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作者: Monergism 譯者: 駱鴻銘

主後1515年,馬丁路德拒絕了盤踞中世紀主流的「四重釋經法」(four-fold hermeneutic;見譯註)的闡釋。這種釋經法導致了十分牽强的對聖經的寓意解釋(allegory),把聖經的詮釋完全交在專家的手裏,只有他們有能力猜出聖經經文真正要說的一些奧秘的事。這最終引發了偉大的新教宗教改革,也因此,宗教改革最基本的可以說是一場由釋經學所引發的戰爭。爲了取代寓意解經,路德提出了一個他稱之爲“文法-歷史” (grammatical-historical)的釋經法。
In 1515 AD, Martin Luther rejected the elaborate four-fold hermeneutic that had been predominant throughout the Medieval centuries, and which led to some very far-fetched allegorizing of the bible, leaving scriptural interpretation in the hands of the experts, who alone were capable of figuring out the secret things that bible passages really meant. This would eventually lead to the great Protestant Reformation, which is therefore, most fundamentally, a hermeneutically-driven struggle. In place of this allegorical hermeneutic, Luther proposed what he termed a “grammatical-historical” hermeneutic.

According to Luther's new hermeneutic, which was actually just the recovered hermeneutic of the earliest Church Fathers, each bible passage had one basic meaning, which was firmly rooted in historical truth, and related accurately according to the common principles of human language. Thus, it was “historical,” relating real, interconnected historical events, that must be acknowledged and understood before the various teachings of the bible could make sense or have application; and “grammatical,” using language the way any normal person would. This grammatical-historical hermeneutic is absolutely vital, for it tethers the truth of the scriptures to real, historical events, that have a real impact on our life; and it gives us a way to study the scriptures with confidence, according to well-established dictates of human language.
