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作者/摘錄/譯者: Gresham Machen/ Shane Lems/誠之


若沒有上帝的救贖行動,詩篇作者和先知們一切高貴的理想、耶穌所有的教訓和榜樣,還有什麼用處呢?它們只能帶給我們絕望。我們基督徒關心的,不僅僅是上帝命令我們作什麼,我們更關心上帝在過去成就了什麼;我們關心的是一個凱旋的事實陳述;我們的救恩完全要倚靠歷史;聖經本身包含了這個歷史,而除非這個歷史是真實的,否則聖經就失去了權威,而我們這些相信聖經的人就失去了盼望。 (J. Gresham Machen, The Virgin Birth of Christ [New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1932], 385).

“It seems never to have occurred to the adherents of this religion [an imitation of Jesus religion] that there is such a thing as sin, and that sin places an awful gulf between man and God.  But those convictions, though they are unpopular at the present time, are certainly quite central in the Christian religion.  From the beginning Christianity was the religion of the broken heart; it is based upon the conviction that there is an awful gulf between man and God which none but God can bridge.  The Bible tells us how this gulf was bridged; and that means the Bible is a record of facts.”

Of what avail, without the redeeming acts of God, are all the lofty ideals of Psalmists and Prophets, all the teaching and example of Jesus?  In themselves they can bring us nothing but despair.  We Christians are not interested merely in what God commands, but also in what God did; in a triumphant indicative; our salvation depends squarely upon history; the Bible contains that history, and unless that history is true the authority of the Bible is gone and we who have put our trust in the Bible are without hope”  (J. Gresham Machen, The Virgin Birth of Christ [New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1932], 385). http://www.wtsbooks.com/virgin-birth-of-christ-gresham-machen-9780227676301?utm_source=slems&utm_medium=blogpartners