerfully and conscientiously determine how they will sanctify the Sabbath.

 (14) 应当教导教会会员问这个问题:“我所作的这个活动会妨碍还是促进安息日的目的?”也就是说,它会妨碍还是帮助我参与神的子民共同的敬拜?会妨碍还是促进属灵安息的心灵架构;是否会提醒自己,我是个寄居者,正朝向末世的安息?
Church members should be taught to ask: "Does this activity hinder or promote the purpose of the day? I.e., does it hinder or promote my participation in the corporate worship of God's people? Does it hinder or promote a spiritually restful frame of mind in which I am reminded that I am a pilgrim on the way to the eschatological Sabbath rest?"

 (15) 根据“凡不出于信心的都是罪”(罗1423)这个原则,每个人可以作出不同的回应。
Each individual will answer these questions differently, based on the principle that whatever is not of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23).

 (16) 由于如何将安息日分别为圣,没有一定的章法,我们必须运用智慧和恩慈。只有对停止聚会的人(来1025),才需要施行教会的管教。
Due to legitimate differences of opinion regarding the precise manner in which the Sabbath is to be sanctified, wisdom and charity suggest that church discipline should be limited to those who forsake the assembly (Heb. 10:25).

Exposition, Part 1: Theological Considerations

神将创世的安息(creation Sabbath)赐给亚当,作为工作之约的一部分。安息日作为一个记号,是表明当亚当完成他的工作后,会进入神末世的安息。神以自己为榜样,为人立下一个模式:祂以六天的时间完成创造的工作,在第七天安息。人是按照神的形象,在第六天(神创造工作的最后一天)被造的。既然人是按照神的形象被造的,他就应当模仿这个工作-安息的神圣模式。我们不知道在工作之约中,人需要多久(几周或几年)才能完成神分配给他的工作,但是在遵守了许多地上的安息日之后,人终究会完成他的工作,进入神永恒的安息。Kline是这样说的:

The creation Sabbath was given to Adam as part of the covenant of works, as a sign that he would enter God's eschatological Sabbath rest once his labors were complete. God had set the pattern by his own example of performing the work of creation in six days and resting on the seventh. Man was made on the sixth and last day of God's creation work in God's image. Since man is made in God's image, he must imitate the divine work-rest pattern. We do not know how many weeks or years it would have taken for man to finish the work assigned to him in the covenant of works, but after observing many earthly Sabbaths, he would have eventually finished his work and entered into the eternal Sabbath of God himself. Meredith G. Kline puts it this way:

The imitation-of-God principle was to find embodiment in the over-all pattern of the history of man's kingdom labor in that this history was to correspond to the course of God's creational workings as a movement from work begun to work consummated. Mankind's cultural endeavors were to move forward to and issue in a sabbatical rest. In fact, man was to come by way of these works at last into God's own royal rest (Heb. 4:1ff). [1]

亚当不顺服神,未能完成治理全地的任务,因此,进入末世安息的盼望就被剥夺了。但是神和以色列更新了这个安息日的记号。神以自己的形象创造了以色列,以色列要如同神一样的圣洁,神再次给人进入安息日的安息的盼望。这个安息不是在天上末世的安息,而是在应许之地的地上的安息。神以此作为最后安息的预表和影子(type and shadow)。注意下面经文中平行的同义词:“因为你们还没有到耶和华你神所赐你的安息地[menuchah],所给你的产业[inheritance]。”(申129)“你们要追念耶和华的仆人摩西所吩咐你们的话说:『耶和华你们的神使你们得享平安[rest],也必将这地赐给你们。』”(书113)那地(特别是锡安山)不仅被描述为以色列的安息,也是神的安息:“所以,我在怒中起誓,说:他们断不可进入我的安息!”(诗9511)耶和华这样说到锡安:“这是我永远安息之所;我要住在这里,因为是我所愿意的。”(诗13214;参第8节)
Adam disobeyed God, his dominion work was not completed, and the hope of entering the eschatological Sabbath was seemingly taken away. But God renewed the Sabbath sign with Israel. God made Israel after his own image, to be holy even as God is holy, and offered once again to man the hope of entering into his Sabbath rest. This offer of rest was not the ultimate eschatological rest in heaven, but an earthly rest in the land, ordained by God to be a type and shadow of the ultimate rest. Notice the synonymous parallelism in the following texts: " the resting place [menuchah] and the inheritance which the LORD your God is giving you" (Deut. 12:9); "The LORD your God gives you rest [nuach] and will give you this land" (Josh. 1:13). The land (particularly Mt. Zion) is described not only as Israel's Sabbath rest, but as God's: "Therefore I swore in My anger, truly they shall not enter into My rest [menuchah]" (Psalm 95:11). Yahweh said of Mount Zion: "This is My resting place [menuchah] forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:14; cp. v. 8).

如此,为了让以色列保有进入那地的盼望,并平安、安息地住在神的安息之中,神吩咐以色列要守每周的安息日,以此作为圣约的记号(出311316-17;结201220)。有趣的是,即使当以色列在约书亚的带领下进入那地,以色列仍然要守这个记号,因为正如希伯来书的作者指出的,约书亚并没有给他们真正的安息(来48),那只是一个预表性的、影子似的安息,指向要透过更伟大的约书亚所赐下的最后的安息。既然迦南地只是那不会收回的、永恒的,选民要在天上享受的安息的预表,以色列永远能保有那地就不是一个永恒的保证。以色列在迦南地是处于一个考验期(on probation)。
Thus, in keeping with the hope of entering the land and dwelling peacefully and restfully in God's Sabbath rest, Israel was commanded to observe the weekly Sabbath as a sign of the covenant (Exod. 31:13, 16-17; Ezek. 20:12, 20). Interestingly, even when Israel enters the land under the leadership of Joshua, Israel still observes the weekly sign, because, as the author of Hebrews points out, Joshua did not really give them rest (Heb. 4:8), only a typological, shadowy rest that pointed beyond itself to the ultimate rest given through the greater Joshua. Because the land was merely a type of the non-forfeitable, eternal rest to be enjoyed by the elect in heaven, Israel's tenure in the land was not irrevocably guaranteed. Israel in the land was on probation.

Israel's weekly Sabbath is just like Adam's: it comes at the end of the week, after the preceding six days of work. Israel, like Adam, is to work first, then once the work is done, to rest. Israel's Sabbath is therefore a sign of Israel's covenant of works. Only obedient covenant keepers may rest, and disobedient covenant breakers cannot enter God's rest. So with Israel. "And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief" (Heb. 3:18-19).

Israel's Sabbath, on the last day of the week, is therefore a sign of the works principle which was in operation under the old covenant. Of course, the elect among Israel were saved, as are all sinners after the fall, by faith alone in Christ alone, on the basis of the covenant of grace first revealed in Gen. 3:15. However, in addition to the promise of grace, God republished the covenant of works on a national scale with Israel, not as a means of justification, but as a disciplinarian unto Christ (see Paul's summary of the nature and purpose of the Mosaic covenant in Gal. 3:15-25). The observance of the seventh day of rest in Israel was a sign of the presence of this works principle which operated at the typological level of obtaining earthly rest in the earthly inheritance. The Sabbath taught Israel a very important and basic theological lesson: in God's kingdom, work comes first, then rest. [2]

Israel's failure under the covenant of works led to Israel's ultimate removal from the land, that is, from the enjoyment of God's rest. Adam could not bring mankind into God's rest. Joshua could not. Israel as a nation could not. But when Christ the last Adam and faithful Israelite comes, he brings us into God's rest once and for all, by his perfect obedience and works. The work demanded in the covenant of works has been fulfilled. Therefore, the rest offered in that covenant has been secured and offered to us in the gospel. Now, under the gospel, Jesus says, "Come unto me, all who are weary and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). By faith alone, apart from works, we are given rest - not an earthly rest in the land, but the ultimate eschatological rest of God himself.

Although we do not enter that rest by working first, Christ perfectly fulfilled the work-rest pattern in our place as the second Adam. Only when Jesus had finished the work that the Father had given him to do, did the Father glorify him with the glory that he had before the foundation of the world (John 4:34; 6:38-39; 17:3-4). On the cross, he cried out, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). Having thus completed the work as second Adam, Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week, and given rest at God's right hand as the reward of his labors (Psalm 2:6-8; 18:16-24; 110:1). His heavenly Father has seen the travail of his soul, and is satisfied (Isaiah 53:11).

The resurrection of Christ is therefore a crucial event, because it marks the first time that an obedient man has entered into God's eschatological Sabbath. The eternal rest of God himself, originally offered at the beginning of creation, has finally been achieved for man. As the second Adam and inaugurator of a new humanity and a new creation, the eternal rest of the new heavens and the new earth has intruded into the midst of history. The uninterrupted rest of the age to come has already begun. By faith we lay hold of Christ's rest and enter into the enjoyment of it (Heb. 4:1-11). We have put aside our own righteousness and now serve the living God with a clear conscience as the fruit of that rest, not in order to earn it by our sinful works (Heb. 6:1; 9:14). Thus every day is a Sabbath rest in Christ.

You might think that the conclusion we should draw at this point is that there is no need to observe a weekly Sabbath rest, since we enjoy our rest in Christ every day. However, there is also a not-yet aspect of our rest. We still live in mortal bodies that are weary from earthly toil and labor. We have not yet entered into the final rest that will be given to us when our bodies are raised incorruptible and we behold the Lamb in Immanuel's land. We must not indulge in an over-realized eschatology which leads to the triumphalistic attitude that we have already arrived. We are still pilgrims on the way. In keeping with the already/not-yet tension of New Testament eschatology, therefore, we need a weekly sign of our ultimate rest. The Sabbath is a weekly "rest stop" on our journey to heaven, a foretaste of the eternal rest that awaits us at the end. It is the lamp that lights our path to heaven. It is the down-payment of the future possession.

Why did Adam and Israel need to observe a weekly Sabbath? To be sign of the eternal Sabbath. The weekly sign would stir up their faith and hope and cause them to labor with even greater zeal in the hope of entering that rest. So we too need a weekly sign. Even though we have already begun to enjoy the eternal Sabbath by faith, and so we do not work in order to rest, yet we have not yet come into the full enjoyment of the eternal rest. We are still waiting for the consummation of all things, and the resurrection of our bodies. We are still tempted to forget about our heavenly hope and get caught up in the things of this present world. So we need a weekly sign to stir up our faith and hope and longing for the eternal rest.

And thus you see that the new covenant Sabbath is both similar to and different from the old covenant Sabbath. The similarity of the old covenant and new covenant is that, in both, the Sabbath is an eschatological sign given to man to point the way to his heavenly hope. The difference is that in the new covenant, that eschatological hope is achieved by faith, not by works!

因此,安息日的记号必须从七日的最后一日,在工作之后,转变到七日的第一日,在我们开始任何的工作之前。从礼拜六改到礼拜天证明了一个事实,就是基督已经为我们完成了所有的工作。我们的安息已经得到了保证。我们不再需要为了进到那安息、享受那安息而费力工作,把律法的重担加在自己身上。那工作已经完成了!如今我们是先安息(陈述语气indicative),然后在我们每天的生活中去侍奉上帝(命令语气 imperatives)。如同Vos所说的:
Therefore, the sign of the Sabbath must change from the end of the week after the work, to the beginning of the week before we lift a finger to do any work. The change of day from Saturday to Sunday is proof of the fact that the works have already been completed for us, by Christ. Our rest is secured already. We don't have to strive and labor and become heavy-laden with the burden of the Law in order to enter and enjoy our rest. It is finished! We rest first (the indicative), and then we go out and serve the Lord in our daily lives (the imperatives). As Vos writes:

Inasmuch as the Old Covenant was still looking forward to the performance of the Messianic work, naturally the days of labour to it come first, the day of rest falls at the end of the week. We, under the New Covenant, look back upon the accomplished work of Christ. We, therefore, first celebrate the rest in principle procured by Christ, although the Sabbath also still remains a sign looking forward to the final eschatological rest. [3]

How did Israel know when to observe the Sabbath? By looking back to the original example established by God at creation. "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy" (Exod. 20:11). How does the church know when to observe the Sabbath? By looking back to the example established by Christ at the inauguration of the new creation. On the cross Christ completed the work of the new creation, and was buried, and rose again to enter his rest on the first day of the week; therefore, he has blessed the first day and made it holy (Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). Thus, the early church called it "the Lord's Day" (Rev. 1:10; Didache 14:1).

The transition from a covenant of works (work, then rest) to the covenant of works fulfillment by Christ (rest, then work) is the basis for the change of the day from the last day of the week to the first. Christ's resurrection on the first day of the week then sets the pattern for the new covenant rest, which is focused on corporate worship (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2) and enjoyment of our spiritual rest in Christ (Matt. 11:28; Heb. 4:1-11), rather than on the strictness of the Mosaic covenant which prohibited all physical work on pain of death.

Exposition, Part 2: Practical Considerations

The Lord's Day has been given to us as a means of grace, an opportunity to reflect upon our present spiritual rest in Christ, and in the future consummation of that rest in heaven, when all our earthly toil will be over. The primary thing that we do on the Lord's Day in order to enjoy this already/not-yet rest is to attend corporate worship with the saints, in order to enter into the heavenly sanctuary and fellowship with Christ. Weekly worship is a foretaste of our eternal worship. The early church gathered together on the first day of the week for the preaching of the Word and the administration of the sacraments (Acts 2:42; 20:7), because Jesus had first established the pattern during his post-resurrection appearances with his disciples.

On the day of his resurrection, he met with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And what did he do? He preached a redemptive historical sermon to them, showing them the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. "Beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, he explained to them the things concerning himself in all the Scriptures" (Luke 24:27). And after the ministry of the Word, Jesus came to them in an even deeper way through the ministry of the sacrament.

"When he had reclined at table with them, he took bread and blessed it, and breaking it, he gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him" (vv. 30-31). Afterwards, the disciples said, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he was speaking to us on the way, while he was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (v. 32). And they reported these things to the other disciples, relating "how he was recognized by them in the breaking of bread" (v. 35). Later, Jesus met with all the disciples and pronounced the Aaronic benediction, "Peace be to you" (v. 36), and so we continue the practice today at the close of our services. Similar post-resurrection experiences of fellowship, communion, and instruction are reported elsewhere (Matt. 26:32; 28:7-10, 16-20; Luke 24:40-45; John 20:19-29; 21:9-14; Acts 1:3-4; 10:41).

早期教会确信,即使耶稣已经升到天上,祂仍然继续透过话语的事奉和圣礼与祂的门徒相见。从那时起,教会就在七日的头一日与耶稣相会,当我们在所有的经文中宣讲基督的时候,我们就心里火热;当我们擘饼,与复活的救主同席时,我们的眼睛就明亮起来。“七日的第一日,我们聚会擘饼[施行圣礼]的时候”,[保罗] 就与他们讲论(讲道),因为要次日起行,直[讲道]讲到半夜”。(徒207
The early church was convinced that even after Jesus had ascended into heaven, he continued to meet with his disciples through the ministry of the Word and the sacrament. [4] Ever since that time, the church assembles on the first day of the week to meet with Jesus, to have their hearts burn within them as he is proclaimed in all the Scriptures, and to have their eyes opened as they dine with their risen Savior in the breaking of bread. "On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread [sacrament], Paul began speaking [preaching] to them, intending to leave the next day, and he prolonged his message [sermon] until midnight" (Acts 20:7).

So the primary principle in the practical area of new covenant Sabbath observance is that we ought to be inflexibly committed to gathering together with God's people on the first day of the week for public worship in order to fellowship with the risen Christ through the means of grace.

But there is also a secondary principle of new covenant Sabbath observance. On this day we are invited to a physical rest as well as a spiritual rest. The physical rest of the day is a foretaste of the heavenly rest that we will enjoy at the resurrection. But again, the motivation is completely different. In the old covenant, cessation from work was a sign of the fact that their work was the basis for entering God's rest. In the new covenant, by contrast, God's people do not cease from physical work for this reason. Indeed, to rest for this reason would be to reject the finished work of Christ!

因此,在新约中,我们的目的不是绝对停止任何身体的劳动,而是为了能更好地享受属灵的安息。停止工作是信心的行动,藉此承认我们不像世界,在这个世代努力建造恒久的屋宇。我们不必像世人一样追求工作,把我们所有的精力和盼望投资在此生当中。我们在每个礼拜当中都可以停止工作,因为我们是客旅,朝向更美的家乡(来118-1113-16;彼前11211)。在新约中我们在一周的开始,而不是在一周结束时停止工作的这个事实,表明当我们安息时,不是安息在我们的工作“里面”(rest in’),有如这份工作最终会带领我们进入天堂,而是安息在我们的工作“之外”(rest from’),认识到基督已经为我们预备了天家。
Thus, in the new covenant, the goal is not to cease absolutely from any and all physical exertion, but in order to enjoy our spiritual rest better. Cessation from work is an act of faith by which we recognize that we are not, like the world, striving to build lasting homes in this present age. We don't have to pursue work the way the world does, investing all our energy and hopes in this life. We can stop from work every week, because we are pilgrims on the way to a better homeland (Heb. 11:8-10, 13-16; 1 Peter 1:1; 2:11). The fact that in the new covenant this cessation from work is placed at the beginning of the week, rather than at the end, highlights the fact that when we rest, we are not really resting "in" our work, as if that work would eventually lead us to heaven, but "from" our work, knowing that Christ has already secured heaven for us.

As a pastor I often get questions that take the following form: "Is it okay to do X on the Lord's Day?" Instead of answering the question directly, I offer two tests which correspond to and flow from the two above-mentioned principles. In the first test I teach people to ask themselves, Will the activity in question hinder me from participation in the corporate worship of God's people?

Anything that interferes with my ability to worship the Lord with God's people and to benefit from the ministry of the Word and sacraments, is obviously unacceptable (with exceptions for emergencies, sickness, etc.).

The second test is to ask: Is the activity in question conducive to a spiritually restful frame of mind in which I am reminded that I am a pilgrim on the way to the eschatological Sabbath rest? There are many activities that we may engage in on the other six days, but if done on the Lord's Day might prove to be a spiritual hindrance. The new covenant Sabbath is to be observed not only by attending public worship, but by keeping a spiritually restful frame of mind throughout the day.

第二个测验是主观的,意思不在于没有正确的答案,而在于不同的人会有不同的答案。有些人会觉得某些活动有助于灵性的安息。其他人会觉得某些活动会妨碍或消耗灵性的安息。我认为保罗所说凡不出于信心的就是罪(罗1423)的原则,必须用在这点。如果你能凭信心从事这个活动,有清洁的良心,并认识到这个活动可以作为“休息站”(rest stop),促进往天国之路整体的趋向,那么,你就应该“不要疑惑”(徒10201112)地去做。
This second test is subjective, not in the sense that there is no right answer, but in the sense that it will be answered differently by different people. One person may find activity X conducive to spiritual rest. Another may find that activity X inhibits or saps spiritual rest. I think Paul's principle that whatever is not of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23) will need to be applied at this point. If you can do the activity in faith, with a clear conscience, and in the knowledge that it is going to promote the overall tenor of the day as "rest stop" on the road to heaven, then you should do it "without misgivings" (Acts 10:20; 11:12).

Notice that this second test (whatever is of faith) flows from the nature of the Sabbath as an eschatological sign. The Sabbath is a weekly reminder of my identity as a pilgrim on the way to the heavenly city. This world is not my home, I'm just passing through. If this is what the Sabbath means, then it is observed by faith, that is, by taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by this day to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the week, and to reflect upon and enjoy my eternal rest in Christ.

Since this spiritual resting occurs by faith, abstaining from certain activities does not automatically produce it, and engaging in certain activities does not automatically detract from it. There are, to be sure, various external stimuli that many Christians will want to avoid, insofar as these stimuli are often found to detract from a calm and peaceful attitude focused upon Christ. But even here, the judgment will vary from person to person.

In addition to the two tests above, there is another implication of my view that the Sabbath is an eschatological sign for the covenant community. In point 12 above, I state that believers should not abstain from certain activities solely on the ground that such activity may cause unbelievers to work on the Sabbath. This does not mean that any activity which makes unbelievers work is legitimate. Rather, it means that this concern cannot be the sole consideration when evaluating the appropriateness of any given activity.

My view forces the individual Christian to make such evaluations on internal grounds - does it hinder or promote my spiritual resting on the day? One obvious concrete application of this is that Christians should feel free to go out to eat at a restaurant on the Lord's Day as part of their rest. I should think that our wives would be particularly appreciative of the opportunity to rest from some of the domestic labors that occupy them the other six days.

When is church discipline appropriate in Sabbath matters? Because of the differences that inevitably arise regarding Sabbath sanctification outside of corporate worship, I believe that sessions should allow freedom in this area. This doesn't mean that no instruction should be given. People should be taught the biblical principles, but the application should be left up to the individual or family. The only specific application that should be spelled out is the command to gather with the saints on the first day of the week for corporate worship. Therefore sessions should reserve the use of church discipline for those who forsake the assembly of God's people.

My main concern has to do with the issue of church power, and the relationship between what is said in the ministry of the Word and what is implemented by means of church discipline. [5] If the pastor preaches that abstaining from X is a mandatory implication of the fourth commandment, it follows that anyone who does X on the Sabbath may or ought to be disciplined. To preach one thing and practice another with respect to discipline sends contradictory messages. Any ethical teaching which the church refuses to enforce is ethical teaching which we are saying is biblically doubtful. Disciplining members who are otherwise faithful in church attendance is unwarranted by the New Testament, and puts the liberated children of God back under the weak and beggarly elements of the old covenant with its strict enforcement of the Sabbath.

We should not be surprised that the new covenant Sabbath is less characterized by the spirit of bondage and code-like specificity that stamped the whole old covenant order and especially its stringent enforcement of the Sabbath. The new covenant people of God are no longer minors needing the external tablets of stone to govern and regulate their conduct. We are no longer slaves under the disciplinarian of the law; in Christ we have taken up our place as sons in the kingdom (Gal. 3:25-26; 4:1-7). There is therefore much more freedom for the sons of God to determine how they will sanctify the Lord's Day.

Those who want detailed legislation for new covenant Sabbath observance are in danger of putting themselves back in bondage to the Mosaic Law. To do so would be to miss the real value of the Sabbath as a lamp lighting the believer's way to heaven. Experiencing and enjoying this eschatological significance of the Sabbath is far more important, and beneficial, than becoming consumed with Talmudic details. Indeed, I fear that the neo-Puritans of today so emphasize the casuistry of the literal cessation from labor and recreation that they are in danger of emptying the Sabbath of its rich benefits by turning it into a covenant of works. Those who may be less strict in practical matters, but who are using the day to enjoy a foretaste of their eternal rest in Christ, are
the true Sabbatarians.

Is it ever legitimate for someone to do work related to their regular employment on the Sabbath? I believe that in some cases, such work may be necessary in order to avoid financial hardship.

How do we determine what constitutes financial hardship? Each individual will have to make those decisions conscientiously before the Lord. A materialistic desire for wealth obviously would not be a legitimate reason. It would not be inappropriate for a pastor to admonish those who appear to have the wrong priorities in this matter. But if they reply that they have prayerfully considered this matter and are acting in faith, and if they are faithful in church attendance, I do not believe it would be appropriate for a session to exercise formal discipline. Liberty of conscience must be preserved even in (or especially in) doubtful cases. However, pastors should encourage people who feel they must work on Sundays to schedule their work in such a way that they are not prevented from regular church attendance.

What are some positive things we should do on the Sabbath? Corporate worship is obviously primary and non-negotiable. In addition to church attendance, various spiritual exercises, both privately and as a family, are also conducive to enjoying our spiritual rest in Christ on the Lord's Day. Bible reading is highly commended. Many of us are so busy during the week that we rarely have much time to meditate deeply on the Word of God. The Lord's Day affords an excellent opportunity to sit down and read lengthier portions of Scripture, enabling us to get the rich benefits of seeing the text in its larger context rather than focusing devotionally on a brief paragraph or handful of verses. For example, it is a rewarding exercise to read an entire book of the Bible in one sitting.

The Lord's Day also affords the opportunity to catechize our covenant children - not merely in the formal sense of memorizing the catechism, but informally as well, through discussions about the sermon, the Bible reading, and so on. I also encourage members of the church to invite other members and visitors over to their house for afternoon/evening fellowship. If there are opportunities for good works of mercy (e.g., visiting shut-ins or people on skid row), that is also to be commended. If your church has an evening service, I would also recommend attending the second service, although I do not see it as an absolute requirement, since there is no Scriptural command to attend worship twice on the Lord's Day.

In some ways, however, attending an evening service can make it difficult to do the other things like catechizing and fellowshiping with the saints, since there is only so much time in the day (significant commutes to and from church are also increasingly a factor today). Each individual or family will have to make these decisions prayerfully before the Lord. It is tempting to want to do everything every Lord's Day, but we must also keep in mind that physical rest is a significant part of spiritual rest.

异议二   Objection # 2:

"Since the Sabbath is one of the ten commandments, and since the ten commandments are a summary of the moral law (and the moral law is binding on all men) - doesn't it follow that the Sabbath is binding on all men?" [10]

As I have argued above, the weekly Sabbath was ordained by God to be a sign of the eschatological promise offered under the covenant of works, both in the original pre-fall works arrangement with Adam (Gen. 2:2-3), and in the post-fall, typologically modified form given to Israel (Exodus 31:13-17; Ezek. 20:12, 20). Promise establishes duty. Wherever the promise signified by the Sabbath remains, the duty of observing the Sabbath remains. Wherever the promise is withdrawn, the duty is likewise withdrawn. The only people to whom the Sabbath ordinance applies in the present age is the church of Jesus Christ, in whom alone the Sabbath promise is realized by faith in the second Adam.

Special attention should be paid to the revelation concerning the Mosaic Sabbath, which in turn sheds its backward light on the original creation Sabbath. The Mosaic Sabbath is expressly said to have been "given" (Exod. 16:29) by Yahweh to the people of Israel to be a sign of the covenant relationship between Yahweh and his covenant people. "You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you … It is an everlasting sign between Me and the sons of Israel" (Exod. 31:13, 17).

This language is parallel to other covenantal signs - the rainbow (Gen. 9:12) and circumcision (Gen. 17:10-11), both of which are said to be signs of their respective covenants. In no case is the covenant sign to be kept by anyone who is not a rightful party to the covenant and its blessings. The rainbow is a universal sign, because it is the sign of the covenant of common grace between God and every living creature on the earth. The sign of circumcision, however, is given only to those who are party to the Abrahamic covenant of redemptive promise to be fulfilled in Christ. Those who are not circumcised are in fact to be cut off from the covenant community. It is clear that the Mosaic covenant, of which the Sabbath was the sign, was not made with the world at large, but only with the redeemed community of Israel whom God had delivered out of Egypt in fulfillment of his promise to Abraham.

Furthermore, consider the additional statement that the Sabbath is given to Israel so that God's people might "know that I am the LORD you sanctifies you" (Exod. 31:13). Compare the parallel statements in Ezekiel, where the initial exodus complex of events is being recounted: "Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them" (Ezek. 20:12); "Sanctify My sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the LORD your God" (v. 20). The term "sanctify" was originally used in Gen. 2:2-3. God sanctified the seventh day to be a special and holy day, set apart from the other six. Thus, when Israel later "sanctifies" the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, Israel too is "sanctified" by the LORD and set part from the profane nations around it. Just as the sign of circumcision set the covenant seed of Abraham apart, so the sign of the Sabbath sanctifies Israel in the sight of the nations.

These exegetical data have important implications for one's interpretation, not just of the fourth commandment, but of the Decalogue as a whole. They call into question the long-standing opinion that each of the ten commandments is rooted in the abiding moral will of God. In addition to the fourth commandment itself, numerous aspects of the Decalogue are directed specifically to the covenant community (e.g. Exod. 20:2, 5-6, 7, 8-11, 12b). Indeed, so intimate is the connection between the Decalogue and the covenant made with Israel at Sinai, the ten commandments are frequently referred to in Scripture as the covenant itself (Exod. 34:28; Deut. 4:13; 5:2ff; 9:9-11; 1 Kings 8:9). There is a sense in which the entire Decalogue was limited to the covenant community only. The preamble to the Decalogue places a covenantal limiter on the Decalogue, grounding the stipulations that follow in the historically particular act of redemption at the exodus. [11]

We must not suppress the force of this mounting exegetical data, even if it means we must rethink cherished traditions. On the other hand, granting all of this evidence pointing to the covenantal nature of the Decalogue, we must also recognize that, with the exception of the fourth commandment, nine of the commandments do constitute a summary of God's moral will - albeit in typological-covenantal form (as seen, for example, in the fifth commandment's promise of long life in the land of Canaan). Although we cannot say that the Decalogue per se is binding on all men, it is certainly legitimate to say that nine of the ten commandments overlap with the moral will of God revealed in creation and conscience.

第四诫为什么是十诫中唯一不是以神的道德旨意作根据的?摩西律法(十诫是其总结,写在石版上)的目的不是为了提供一个超越时间的永恒诫命的清单,约束所有的人,而是作为圣约的细节,以及乐园中亚当的考验,在预表意义上的重新制定(typological re-enactment)。安息日被包括在十诫中,正是为了象征安息日是工作之约,以色列如今在迦南地是在一个考验期(诗篇95篇,“我的安息”)。以色列是在工作之约的背景下,才顺服其他九个诫命的
Why is the fourth commandment the only commandment of the ten that is not grounded in the moral will of God? The purpose of the Mosaic Law (of which the Decalogue was the summary, written on tablets of stone) was not to provide a timeless list of eternal commands binding on all men, but to function as a covenantally particular and typological re-enactment of Adam's probation in the garden. The Sabbath is included in the Decalogue precisely in order to signal that this is the covenant of works, and that Israel is now on probation in the land ("My rest" – Psalm 95). Israel's obedience to the other nine commandments is functioning within the context of the covenant of works.

The traditional explanation is on the right track: the Decalogue is clearly set apart from the rest of the Mosaic legislation. Unlike the rest of the Mosaic corpus of laws, the Decalogue was written directly by the finger of God, on tablets of stone, and placed inside the ark of the covenant. It is unique also in that it does not contain any ceremonial or cultic legislation pertaining to sacrifice, the clean and unclean distinction, etc. There seems to be a divine spotlight on the Decalogue, as if God wanted to say to Israel, "Here are the really important and crucial commandments; the rest is either application and outworking of the principles contained here, or else mere positive law."

不错。但是我们如何解释十诫中独特的预表元素:应许在迦南地的长寿;附加在第二诫上的咒诅的惩罚;第七天的安息,等等?十诫是专属于圣约的,是亚当的工作之约(有关以色列国的拣选与产业,其考验的本质)在预表上的重新制定,解释了传统的解释所涵盖的一切。它解释了:(1) 十诫为什么看起来主要是“道德”律(因为对亚当的工作之约的重新发布,理应把根源于神的本性的创世伦理核心奉为神圣);以及 (2) 为什么十诫也包含上面提到的预表的元素(因为它是亚当工作之约在预表上的重新发布,以色列长久居住在迦南地,是我们在天上最终的、末世产业的图画)。如此,这就解释了第四诫为何在十诫中是独特的,只有圣约社群才受它的约束。作为工作之约的记号,第四诫理当属于工作之约总结的条列之一。
Good. But how do we then account for the unique typological elements in the Decalogue: the promise of long life in the land; the curse sanction added to the second commandment; the seventh day rest, etc.? The view that the Decalogue is a covenantally specific, typological reenactment of the Adamic covenant of works, pertaining to the probationary nature of Israel's national election and inheritance accounts for everything that the traditional explanation covers, plus the features it can't explain. It explains (1) why the Decalogue seems to be mainly "moral" law (because a republication of the Adamic covenant of works ought to enshrine the core creation ethic rooted in God's nature), and (2) why the Decalogue also contains the typological elements mentioned above (because it is a typological republication of the Adamic covenant of works in which Israel's tenure in the land is a picture of our ultimate, eschatological inheritance in the heavenly places). This then explains why the fourth commandment is unique among the ten commandments in that it is binding only on the covenant community. As the sign of the covenant of works, the fourth commandment rightly belongs amid the stipulations in which the covenant of works is summarily comprehended. [12]

Was the Sabbath in force for the people of God prior to the giving of the Mosaic Law? There is no hint in the books of Genesis or Exodus that the pre-Mosaic covenant community observed (or was required to observe) the Sabbath after the fall. The first mention of the Sabbath after the fall is Exodus 16:22-30, where the Israelites are instructed to gather twice as much manna on the sixth day so that they may keep the Sabbath day holy. The narrative suggests that the people did not previously know or practice the Sabbath, for even after they were instructed not to look for manna on the Sabbath, "some of the people went out to gather, but they found none" (v. 27).

In addition, we may also appeal to broader theological considerations. In Romans 5:12-14, Paul implies that the works principle originally established with Adam before the fall reappeared in the Mosaic economy. "From Adam until Moses" is therefore a distinctive epoch in redemptive history, an epoch governed not by the works principle but by the original gospel promise of Gen. 3:15, subsequently expanded in God's covenantal revelation to Noah and Abraham. Because the seventh-day Sabbath was a covenantal sign of the eschatological advancement offered to Adam in the covenant of works, it would not have been appropriate for the people of God after the fall to observe the Sabbath until the works principle is re-enacted on the typological layer of Israel's retention of the land.

Although the Sabbath sign per se was not given to the covenant community until the coming of the Mosaic Law, the pre-Mosaic people of God did consecrate themselves to God by means of altar worship. We see this from the very beginning: "It came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part, also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions" (Gen. 4:3-4). [13] The godly line were known by this distinctive, that they built altars and called upon the name of the LORD (Gen. 4:26). However, this altar worship seems to have been conducted on an occasional basis, not once a week, or on any other formal cycle. From time to time, the LORD appeared to his servants, or granted them some deliverance, and they would commemorate these occasions by building an altar and offering sacrifices to the LORD (e.g., Gen. 12:7-8; 13:18; 21:33; 26:24-25; 28:20-22; 33:18-20; 35:3, 7).

Comparison with other positions

 A. 威敏思特信仰告白
A. The Westminster Confession

The Westminster Confession XXI:7 states: As it is the law of nature, that, in general, a due proportion of time be set apart for the worship of God; so, in his Word, by a positive, moral and perpetual commandment binding all men in all ages, he hath particularly appointed one day in seven, for a sabbath, to be kept holy unto him: which, from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ, was the last day of the week; and, from the resurrection of Christ, was changed into the first day of the week, which, in Scripture, is called the Lord's day, and is to be continued to the end of the world, as the Christian sabbath.

If the exegesis presented in this paper is correct, the statement that the Sabbath is "a positive, moral and perpetual commandment binding all men in all ages" is not Scriptural. I am of the opinion that the Confession ought to be revised to bring it into line with the Scriptural teaching that the Sabbath is an eschatological sign for the covenant community.

The statement that "it is the law of nature, that, in general, a due proportion of time be set apart for the worship of God" (WCF XXI:7) is true. But the observance of a weekly day of rest is not the same thing as the requirement to set aside time for the worship of God. A weekly day of rest may coincide with the appointed worship of the covenant community, but the Sabbath per se is an eschatological sign containing an express promise of rest to those who are given the sign (Heb. 4:9).

I have no problem with the second half of the above paragraph: "which, from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ, was the last day of the week; and, from the resurrection of Christ, was changed into the first day of the week, which, in Scripture, is called the Lord's day, and is to be continued to the end of the world, as the Christian sabbath." That is a very balanced and biblical statement it seems to me. However, I'm not in complete agreement with all of the exegesis that stands behind that statement. Consider Shorter Catechism question 58:

Q. What is required in the fourth commandment?
A. The fourth commandment requireth the keeping holy to God such set times as he hath appointed in his Word; expressly one whole day in seven, to be a holy sabbath to himself.

According to the Westminster divines, the fourth commandment only sets forth the ratio - "expressly one whole day in seven" is to be kept as a holy Sabbath unto the Lord. But Exodus 20:9-11 clearly requires seventh day observance. The seventh-day Sabbatarians are more faithful exegetes at this point. Although they miss the redemptive historical shift that occurred in the transition from the old covenant to the new, they correctly interpret the fourth commandment itself. The seventh-day Sabbatarians and the first-day Sabbatarians both err, however, in viewing the ten commandments as "a perfect rule of righteousness" binding on all men, including the new covenant people of God. The misguided attempt on the part of first-day Sabbatarians to avoid seventh-day observance in the new covenant age by re-interpreting the fourth commandment as merely setting forth the ratio ought to have pushed them to reconsider the premise that the ten commandments are a summary of the timeless moral law of God.

Perhaps the gravest error in the divines' handling of the fourth commandment is that they seem to suggest that it doesn't make much difference whether the Sabbath is observed on Saturday or Sunday. The implication seems to be that while the day may have changed, the nature of the Sabbath itself has not. The change of day is a superficial matter of outward administration, thus blurring the sharp contrast between the works principle inherent in the old covenant Sabbath (work, then rest) and the faith principle inherent in the new covenant Lord's Day (rest, then work).

In the Puritan view of the Sabbath there is nothing "new" about the new covenant day of rest. It is just the same, old covenant Sabbath, shifted to Sunday. As one who has come to appreciate the redemptive historical nature of the Scriptures, I believe this approach is deficient. A proper redemptive historical consideration of this subject demands that we consider the significance of the change in terms of the epochal transition from the old covenant to the new, from a covenant of works to be kept by Israel, to the covenant of works fulfilled by Christ.

In addition, the Confession tends to reduce the Sabbath command to the issue of the "when" of worship, thus ignoring or downplaying the eschatological significance of the Sabbath. I am not alone is detecting a weakness in the presentation of the Sabbath in the Westminster Standards.

美国正统长老会的总会(OPC General Assembly)安息日委员会的报告同样指出,威敏思特标准缺乏关于安息日之末世意义的教导:
The OPC General Assembly Report of the Committee on Sabbath Matters points out the lack of any teaching on the eschatological significance of the Sabbath:

The weekly Sabbath is an eschatological sign. This truth, central to the teaching of Hebrews 3:7- 4:13 as well as fundamental to the entire biblical revelation concerning the Sabbath, does not find expression in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. The reason for this would appear to be that the Standards mention the Sabbath commandment primarily in terms of its bearing on the more specific matter of public and private worship.

I suspect that this non-eschatological view of the Sabbath is part of the reason why the authors of the Confession thought that the Sabbath was applicable to the unbeliever. If you begin by defining the Sabbath as a day set aside for the worship of God, it makes sense to argue that, since all men are obligated to worship God, they are obligated also to set aside the day in order to fulfill that duty. The medieval, theocratic notion of Christendom that the divines inherited from the magisterial reformers undoubtedly played a role in this thinking. All of society has an obligation to attend public worship. The Sabbath is merely the day when all of society must "shut down" in order to ensure (by means of "blue law" legislation) that public worship is attended by all.

But if the Sabbath is fundamentally a sign of our eschatological rest, with worship being a realized dimension of that eschatological rest, it becomes clear that the Sabbath belongs only to those who are entering that rest by faith. This in turn sharpens our view of what is really taking place in the church's worship. Worship isn't a societal duty grounded in creation, but a covenant meeting of the whole church both militant and triumphant, accompanied by myriads of angels, with the Sabbath-enthroned Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. A sharper distinction between church and society, between the city of God and the city of man, leads to a much more exalted view both of worship and of the Sabbath. Indeed, the Sabbath then becomes a sign of the covenant which distinguishes God's people from the world, demonstrating that the church is a pilgrim people living not for this passing age, but for the glory of the age to come.

B. 欧陆看法
B. The Continental View

Heidelberg Catechism, question 103:

Q. What does God require in the fourth commandment?

A. First, that the ministry of the gospel and Christian education be maintained, and that I diligently attend church, especially on the Lord's day, to hear the Word of God, to participate in the holy Sacraments, to call publicly upon the Lord, and to give Christian service to those in need. Second, that I cease from my evil works all the days of my life, allow the Lord to work in me through his Spirit, and thus begin in this life the eternal Sabbath.

In terms of practice, my view is basically the same, since I want to place the accent on corporate worship. I agree with the continental view that the fundamental duty of the Sabbath command for the New Testament believer is fulfilled by diligently attending church to hear the Word of God and participate in the sacraments. In every passage where the New Testament mentions the Lord's day or the first day of the week, it is always with reference to fellowship with the risen Christ by means of the Word and the sacrament (Luke 24:1, 13-53; John 20:19-29; Acts 10:41; 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2; Rev. 1:10).

In addition to this focus on the centrality of corporate worship in Sabbath sanctification, I also agree with the Continental view in not bringing the new covenant church under the more stringent requirements of the old covenant Sabbath. The Puritan doctrine of the Sabbath includes a strong emphasis on literal resting from labor, recreation, and other cultural activity. The Continental view, by contrast, "spiritualizes" the rest required in the old covenant. It is no longer a literal ceasing from worldly employments and recreations, as in the Puritan Sabbath, but a purely spiritual rest in Christ.

Of course, the Puritans would not have viewed the matter as an either/or proposition, and would have wanted to stress that resting from worldly employments is one means by which we enjoy our spiritual rest in Christ. But I believe the Continental view is partially on the right track in placing the accent and priority on the believer's spiritual rest. This is in keeping with the progression of redemptive history from Israel's life in the land to the new covenant's enjoyment of rest in Christ.

However, the Continental view suffers from a major flaw right at this point: the works from which we are to rest are considered to be our evil works. This is based on a misunderstanding of Heb. 4:10; 9:14; Matt. 11:28-30. The result of this interpretation is that every day is a Sabbath rest in Christ for the Christian. But this makes non-sense out of the Sabbath command.

For the Sabbath ordinance at creation was a resting from things that are lawful on the other six days. Therefore, in spite of my fundamental sympathy for the Continental view, at least as an alternative to the "Mosaicizing" tendency of the Puritan Sabbath, I maintain that there is an aspect of our rest which involves resting from things that are lawful on the other six days. This fits in perfectly with the idea that the Sabbath is a weekly reminder of our eternal rest in the consummation, for the rest that we shall enter at the consummation, and of which the weekly Sabbath is a sign, is not a rest from sin merely (though that is included) but a rest from our pilgrim travails in this present evil age.

Another weakness of the Continental view - in my opinion, this weakness constitutes its ultimate invalidation - is that it fails to appreciate the implications of the Sabbath as a creation ordinance (Gen. 2:2-3; Exod. 20:11). Since the Continental position interprets the Sabbath not as a creation ordinance but as part of the ceremonial law, the Sabbath strictly speaking has been abrogated in the new covenant.

其含意是,主日作为基督徒敬拜的日子只属于教会的权柄。教会大可以选择另外一天,或甚至不同的每周的循环。最终,教会把基督徒的礼拜天设立为敬拜的日子,主要是受这两件事的引导:1) 教会需要有一天来敬拜,以及 2) 需要有一天进行福音与基督教教义的宣导(以“尽我在福音上和学校里的职责”)。
The implication is that the Lord's Day as the day of Christian worship is of ecclesiastical authority only. The church could have chosen another day, or even a different weekly cycle. Ultimately, the church's establishment of the Christian Sunday as a day of worship is guided primarily by the church's need for a day of worship and for the propagation of the gospel and Christian doctrine ("that the ministry of the gospel and Christian education be maintained").

对比之下,我相信因为它是根源于创造的末世指标,在新约中(七日的第一日)守安息日就是圣约的要求。在最早的圣约中所提供的安息日的安息,已经由新约中的第二个亚当,透过祂的复活/升天为我们完成了。教会不只可以,也必须要在一周的第一天把它分别出来敬拜神,进到天上神治的基督的安息(heavenly theocratic Sabbath of Christ),这是圣约所要求的,客旅教会的末世目标之每周的记号。
By contrast, I believe that, because it is an eschatological pointer grounded in creation, observance of the Sabbath in the new covenant (on the first day of the week) is covenantally demanded. The Sabbath rest offered in the primeval covenant has been achieved by the Second Adam in the new covenant via his resurrection/ascension. The church not only may but must set aside the first day of the week for worship in order to enter into the heavenly theocratic Sabbath of Christ, as a covenantally demanded weekly sign of the pilgrim church's eschatological goal.

基督的复活,以及我们与祂一同复活,是永恒中最后安息之确立的形式(inaugurated form)。清教徒的教义,相对于欧陆的看法,正确地指出释经的证据,即摩西之约的安息日追溯到创世的律例,因此正确地显明第四诫不只是仪式性的。欧陆的看法,相对于清教徒的看法,正确地指向释经的证据,即基督徒的安息日主要是在基督里属灵的安息,因此正确地显明主日不只是把摩西之约的安息日调换到一周中另一处。
The resurrection of Christ, and our co-resurrection with him, is the inaugurated form of the final Sabbath in eternity. The Puritan doctrine, as over against the Continental, rightly points to the exegetical evidence that the Mosaic Sabbath reaches back to the creation ordinance, thus correctly demonstrating that the fourth commandment is not merely ceremonial. The Continental view, as over against the Puritan, rightly points to the exegetical evidence that the Christian Sabbath is a primarily spiritual rest in Christ, thus correctly demonstrating that the Lord's Day is not merely the Mosaic Sabbath moved to a different position in the week.

The Puritan view fails to recognize the eschatological significance of the Sabbath, and thus is blind to the dramatic changes that of necessity occur when that eschatology reaches its definitive fulfillment in Christ. The Continental view rightly senses the eschatological significance of the Sabbath, but due to its failure to link that eschatology to the creational covenant of works, the believer's Sabbath rest in Christ is pure "already," untempered by the pilgrim's longing for the "not-yet."

C. 克莱恩教授的看法
C. Professor Meredith Kline

The covenantal-biblical theology of Meredith Kline points the way forward for developing the positive insights of both traditions in order to advance the church's thinking and practice in the area of the Sabbath. All that I have written above is obviously rooted in Kline's basic approach, though I do have some reservations, as will be clear in what follows.

简言之,克莱恩对安息日教义的独特贡献和他对敬拜与文化(cult and culture)的观念有关。克莱恩看到“工作然后休息”的模式是一个神治政体的观念。在这个观念中,我们(在神治政体的背景下)停止文化工作(按:即在安息日不从事文化活动)是为文化工作盖上了戳记,在神治国度的背景中,以末世的取向,即借着最终参与到神永恒的安息日的安息,朝向末世的成全。
In a nutshell, Kline's unique contribution to the doctrine of the Sabbath relates to his conception of cult and culture. Kline sees the pattern of "work followed by rest" as a theocratic concept, wherein one's resting from cultural labors stamps that cultural labor, within a theocratic context, as eschatologically oriented, that is, as bound for eschatological consummation by means of ultimate participation in the eternal Sabbath rest of God.

很显然地,这只适用于堕落以前,以及摩西的神治国家。如今,在教会时代,所有的文化活动是普遍恩典领域的一部分,不再具有末世的取向。从我们的文化工作中安息(在主日停止文化工作),标示出普遍恩典的活动。这些活动在主再来时,连同安息日完满成全(Sabbatical consummation)的伪记号,注定会一起消亡。
Obviously this applied only in the pre-fall theocracy and the Mosaic theocracy. Now, in the church age, all cultural activity is part of the common grace arena and is no longer eschatologically oriented. To rest from one's cultural labors now would be to mark common grace activity, which is destined to perish at the parousia, with the false sign of Sabbatical consummation.

This does not mean, however, that the church has no theocratic dimension in her experience. Rather, the theocratic Kingdom has been transferred to heaven where Christ is, enthroned in heaven in his royal Sabbath rest. Because the church enters that heavenly theocratic realm by means of corporate worship, the rest aspect of the NT Sabbath occurs only during that time of worship. As Kline writes:


Moreover, since the Sabbath is a sign of sanctification marking that which receives its imprint as belonging to God's holy kingdom with promise of consummation, the Sabbath will have relevance and application at any given epoch of redemptive history only in the holy dimension(s) of the life of the covenant people. Thus, after the Fall, not only will the Sabbath pertain exclusively to the covenant community as a holy people called out of the profane world, but even for them the Sabbath will find expression, in a nontheocratic situation, only where they are convoked in covenant assembly, as the ekklesia-extension of the heavenly assembly of God's Sabbath enthronement. That is, Sabbath observance will have to do only with their holy cultic (but not their common cultural) activity. [14]

克莱恩把安息日视为末世的“印记”(stamp)。无论你从何事上安息,它们就被盖上“属天”的印记。在神治国家中,敬拜和文化都是圣洁的,都是属天的,都命定要进入末世的完满成全(当然,在摩西的神治国家中,这个命定只是预表性的——和堕落前的神治国家不同)。但是今天我们不再生活在神治国家,文化不再是圣洁的,而是属于公共的领域。因此,从文化活动中安息,就是不恰当地为它盖上属天的标记。这是要把普遍恩典界(common grace order)加以圣化。
Kline views the Sabbath as an eschatological "stamp." Whatever you rest from becomes stamped with the label "heaven-bound." In a theocracy, both cult and culture are holy, heaven-bound, destined for eschatological consummation (of course, in the Mosaic theocracy, this destination was typological only - in contrast with the pre-fall theocratic order). But we no longer live in a theocracy - culture is no longer holy but common. Therefore, to rest from cultural activity would be to stamp it inappropriately with the heaven-bound label. It would be to sacralize the common grace order.

However, Kline recognizes that the Sabbath is a creation ordinance and therefore must have some continuity in our current non-theocratic context. So for Kline the Sabbath is kept today only during the gathering of the covenant community when it ascends into the heavenly realized theocracy during the formal worship service. Whatever one does outside that context on the Lord's Day is common grace activity and is acceptable as long as it doesn't interfere with one's duty to attend church. In the church age, only cultic activity is holy, or heaven-bound. Cultural activity is common, destined for destruction not consummation.

I am in complete agreement with Kline's interpretation of the function of the Sabbath as a sign of the covenant, thus limiting its observance to the covenant community. I also agree with his theocratic analysis of the Sabbath in the pre-fall and Mosaic economies. But I have reservations about his exclusive application of the new covenant Sabbath sign to the cultic activity of the assembled church. The implication seems to be that our Sabbath duties are exhaustively fulfilled by attending corporate worship. Furthermore, not only are Christians permitted to engage in cultural activity on the Lord's Day outside of public worship, they are positively required to do so.

For to rest from cultural activity on the Lord's Day would be to place the holy stamp of eschatological consummation upon non-holy cultural activity, thus profaning the Sabbath. Ironically, those whose Sabbath practice is more in line with the Puritan approach of resting all the day from "worldly employments and recreations" are the greatest violators of the Sabbath, and are theoretically subject to church discipline.

我怀疑克莱恩会想看到他的看法以这种严厉僵化的管教,被这样在教会里推行。 但是即使严格守安息日者被允许有这种自由,可以根据他们的良心之光,实践清教徒的安息日,说在主日从文化活动中安息是有罪的,这仍是错误的。我要避免的是把重担放在神的子民身上——无论是严格的守安息日者担不起的轭,说我们必须停止所有的文化活动,或者把克莱恩的释经洞见作生硬的应用,把教会从摩西律法的安息日所得的释放,扭曲成一种新的律法主义,要求我们必须在主日参与文化活动。
I doubt that Kline would want to see his view implemented in our churches with such unyielding disciplinary rigor. But even if strict Sabbatarians are permitted the freedom to practice the Puritan Sabbath according to the light of their conscience, it still does not ring true to say that resting from cultural activity on the Lord's Day is sinful. I want to avoid laying heavy burdens upon God's people - whether it be the intolerable yoke of the strict Sabbatarians who say that we must rest from any and all cultural activity, or an inflexible application of Kline's exegetical insights in which the church's freedom from the Mosaic Sabbath is distorted into a new legalism requiring that we engage in cultural activity on the Lord's Day.

Is it possible to avoid such inflexible applications and still remain true to Kline's basic insights? I believe so. In order to accomplish this Kline's doctrine of the Sabbath needs to be re-tooled at two points.

First, Kline's strict identification of the Sabbath as a theocratic sign needs to be fine tuned. A theocratic interpretation is valid when we are dealing with the Sabbath as it existed in the pre-fall and Mosaic economies. The Sabbath structure of Gen. 1:1-2:3 (the framework of the two triads of days culminating in the seventh day of the Creator's Sabbath enthronement) shows that the Sabbath functioned to mark the theocratic situation - Adam's cultural work would have led to glory. But when Kline then applies this premise to the church's current non-theocratic situation, he assumes that the Sabbath must have the same function there, and so he proceeds to look for the one area in the non-theocratic context that is theocratic and finds it in the church's access in worship to the heavenly (theocratic) realm.

注意当克莱恩把安息日的记号应用到教会的敬拜活动时,就失去了它“盖上戳记”(stamping)的功能。因为当教会参与其集体敬拜的活动时,它会停止什么工作呢(what is the church rest from)?这是个含糊其词的问题。“安息日”这个词被用来指两件非常不同的事:在堕落前和摩西之约所要求的第七日的安息;以及新约七日的第一日。当它被用来指堕落前和摩西之约的第七日的安息时,每周安息日的安息显然就具有戳印的功能。弥赛亚之前的安息日(无论是堕落前或摩西的安息日)所具有的戳印功能,与圣约群体展望末世的立场是紧紧相连的。
Notice that the Sabbath sign, when applied by Kline to the cultic activity of the church, loses its "stamping" function. For what is the church resting from, when it engages in its corporate cultic activity of worship? The problem here is one of equivocation. The term "Sabbath" is being used in reference to two very different things: the seventh day of rest required in the pre-fall and Mosaic covenants, and the first day of the new covenant. When applied to the seventh day of rest in the pre-fall and Mosaic covenants, the weekly Sabbath rest clearly possesses a stamping function. The stamping function of the pre-Messianic Sabbath was bound up with the eschatologically forward-looking position of the covenant community (whether pre-fall or Mosaic).

By contrast, the weekly observance of a day of rest in the new covenant is not a type of the eschatological Sabbath rest to come, but a "sacrament" of the rest presently realized by the Sabbath-enthroned Christ in heaven. By means of the resurrection of Christ as our federal head, the people of God have already begun to enjoy the eschatological Sabbath rest itself, of which the weekly observance of a day of rest in the old covenant was but a type.


When applied to the first day remembrance of the resurrection of Christ in the new covenant, there is nothing to stamp because the eschatological goal has already been achieved. Thus, it is not necessary for Kline to restrict the weekly sign to the church's cultic activity as if, unrestricted, the sign might otherwise stamp believers' cultural activity as bound for eschatological consummation. Kline's equivocal use of the term "Sabbath" hides the fact that the sign has changed to the first day of the week. Its placement at the beginning of the week before the cultural activity of the other six days, is sufficient evidence that the cultural stamping function has dropped away in the new covenant.

第二,克莱恩的思路似乎是预设了一个化约主义者的教会论。新约教会的敬拜活动是“ekklesia -天上集会的延伸”,克莱恩是否采取了这样看法,即只有当地方教会为敬拜而聚集在一起,以参与希伯来书1222-24提到的天上的总会(ekklesia)时,才组成了教会(ekklesia)呢?
Second, Kline's approach seems to presuppose a reductionistic ecclesiology. By referring to the cultic activity of the new covenant church as "the ekklesia-extension of the heavenly assembly," is Kline adopting the view that the ekklesia is constituted only when the local congregation is gathered together for worship to participate in the heavenly ekklesia of Hebrews 12:22-24? [15]

这个观点虽然吸引了许多圣经神学家,但是它是公理会的立场,因为它否认“教会”这个标签也适用于教会其他可见的表现。例如地区性的教会或甚至是普世的有形教会。(注16)克里斯?贾尔斯(Kevin Giles)曾为此论题辩护说,在新约圣经里,ekklesia最常用来指基督徒的社群,无论是一个特定的地区或整个世界,不必然是指当他们聚集在一起敬拜的时候。(注17

While attractive to many biblical theologians, this view is implicitly congregational, since it denies the label "church" to other visible manifestations of the church, such as the regional church or even the universal visible church. [16] Kevin Giles has defended the thesis that in the NT ekklesia most often refers to a community of Christians, whether in a given locality or throughout the world, and not necessarily only when they are assembled together for worship. [17]

What is the relevance of this foray into ecclesiology for Kline's distinctive view of the Sabbath? Kline argues that in the current non-theocratic epoch, the Sabbath finds expression only when the congregation is convoked together in its cultic activity, since that is the only "theocratic moment" in the church's life prior to the consummation. But if the church is seated with her theocratic King in the heavenly places even when not formally gathered for worship, then the theocratic dimension cannot be restricted to the cultic dimension. The following texts seem to suggest that the church's theocratic identity in Christ is not temporally limited to times of formal worship.

Believers presently "reign in life" by virtue of federal union with the second Adam (Rom. 5:17), are "seated with him in the heavenly places" (Eph. 2:6), and are "a kingdom of priests" who presently "reign with Christ" in heaven during the church age (Rev. 1:6; 20:4), a foretaste of their future "reign upon the earth" after the judgment (Rev. 5:10).

把这两个修正放在一起,似乎新约的安息日即使在神的子民的非敬拜(文化)的活动中,也有其适切性。安息日的记号,在其新约的形式中(主日),已经被安置在教会身上,其国度的存在模式是半末世性的神治国度。作为半末世性的神治国度,教会的神治国度层面与“已经到来”的奥秘,和她被高举的神治国度君王 “尚未完全”执掌王权的特色是紧密相连的。现在,教会与基督一同坐在天上,作为国度的祭司,与他一起执掌王权。这个神治国度掌权在地上、可见的彰显(以及教会参与其中),正在等候祂再来时的未来成全。当我们耐心等候基督国度在新天新地有形的彰显时,主日每周的记号提醒我们,我们的文化活动无法把国度带到它成全圆满的荣耀与丰满。在七日的第一日休息,然后在一周中剩余的日子从事文化活动,正是这点的明证。借着在我们的工作周的一开始就先安息,我们承认未来的末世国度的安息已经在原则上由第二个亚当完成了,祂一个人会把文化使命带到其有形的神治国度的应验。
Taking these two modifications together, it appears that the new covenant day of rest may have some relevance even in the non-cultic (i.e., cultural) activities of God's people. The Sabbath sign, in its new covenant form (the Lord's Day), has been placed upon the church, whose mode of kingdom existence is a semi-eschatological theocracy. As a semi-eschatological theocracy, the church's theocratic dimension is bound up with the mystery of the "already" and "not-yet" character of the reign of her exalted theocratic King. Presently, the church is seated with Christ in the heavenly places, reigning with him as a kingdom of priests. The earthly, visible manifestation of Christ's theocratic reign (and the church's participation therein) awaits future consummation at his second coming. While we patiently wait for the visible manifestation of Christ's kingdom in the new creation, the weekly sign of the Lord's Day reminds us that our cultural activity cannot bring the kingdom to its consummation glory and fullness. Resting on the first day of the week before we go about our cultural activity during the remainder of the week is the decisive proof of this. By resting at the beginning of our work-week, we confess that the future eschatological kingdom-rest has already been achieved in principle by the second Adam who alone will bring the cultural mandate to its visible theocratic fulfillment in the "not-yet."

新约信徒可以每周从他们在世上的劳苦中休息,作为他们末日成全的安息之半末世、半神治国度的记号(semi-eschatological, semitheocratic sign of the consummation),即便他们不在正式集体聚会之时。正在流浪中的神的子民,在主日从他们一般(公共)的文化工作中暂时休息是合宜的,为的是表达他们承认这些努力都是虚空的,也在复活中激起他们的盼望,到那时,他们会永远从客旅的劳苦中安息,进入基督完美的安息里。每个主日,神邀请我们从无止境的劳苦与工作中安息,这些劳苦与工作因为堕落成为“虚空的虚空”,无法得到神的的祝福(林前1558)。借着从文化活动中休息,我们安息在基督作为第二个亚当的文化活动中。
New covenant believers may rest weekly from their worldly toil, as a semi-eschatological, semitheocratic [18] sign of the consummation of their rest, even when not formally assembled corporately. It is proper for the wandering people of God to take time out from their common cultural endeavors on the Lord's Day in order to express their recognition of the vanity of those endeavors, and to stir up their hope in the resurrection when they will rest once for all from their pilgrim toil and enter into the perfect rest of Christ. Every Lord's Day we are invited to rest from our ceaseless toil and labor, which because of the fall is "vanity of vanities" and cannot receive the blessing of eschatological consummation (although some of it may receive the blessing of divine reward - 1 Cor. 15:58). By resting from our cultural activity we rest in Christ's cultural activity as the second Adam.

This does not mean that no common cultural activity whatsoever is permissible on the Lord's Day. I can think of many cultural activities that could be appropriate on that day if they were enjoyed in a spiritually restful frame of mind. Such permission is granted in the new covenant because the Lord's Day is semi-theocratic outside of the worship of the assembly. In a theocratic order, all cultural activity is rigidly excluded on the Sabbath due to the eschatological significance of the resting from it as a way of "stamping" it as heaven-bound.


 Hence the extreme judgment on the Sabbath breaker in Numbers 15:32-36. In a semi-theocratic situation, cultural activity is not so rigidly excluded on pain of death. The need to rest from toilsome cultural activity remains, not as an absolute requirement, but in the interests of promoting spiritual rest in Christ. Since this rest is spiritual and internal, the question of what types of outward activities one may engage in on the Sabbath recedes into the background, as long as worship is attended and the rest of heaven is tasted. Though the cultural labors of semi-theocratic pilgrims are not heaven-bound, pilgrims do need to stop from time to time and remind themselves that they are heaven-bound.

In sum, my view of the Sabbath is deeply influenced by Kline's. We agree that the Sabbath is a sign of eschatological rest, and that it is therefore given only to the covenant community. We also agree that in both the pre-fall and Mosaic theocracies, the Sabbath served as a sign to stamp cultural activity as bound for the eschatological Sabbath consummation. Kline speaks of this as the Sabbath sign's theocratic stamping function. Where we differ is whether this stamping function continues in the new covenant. In my view, the Sabbath is primarily an eschatological sign, and only secondarily a theocratic stamp. The function of the Sabbath as an eschatological sign continues in the new covenant, while its function as a theocratic stamp drops away with the change of day.

What difference does this make practically in terms of how we think the Lord's Day ought to be observed? It seems to boil down to this. Since Kline thinks the stamping function continues in the new covenant, the Sabbath is observed exclusively during corporate worship, placing the remaining hours of the day outside of worship in the same status as the other non-holy days of the week. In my view, the Sabbath is observed primarily during corporate worship, and the remaining hours of the day are to be kept holy by maintaining a spiritually restful frame of mind, and by resting from toilsome cultural activity - though allowing liberty for some cultural activity within the limits of the twofold test stated in thesis 14 above. For Kline, the new covenant Sabbath is exclusively cultic. I agree that the cultic dimension is primary, but since it is an eschatological sign, it seems to me that there is also a secondary cultural aspect to our weekly rest as pilgrims "on the way."