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作者: Edmund Clowney  譯者:   Maria Marta

小碧玉印章上雕刻著一只怒吼橫臥的獅子,上面還有一行古希伯來字的銘刻:「屬耶羅波安的仆人示馬」。這枚精致的碧玉印章在米吉多這個聖經事蹟的地方出土,它曾經是公元前785743年以色列國王耶羅波安二世的一個王室侍從的所有物(王下十四2329)。示瑪可能為他的獅子印章感到自豪,但對他來說這枚印章不是一塊裝飾玉石。相反,它是他的一件日常用品。在黏土或蠟上壓印,其戳印標志著他的所有權與權力。他會在新泥土封蓋的酒甕上蓋上他的印章; 他也會在購買契約或結婚契約上蓋章。他的印章充當他的簽名。


使徒保羅捕捉到了這一形像,用以描述上帝的印記:「信了基督,就在他裡面受了所應許的聖靈作為印記。這聖靈是我們得基業的憑據,直到 神的產業得贖,使他的榮耀得著頌讚。」(弗一13b14新譯本)。




我們屬於上帝,因為祂創造我們:「我們是他造的,也是屬他的」(詩一零零3)。凱撒有特權,拥有印有其頭象的硬幣;我們烙有上帝形象的印記,我們屬於上帝所有。但還有更多,其它更多要說的。作為悖逆者,我們利用上帝在我們身上烙上的形象的榮耀。由於亞當的罪,上帝形象的承載者變成上帝的敵人。人擁有了上帝之後又失去上帝? 不,上帝藉著耶穌基督為自己買贖屬自己的人:「我們在他愛子裡,藉著他的血蒙了救贖,過犯得到赦免。」(弗一7新譯本)






如果你的信用良好,汽車銷售員會很樂意安排一筆貸款,資助你購買。但你肯定他亦會要求你先付一筆頭期款。頭期款是總價當中的金額,是要提前支付的一部分金額。這是保羅描繪的圖畫。天堂本身供應的福分沒有大得過個人與上帝的團契交通。藉著上帝,聖靈的同在,這正是現在帶給教會,帶給你的福分。在我們與耶穌基督的聯合裡,我們「在他裡面也一同被建造,成為 神藉著聖靈居住的所在。」(弗二22 舊約的會幕充滿上帝榮耀的雲彩,起初新約的會幕是被聖靈充滿的耶穌基督的物質身體,現在被聖靈充滿的耶穌基督的教會也是祂的身體。上帝的頭期款是這世上的上帝的榮耀。


當上帝賜給我們祂自己作訂金時,祂賜給我們祂的愛的確據。「盼望是不會令人蒙羞的,因為 神藉著所賜給我們的聖靈,把他的愛澆灌在我們的心裡。」(羅五5新譯本) 當我們還是上帝的敵人時,基督為我們死,上帝對我們的愛就在此顯明了。那麼,誰又能把我們與耶穌基督的愛分開?愛的印記在祂的恩典之心与大能的臂上,因此愛比死亡更堅強(雅八6)。

本文原刊於Tabletalk雜誌May 1st, 1992

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克羅尼 Edmund Clowney 1917-2005

克羅尼於1966年至1984年擔任費城西敏神學院院長。在他的帶領下,全力發揚聖經神學、預設派護教學、聖經輔導等改革宗的特色。當時的西敏神學院教師群中,與克羅尼最熟的一位年輕教師,就是日後牧養紐約最大教會的牧師提摩太•凱勒(Timothy Keller)。常常與克羅尼一起禱告的凱勒說,克羅尼是他的靈性導師,教導他如何牧會、如何講道。

克羅尼是一位極富同情心的輔導,總是希望能幫助人把福音信息應用在生命中。他是耶穌基督熱心的僕人,熱愛祂的聖道與教會。他特別重視和睦與合一的工作,是一位有遠見、有異象的領袖。他熱心投入許多的福音事工,包括法國改革宗神學院、加州西敏神學院、三一教會(Trinity Church, Charlotteville),洛桑福音大會、美國與英國校園福音團契(InterVarsity),費城的都市宣教研究中心(Center for Urban Theological Studies)。他也喜愛研發兒童主日學與讀經夏令會的教材。

他最大的貢獻之一,就是以身作則地推廣救贖歷史(以基督為中心)的講道法。他對聖經熟悉到一個地步,可以把整本聖經串連起來,透過當日的證道經文,使聽眾看見基督一切的榮美,因而被吸引到救贖主的面前,愛祂、敬拜祂。克羅尼認為,能在神的百姓面前傳講神的話語,是極大的榮幸。一段經文,不論講過幾次,他總是苦心、徹底地再次研讀該段經文,好使他在講台上能清楚、正確地呈現出基督和祂的道。他也是一位孜孜不倦的重要作家,他的小書《天命與你》,感動了許多年輕人獻身作傳道人。他過世的前幾天,在神的保守下,寫完了《耶穌如何更新了十誡》(How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandents)這本重要作品。


The Holy Spirit as Seal and Pledge
by Edmund Clowney

The figure of a roaring lion stretches across the little jasper seal. In ancient Hebrew letters it bears the inscription, “Belonging to Shema, servant of Jeroboam.” Recovered from the biblical site of Megiddo, the stamp seal was once the property of an official of Jeroboam II, king of Israel, 785–743 B.C. (2 Kings 14:23– 29). Shema may have been proud of his lion-seal, but for him it was not a decorative gemstone. Rather, he put it to daily use. Pressed on clay or wax it marked his ownership and authority. Wine jars, stoppered with fresh clay, would bear the stamp of his seal. He could seal a deed of purchase or a marriage contract; his stamp could serve as his signature.

Seals and sealing are often spoken of in the Old Testament: Queen Jezebel used Ahab’s seal to order a conspiracy against the life of Naboth (1 Kings 21:8); Queen Esther delivered the Jews when she was permitted to prepare a royal decree and seal it with the king’s ring—“for no document written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring can be revoked” (Esther 8:8).

The apostle Paul grasped this image to describe the sealing of the Lord: “Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13b–14).

God’s seal is not, like the great seal of the United States, an emblem to be impressed on paper. God’s seal is His Holy Spirit, who is God Himself present with His people. To be sure, God has given us also outward signs and seals of His ownership. In baptism God seals us by giving us His name; in the Lord’s Supper we have the spiritual seal of His presence in the sacrament. Even these seals have a power beyond the outward sign: the reality of God’s presence provides the blessing. But God gives a seal that is even more than these gifts of blessing. His final seal is the gift of Himself.

By sealing us in person, God both claims us and gives us claim on Him. The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost to possess the new people of God; at the same time, He gave Himself to be their possession, their inheritance.

I. The Spirit Is God’s Seal

We belong to God because He created us: “It is He who made us, and we are His” (Psalm 100:3). The coin stamped with Caesar’s image could be claimed by Caesar; stamped with God’s image, we belong to Him. But there is more, much more. As rebels we exploited the very glory of the image God stamped on us. Through Adam’s sin, God’s image-bearers became His enemies. Had God, then, lost His possession? No, for God has bought back His people for Himself through Christ: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7).

Here is the incredible mystery that Paul celebrates in Ephesians. God not only defeats our rebellion to claim us again as His; He draws us even closer to Himself than His creation could make us. We are brought closer than Adam, for we are united to Jesus Christ, God’s own Son. We who were far off in sin are brought near, nearer than the cherubim beside the throne, as near as God’s Son, our Savior.

God had planned it that way from the beginning. He chose us in Christ before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). God’s people are God’s treasure (Exodus 19:5). God gave Israel an inheritance, but He took Israel as His inheritance: “The Lord’s portion is His people” (Deuteronomy 4:20; 32:9). How does the Lord mark us as His possession in Christ? By the Spirit of Christ in our hearts. We dare not underrate the meaning of the coming of the Spirit, as though after the Ascension the church had lost Jesus. Jesus said that He would not leave us orphans, but would come to us (John 14:18). He breathed His Spirit on the disciples after the Resurrection; He came in His Spirit from the throne of glory at Pentecost. Yes, Jesus will come again, when every eye will see Him, but we are not now bereft of our Lord. He told us that it was better that He should go away so that the Spirit might come (John 16:7), not because the Spirit is better than He, but because by the Spirit both the Son and the Father are also present in our hearts. In Ephesians, Paul speaks of the filling of the Spirit, the filling of Christ, and the filling of God (Ephesians 5:18; 1:23; 4:13; 3:19). These are not distinct acts of filling. To be full of the Spirit is to be full of Jesus, to be filled with all the fullness of God.

When we think of seals, we may picture the seal on a bottle of Tylenol. The elaborate sealing developed for that and similar products came after the deadly results of criminal tampering with the contents. God’s sealing also protects against tampering. The Spirit is our shield and guardian. The Lord knows and keeps those who are His (2 Timothy 2:19; John 10:27–28). God’s people are sealed with the living God (Revelation 7:2, 4; 9:4). The Spirit as our seal keeps us personally, not mechanically. He keeps us for our inheritance by keeping us believing (1 Peter 1:5–7). We may grieve the Spirit of God by whom we are kept till the day of redemption, and the Spirit may chastise us; He will certainly prove our faith through fiery trials, but always with the purpose of presenting us at last to God.

II. The Spirit Is Our Seal

By being present in the Spirit, God not only claims us for Himself, He also gives us claim on Him. The Spirit certifies His promise, His pledge to us. Indeed, the Spirit is God’s keeping of His promise. God’s deed of purchase is sealed to the day of redemption, not merely by an outward sign (as circumcision was a seal of Abraham’s faith [Romans 4:11]) but by the keeping of the “promise of the Father” as Jesus said (Acts 2:22, 33). The coming of the Spirit is the blessing promised to Abraham (Galatians 3:14). Paul therefore speaks of the Spirit as God’s “down payment” on full and final salvation.

If your credit is good, a car salesman may be happy to arrange a loan to fund your purchase. But you may be sure that he will also demand a down payment. The down payment is in the currency of the final payment; some of that final payout is made up front. That is the picture Paul gives. Heaven itself offers no blessing greater than that of personal fellowship with the Lord. That is precisely the blessing now brought to the church, to you, by the presence of the Lord, the Spirit. In our union with Christ we are “being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22). The Old Testament tabernacle was filled with the cloud of God’s glory; the New Testament tabernacle is first the physical body of Jesus Christ, who was filled with the Spirit, and now is also the body of Christ, His church, which the Spirit fills with Jesus. God’s down payment is the glory of the Lord begun here below.

Because God gives us the seal of His presence in the Spirit of His Son, we cry, “Abba, Father!” (Galatians 4:6). We use the very word our Savior used, for we have received the claim of Christ’s Sonship. In death we are given the Spirit of life; in error, the Spirit of truth; in corruption, the Spirit of glory.

In giving us the deposit of Himself, God gives us the assurance of His love. “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us” (Romans 5:5). The love that God has for us is the love that He showed when we were His enemies and Christ died for us. Who, then, shall separate us from the love of Christ? The seal of love is on His heart of grace and His arm of power, love that is stronger than death (Song of Songs 8:6).