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為了維系信徒才有的屬靈與屬天的生命上帝賜給我們從天上降下的生命之糧就是耶穌基督。當信徒吃喝祂,也就是藉著聖靈所賜給的信心領受祂(編按:世上的有形的餅來表征 衪的身體,用酒來表征衪的寶血)的時候,祂就滋養並堅固他們屬靈的生命。
To maintain the spiritual and heavenly life that belongs to believers he has sent a living bread that came down from heaven: namely Jesus Christ, who nourishes and maintains the spiritual life of believers when eaten– that is, when appropriated and received spiritually by faith.

《比利時信條》,第三十五條 我們的主耶穌基督的聖餐,王志勇譯
Belgic Confession Article 35: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper