感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


... two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the love of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self.

The Religious Life of the Theological Student by華腓德(B.B.Warfield
A minister must be both learned and religious. It is not a matter of choosing between the two. He must study, but he must study as in the presence of God and not in a secular spirit. He must recognize the privilege of pursuing his studies in the environment where God and salvation from sin are the air he breathes. He must also take advantage of every opportunity for corporate worship, particularly while he trains in the Theological Seminary. . . . Ministerial work without taking time to pray is a tragic mistake. The two must combine if the servant of God is to give a pure, clear, and strong message.

The ministry is a “learned profession”; and the man without learning, no matter with what other gifts he may be endowed, is unfit for its duties. But learning, though indispensable, is not the most indispensable thing for a minister. “Apt to teach”—yes, the ministry must be “apt to teach”; and observe that what I say—or rather what Paul says—is “apt to teach.” Not apt merely to exhort, to beseech, to appeal, to entreat; nor even merely, to testify, to bear witness; but to teach. And teaching implies knowledge: he who teaches must know. Paul, in other words, requires of you, as we are perhaps learning not very felicitously to phrase it, “instructional,” not merely “inspirational,” service. But aptness to teach alone does not make a minister; nor is it his primary qualification. It is only one of a long list of requirements which Paul lays down as necessary to meet in him who aspires to this high office. And all the rest concern, not his intellectual, but his spiritual fitness. A minister must be learned, on pain of being utterly incompetent for his work. But before and above being learned, a minister must be godly.

Nothing could be more fatal, however, than to set these two things over against one another. Recruiting officers do not dispute whether it is better for soldiers to have a right leg or a left leg: soldiers should have both legs. Sometimes we hear it said that ten minutes on your knees will give you a truer, deeper, more operative knowledge of God than ten hours over your books. “What!” is the appropriate response, “than ten hours over your books, on your knees?” Why should you turn from God when you turn to your books, or feel that you must turn from your books in order to turn to God? If learning and devotion are as antagonistic as that, then the intellectual life is in itself accursed, and there can be no question of a religious life for a student, even of theology. . . . Just because you are students of theology, it is understood that you are religious men—especially religious men, to whom the cultivation of your religious life is a matter of the profoundest concern—of such concern that you will wish above all things to be warned of the dangers that may assail your religious life, and be pointed to the means by which you may strengthen and enlarge it. In your case there can be no “either-or” here—either a student or a man of God. You must be both.


//我個人在這一點,則主要是受到Victor FurnishRichard Hays針對Paul's Ethics相關著作的啟發。--張楷弦

// 基督自己和他的使徒们都清楚地表明上帝的无限不属于肉体,除了优提克斯(Eutyches),迄今没有人教导过一种个人的联合,说当基督成为人时,这两种本性变得如此融合,神的属性就相通给他的人性。我不願意用一个被定罪的人来谴责他们,他们应被提醒要更专注地思考,并且要看见争议如何使甚至是优秀而学识渊博和精明的人误入歧途,使他们只想护卫自己的立场。毫无疑问,在以弗所会议上对抗涅斯多留 (Nestorius) 的最好和最快的方式应该是说:整个位格的结合分别相通于其个别的本性,没有人想到要这样做,因为它是绝对荒谬的。因此我非常惊讶于那些反对我们的人,他们从来没有想过自己陷入了什么样的迷宫。//

香腸事件,Affair of the SausagesZwingli-Wurst:
香腸事件(1522年)是引發蘇黎世宗教改革的事件。瑞士蘇黎世大教堂的牧師慈運理公開宣講,支持在大齋期間食用香腸,從而引領了這個事件。慈運理在名爲《論食物的選擇與自由》(Von Erkiesen und Freiheit der Speisen)的講道中爲這一行動作出辯護,基於馬丁·路德的「唯獨聖經」教義,他主張「基督徒有是否禁食的自由,因爲聖經並未禁止在齋期吃肉。」
Das Zürcher Wurstessen, auch Froschauer Wurstessen, fand 1522 am ersten Sonntag der Fastenzeit (9. März 1522, Invokavit) in Zürich statt. Dabei wurde im Hause des Druckers Christoph Froschauer von Angehörigen der Zürcher Ehrbarkeit und im Beisein mehrerer Geistlicher demonstrativ gegen das geltende Abstinenzgebot verstoßen. Der Reformator Huldrych Zwingli war anwesend, nahm aber am Wurstessen selbst nicht teil.[1] Das Wurstessen hat für die Reformation in der Schweiz wie die reformierte Kirche allgemein eine ähnlich bedeutende Rolle wie der Wittenberger Thesenanschlag für die Reformation in Deutschland und die lutherischen Kirchen.

He then says that God had shown by his Law what is good; and then he adds what it is,to do justice, to love mercy, or kindness, and to be humbled before God. It is evident that, in the two first particulars, he refers to the second table of the Law; that is to do justice, and to love mercy. Nor is it a matter of wonder that the Prophet begins with the duties of love; for though in order the worship of God precedes these duties, and ought rightly to be so regarded, yet justice, which is to be exercised towards men, is the real evidence of true religion. The Prophet, therefore, mentions justice and mercy, not that God casts aside that which is principal — the worship of his name; but he shows, by evidences or effects, what true religion is.
Hypocrites place all holiness in external rites; but God requires what is very different; for his worship is spiritual. But as hypocrites can make a show of great zeal and of great solicitude in the outward worship of God, the Prophets try the conduct of men in another way, by inquiring whether they act justly and kindly towards one another, whether they are free from all fraud and violence, whether they observe justice and show mercy. This is the way our Prophet now follows, when he says, that God’s Law prescribes what is good, and that is, to do justice — to observe what is equitable towards men, and also to perform the duties of mercy.

Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice?
- Lillian Hellman, playwright (20 Jun 1905-1984)


這世上的邪惡,幾乎總是出于無知,良善意志可以做邪惡一般多的傷害,如果它不是啟蒙,[si elle n'est pas éclairée. 或照耀,或啟導]
"the evil that is in the world is almost always of ignorance, and good will can do as much damage as evil, if it is not enlightened".
---- Albert Camus, over (1947)

Since with all my soul I behold the face of my beloved, therefore all the beauty of his form is seen in me.

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)

华人教会主日讲道大多是教人如何读经祷告,如何传福恩,依靠神。但较少说为何:为何读经祷告(如果神是无所不知),为何依靠神 (如果神是无条件)。因为最赶客的讲道是谈神学,而不是碰政治。每主日都讲神学的教会,人数很难增长。这不是单单传道人的错,是会友与传道人的恶性供求关系。

Where can you hide? How long can you avoid the question of WHY? 但另一极端是只片面地 preach to your base。归正教会每主日都说只有归正好,路德宗言必路德,浸会强调政教之分,巴特派传他们绝世之学。就像 Tim Keller 以其絕世武功,尽纳曼哈顿之改革宗粉与优皮士。这已不是新鲜事。大道不兴,群雄並起,死守偏方,是为天下矣。

A writer -- and, I believe, generally all persons -- must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.
- Jorge Luis Borges, writer (24 Aug 1899-1986)

It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way.
- Rollo May, psychologist (1909-1994)

A few cobras in your home will soon clear it of rats and mice. Of course, you will still have the cobras.
- Will Cuppy, journalist (23 Aug 1884-1949)

 As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.
- Gore Vidal, writer (1925- )

Death could not hold Christ in the grave, but love held him on the cross.
薛伯斯Richard Sibbes

 The more laws, the less justice.—Tomas Hobbes
“法律多则公正少。” 西塞罗《论责任》

It is not wisdombut authority that makes a law.

Hell is truth seen too late.
 地狱是太晚发现的真相 [霍布斯,1588-1679]

原文出自霍布斯《普通法對話錄》:法律的推理或理解也是難解的,地球上的生物没有其他理性, 只有人类的理性。但我想他的意思是, 在沒有国王時,個別法官或所有法官一起的理性,就是整体的理性,就是法律。我否认此点, 因为没有人可以制定法律, 除非他拥有立法权。律法是被偉大博学的人所定, 意即为律法教授, 显然是不真实的;英国的所有法律都是由英国国王, 与议会中的贵族和下议院协商所設立, 其中没有一个是博学的律师。
'IT IS NOT WISDOM BUT AUTHORITY THAT MAKES A LAW. Obscure also are the words legal reason. There is no reason in earthly creatures, but human reason. But I suppose that he means, that the reason of a judge, or of all the judges together without the King, is that summa ratio, and the very law: which I deny, because none can make a law but he that hath the legislative power. That the law hath been fined by grave and learned men, meaning the professors of the law, is manifestly untrue; for all the laws of England have been made by the kings of England, consulting with the nobility and commons in parliament, of which not one of twenty was a learned lawyer."
//法律哲學的革命. Reformation of law.//

不公正还常常起因于诡计,即一种过于巧妙的、甚至是带有欺骗性的立法。所以现在社会上流传着这样一句谚语:“法律多则公正少。” 西塞罗《论责任》
Injustice often arises also through chicanery, that is, through an over-subtle and even fraudulent construction of the law. This it is that gave rise to the now familiar saw, "More law, less justice." DE OFFICIIS 1:33
//法律哲學的革命. Reformation of law.//

Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, 19世紀荷蘭的基督徒政治家及歷史學家,將宗教改革和法國革命做了如此的比較
-- 華客子譯


Fate guides the willing, but drags the unwilling. 願意的人,命运领着他走,不願意的人,命运拖着他走。原句出于罗马的塞内加(辛尼加),文艺复兴的拉伯雷,引用于斯宾格勒《西方的没落》中。基督教拒绝命运式的世界观,但不否定人生有看不见的力量。这是《约伯记》神圣旋風中的质问,也是教父们与加尔文所说的上帝隐藏的旨意。因此上帝是數點腳步,但我们仍然努力事奉,在世为光为盐。

As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.
- Gore Vidal, writer (1925- )

But kings and people must sometimes take up arms to execute such public vengeance. On this basis we may judge wars lawful which are so undertaken.

bee不一定是指蜜蜂,頂多是蜜蜂總科的成員,而honey bee必然指蜜蜂。
然後俄國作曲家Nikolai Rimsky-Kosakov的名曲大黃蜂的飛行的俄文原文Полет шмеля指的也是熊蜂的飛行。//

领:耶稣说:“凡称呼我‘主啊,主啊’的人,不能都进天国;惟独遵行我天父旨意的人,才能进去。” (太7:21
(改写自德国鲁白克(Lübeck)大教堂里的一篇碑文:“If I condemn you, blame me not”)
Ye call Me Master and obey me not,
Ye call Me Light and see Me not,
Ye call Me Way and walk not,
Ye call Me Life and desire Me not,
Ye call Me wise and follow Me not,
Ye call Me fair and love Me not,
Ye call Me rich and ask Me not,
Ye call Me eternal and seek Me not,
Ye call Me gracious and trust Me not,
Ye call Me noble and serve Me not,
Ye call Me mighty and honor Me not,
Ye call Me just and fear Me not,
If I condemn you, blame me not.
~~~~Inscription inside the Lübeck Cathedral, Germany.-
一间德国大教堂里的碑文/Virginia Yi編譯

Simul justus et peccator.
There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future. ---San Augustin

The fate of our time is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and , above all, by the disenchantment of the world. –Max Weber

The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
- Thomas Babington Macaulay, author and statesman (1800-1859)
1. She was admitted to visit the United States.
2. He has been elected a councilor.
3. She is regarded as one of the greatest wrestlers in the world.
4. This place is called “Heaven.”
5. If you can’t translate these sentences correctly, you are not allowed to take this course.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel, theology professor (1907-1972)
Only the good doubt their own goodness, which is what makes them good in the first place. The bad know they are good, but the good know nothing. They spend their lives forgiving others, but they can't forgive themselves.
- Paul Auster, novelist and poet (b. 1947)

Only the good doubt their own goodness, which is what makes them good in the first place. The bad know they are good, but the good know nothing. They spend their lives forgiving others, but they can't forgive themselves.
- Paul Auster, novelist and poet (b. 1947)
譯者之言facebook https://www.facebook.com/victranslates/?fref=ts

[利未亞坦為原文音譯詞,或譯:海怪或鱷魚(3:8, 41:1)]
和合本:你曾砸碎鱷魚的頭,把他給曠野的禽獸為食物。[ 74:14]
Thou brakest the heads of LEVIATHAN in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. [Ps 74:14] #利維坦

加尔文把神性和人的知识区分开来, 但笛卡尔却做了分割。他们使用相似的语言, 但有非常不同的意思。
John Calvin makes a distinction between divine and human knowledge, but Descartes makes a division. They use similar language but with very different meanings.
Charles Partee, The Theology of John Calvin. p.35.

I revered our theology, and thought I had as much right to reach heaven as anyone. But having learned as a certain fact that the way to heaven is as open to the most ignorant as to the most learned, and that the revealed truths that guide us there are above our intellect, I wouldn’t have ventured to submit them to my weak reasonings. To examine them and succeed in this, I thought, I would need to get special help from heaven and to be more than a mere man.

我那时在日耳曼,是那场尚未结束的战争把我招引到了那里。我参观皇帝加冕后回到部队的时候,冬天已经到了,只好留在驻地。第一个是我注意到:拼凑而成、出于众手的作品,往往没有一手制成的那么完美。我们可以看到,由一位建筑师一手建成的房屋,总是要比七手八脚利用原来作为别用的旧墙设法修补而成的房屋来得整齐漂亮。那些原来只是村落、经过长期发展逐渐变成都会的古城,通常总是很不匀称,不如一位工程师按照自己的设想在一片平地上设计出来的整齐城镇;虽然从单个建筑物看,古城里常常可以找出一些同新城里的一样精美,或者更加精美,可是从整个布局看,古城里的房屋横七竖八、大大小小,把街道挤得弯弯曲曲、宽窄不齐,与其说这个局面是由运用理性的人的意志造成的,还不如说是听天由命。...... 我们虽然没有见过谁把全城的房屋统统拆光,只是打算换过样式重建,把街道弄漂亮;可是常常看到许多人把自己的房子拆掉,打算重盖,也有时候是因为房子要塌,或者房基不固,不得不拆。以此为例,我相信:个人打算用彻底改变、推翻重建的办法改造国家,确实是妄想;改造各门学问的主体,或者改造学校里讲授各门学问的成规,也是同样办不到的;可是说到我自己一向相信的那些意见,我却没有别的好办法,只有把它们一扫而空,然后才能换上好的,或者把原有的用理性校正后再收回来。
#方法論 #谈谈方法(Discours de la méthode

信仰和理智, 特别是罗马天主教的思想, 今天的矛盾比以往任何时候都少。但这一假設的对立是否真的有討論的價值?一个人可能会失去信心, 但肯定不是因为人在理性上有加增。事实上, 有些人是在理智无法理解我们生活的经历时, 就失去了信心。然而, 我们实际上是因失去了信心而失去了理智。
"Faith and reason, especially in Roman Catholic thought, are less contradictory today than ever. But does the supposed opposition even make sense to begin with? One can lose faith, but surely not because one gains in reason. Some, in fact, lose faith when reason is not able to make sense of the experience of our lives. Yet, we actually lose reason by losing faith."

we do not describe the world we see, we see the world we can desribe.
----笛卡尔Rene Descartes/陳佐人译

古老的二元思想,物质与心思的观念, 作为两种截然不同的性质, 在笛卡儿主义中是如此突出的观念, 今天却很难找到捍卫者。拒绝了二元论, 我们被驱使走向一种希腊式的灵物论, 或叫做一元论。

RI 歸正學院

【三本路德傳】林德尔•罗珀 (Lyndal Roper)的《馬丁路德:背叛者和先知》(Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet)。这位牛津大學的澳洲女学者全书的精華在 Renegade 一字。可译作背叛者,背教者,变節者。While a rebel offers resistance to authority, a renegade deserts and aligns himself with the opposing view. 所以 renegade rebel 多了一分的计谋与策划。上二,三十年的路德传主要是视路德为 rebel,甚至是有勇无谋的莽夫。这就是五十年前的罗倫培登《這是我的立場》的生动意像:萨克森之胡司,德意志的大力士(Hercules),葡萄园中的野猪 (美式英語說 Wild bull in a china shop.)。但问题是此种想象并不符合路德本人的生平与著作。视改教运动为揭竿起义式的革命是无法充分解释为何造反的路德会经常主张顺服掌权者,而加尔文将《基督教教义》献给法王,这些都不像造反者的思维。试想华盛顿写书献给乔治三世,或孙中山献辞给宣统皇帝,真是难以想象。 另一位路德传作家安德鲁·佩蒂格里 (Andrew Pettegree)在其《品牌路德》(Brand Luther) 中,细说「默默无闻的修道士如何将他的小城镇变成出版中心,使自己成为欧洲最有名的人,开始新教改革」。佩蒂格里曾经著《报纸的发明》,故他特别强调印刷术的重要性,这也是罗珀的重点。他们二位都不是专研究基督教史,而是普通史的学者。罗珀的成名作是《猎杀女巫: 德国巴洛克时期的惊惧与幻想》(经济科学出版社, 2013)。中世纪对女巫的审判与迫害是现代西方史学的有趣重点,著名英国史家罗珀; 休·特雷弗-罗珀 (Hugh Trevor-Roper)也曾论及。相比之下,加尔文传的研究有点望尘莫及。耶鲁大学的哥顿教授(Bruce Gordon) 2009年写了一本加尔文传,纪念加尔文五百周年。他在书中以精细的档案学,来呈现一种关系性的改教运动 (Relational Reformation) ,同样的档案学功力也见诸佩蒂格里与罗珀,但他们的路德传却是更富历史性的想象力,也更能呈现一种立体的历史图像。

Theodore Beza was a man who maintained a bellicose political temperament. His experiences as a member of the lower nobility coupled with his passionate advocacy for the Reformed cause in France formed Beza into a person willing to step beyond Calvin’s conservative political tendencies. One might even hazard to guess that Beza’s privileged upbringing gave him a level of political audacity and nerve that Calvin could not match. [The Reformed David(s) and the Question of Resistance to Tyranny, p.60.]

奧古斯丁的名言時間是被造的上帝不在時間之內上帝在永恆中。由此引發奧古斯丁研究中的著名悖論:經常討論時間的奧古斯丁是沒有嚴格意義的時間觀,常常談永恆的希坡主教是抗拒無限的。因為永恆不是永恆的,他甚至會說永恆是在上帝之內,而不是反之亦然。無限對上帝來說是「有限」的。所以 Stephen Hawkins 說奧氏是無時間觀的。

//无限的概念在奥古斯丁有负面的意义,因为正如所引述的,无限对上帝是有限的,因为无限可以被上帝理解。但因为上帝也能理解他自己,在这个意义上,上帝不是无限的。...第一, 无限是一个先天的概念,本身产生任何知识的基础。// 奥古斯丁会说上帝既非有限,也非无限,而是超越无限。难怪法国神学家艾蒂安·吉尔森 (Étienne Gilson)说奥古斯丁在谈上帝属性时,忘记了无限。
The concept of infinity has a negative ring in Augustine because, as quoted, all infinity is finite for God, since it csn be comprehended by him. But because God can also comprehend himself, he is not, in this sence, infinite......First, infinty is an inborn concept which enables any knowledge,
Beyond infinity: Augustine and Cantor