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作者:Adriel Sanchez   譯者:駱鴻銘

身為一位牧師,我和那些曾經被宗教領袖傷害過的人,有過無數次的談話。我們都希望像欺壓、腐敗、操縱這樣的字眼不會被用來描述教會的領袖,但是很不幸,事實並非如此。假若你曾經受過傷也因為這個痛苦的經驗轉離了基督信仰基於三個理由我懇求你重新考慮你的回應。As a pastor, Ive had countless conversations with people hurt by religious authority. One would hope that words like coercive, corrupt, and manipulative would never be used to describe church leadership, but sadly that’s not the case. If you’re one of the wounded and you have turned your back on Christianity due to the experience, I want to plead with you to reconsider your response for three reasons:

1.  耶穌仍然與教會同在1. Jesus is still with the church.

A few years ago, I got into a conversation with a man whom I met at a café. When I told him I was a pastor, he was eager to enumerate all of the problems he had seen in churches. They don’t care for the poor like they should; so many pastors only talk about money; churches are filled with hypocrites; and so forth. After a few more critical comments, he ended, “None of the churches today look to me like Jesus did in the Bible. That’s why I don’t go to church.” I smiled and told him I agreed with much of his assessment. I suspect he thought I too might leave the church after having heard his grievances! Instead, I replied, “You see all the church’s problems, and you use that as a justification to leave her. Do you know what’s so beautiful about Jesus? (I got a blank stare at this point!) Jesus sees how messed up the church is, and he still has not abandoned her!”

耶穌應許祂要建造祂的教會太十六18),並且會幫助教會度過難關直到這個工程完成為止太廿八20。個別的基督教會也許會變得腐敗、隨流失去(啟二5),但是耶穌有一天會把整個教會當作純潔、美麗、妝飾過的新婦,獻給自己(弗五27)。 假使某個教會的領袖曾經虐待過你請不要因此使你不再能經歷到真正基督徒群體的榮美。Jesus promised he would build his church (Matt. 16:18) and see the project through (Matt. 28:20). Individual Christian churches can become corrupt and fall away (Rev. 2:5), but Jesus will one day present the whole church to himself as a pure, beautifully adorned bride (Eph. 5:27). If the leadership of a particular church has abused you, please don’t let that keep you from experiencing the beauty of true Christian community.

當基督徒聚在一起聆聽基督的話並且按照基督的吩咐來敬拜祂祂就會在他們當中。是的,我們不是完美的,但是請想像,就算祂的子民有許多污點,耶穌仍然與他們會面,這會讓我們看到耶穌有多麼愛祂的子民。耶穌要邀請你經歷的也是這樣的愛,這也是對受傷者和所有的人的邀請。你再怎麼努力,也無法比耶穌更認識教會。若耶穌不曾背棄教會,那麼,你也不該如此。When Christians gather to hear Christs Word and worship the way he intended them to, he is present among them. Yes, we’re imperfect, but imagine how much Jesus must love his people to continue to meet with them despite their blemishes. It’s that same love that Jesus offers you, wounds and all. If Jesus, who knows the church far better than you ever could, has not turned his back on her, then neither should you.

2. 沒有人像耶穌那樣明白你的掙扎2. Jesus understands your struggle like no one else.

Did you know that no one can relate to your horrible experience like Jesus can? When Jesus was on earth, religious authorities constantly mistreated him. They mocked his mother, suggesting that she slept around (John 8:41); accused him of performing his miracles by the power of Satan (Matt. 12:24); ridiculed the company he kept (Matt. 11:19); lied about him (Mark 14:57–58); and condemned him (Mark 14:64). When Jesus was at his most vulnerable point, shamefully crucified, the religious leaders continued mocking him. “He saved others; he cannot save himself!” (Mark 15:31). No person has endured more violent abuse at the hands of “church leaders” than Jesus did, and because of that he can comfort you like no one else can. Other people may be unaware of what you’ve had to endure, but Jesus isn’t. He has wounds too (Rev. 5:6) and promises that through his suffering you can find healing (Isa. 53:5).

3. 耶穌如今使用忠心的教會領袖來堅固你3. Jesus uses faithful church leaders to strengthen you.

你也許很難相信這點,因為在過去,教會對你作的事情就是傷害你。但是請思考使徒保羅所說的耶穌把教會領袖賜給我們的原因This may be especially difficult for you to believe, since in the past the church has only hurt you. But consider the reason for which the apostle Paul said Jesus gave us church leaders:

祂所賜的有使徒有先知有傳福音的有牧師和教師 為要成全聖徒各盡其職*建立基督的身體*弗四1112強調是另加的And he [Jesus] gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ. (Eph. 4:11–12; italics added)

基督給我們牧師和教師是為了要在信仰上建立我們而不是要剝削我們另一個使徒彼得也談到這個議題他鼓勵某個教會的長老們Christ gave us pastors and teachers to build us up in the faith, not to exploit us! Another apostle, Peter, touched on this when he encouraged the elders of one particular church:

務要牧養在你們中間神的群羊按著神旨意照管他們不是出於勉強乃是出於甘心也不是因為貪財乃是出於樂意也不是轄制所託付你們的乃是作群羊的榜樣。彼前五23Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; and not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” (1 Pet. 5:2–3; italics added)

耶穌基督是我們的大牧人祂已經為你捨命。祂奉獻了一切好叫你能永遠與祂在榮耀裏同活。在這之後,祂也賜給你願意順服基督帶領的牧師,照顧你屬靈的健康。去尋找一個有忠心牧者的教會吧!這樣的牧者關心的不是他自己的得利,而是你屬靈的成長;他會持續不斷地引領你到耶穌和祂的道那裏,幫助你快快長大成熟。Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd who laid down his life for you. Having given his all so that you would live forever with him in glory, he also gives you pastors who will submit to his leadership and care for your spiritual well-being. Seek a faithful church with a pastor who isn’t concerned with his gain but rather your growth, and who will continually point you to Jesus and his Word to facilitate that growth.