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作者Nicholas Davis  譯者 駱鴻銘

為了能讀懂聖經把握住聖經的整幅圖案big picture會很有幫助。當我那兩、三歲、剛剛學步的幼兒,想要用《林肯原木》(Lincoln Logs)的模型玩具蓋一棟小木屋時,看著盒子裏所提供的藍圖,會有很大的幫助。缺少圖解,要蓋這些小木屋是很折騰人的,對那些不嫻熟的人(譬如我兒子)來說,甚至是不可能的。要想使用所有的積木蓋一棟漂亮的木屋,最好是跟從這張藍圖的指示。同樣,當我們閱讀聖經時,也應該把聖經的整個故事牢記在心,好幫助我們穿行過所有的細節。這會幫助我們走在正確的方向上,並且幫助我們避免犯一些解經上的嚴重錯誤。因此,聖經的主要內容是什麼呢?對這麼一本跨越了千百年才寫成的書來說,這比你所想像的要簡單得多。
Seeing the Big Picture
In order to read the Bible, it helps to see the big picture. When my toddler is building a cabin out of Lincoln Logs, it helps to look at the blueprints provided inside the box. Without a diagram, building these cabins can be frustrating, and to the unskilled (like my son), even impossible. To make use of all of the pieces and to build a beautiful cabin, it’s best to follow directions.
In a similar way, when we are reading the Bible, we should keep in mind the overarching story to help us navigate through all of the details. This will help us go in the right direction and avoid making some serious blunders in interpretation. So, what is the Bible all about? For such a large book written across so many years, it’s a lot simpler than you may think.

Seeing the Plan of Salvation
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is God’s story of salvation. It is about the person and work of Jesus Christ. He was the promised offspring of the woman (Gen. 3:15), the champion who was sent to save a fallen people for himself by crushing the serpent’s head with his own blood. It seems paradoxical to be sure, but that’s how “it is finished.” The Bible outlines God’s rescue mission of sinners in story after story—in parables, poems, and prophecies.

This story of God saving us is scattered across every page of the Old and New Testaments. Sometimes it’s not so easy to see, but every passage ultimately finds its fulfillment and climax in the words and work of Jesus Christ. God the Father sent his only begotten Son to do what everyone else in history has failed to do, including Adam, Israel, and all of us. We have each failed in our own way to love God and our neighbor perfectly. But Jesus never failed to love God and neighbor. He did exactly what God sent him to do, and he—the baby who was born to die—did all of that so that we would live with him now and forevermore. In short, the Bible is all about Jesus.

Getting Sidetracked By Other Stories
As easy as it is to discover that Jesus Christ is the main character and climax of the whole Bible, it’s also easy to get sidetracked and to forget what—or rather who—the story is really about. Often, even trained preachers and good teachers can forget that the Bible is all about Jesus. Churches can drift into teaching all sorts of interesting topics that help us live a better life but don’t increase our love for Jesus. If any church is not regularly proclaiming Jesus from the Bible, then it is not really reading the Bible anymore. That may sound like a strong statement, but the Bible’s pages are so full of Jesus that it takes serious effort to ignore him or avoid him.

這通常不是出於故意但是因著我們的罪把我們自己讀進祂的故事裏而不是把基督讀進祂的故事裏是相當容易的事。因著我們的罪,我們都想要讓聖經變成我們的故事。這不是難事。往往有人會叫我們用自己的名字來替換一句聖經經文裏的「以色列」或「保羅」。但是事實上,聖經最首要的是關於那位前來拯救我們的耶穌。聖經最要緊的,是關於耶穌的故事,然後才是我們的故事。如果我們首先讓這個故事變成我們的故事,我們就會同時失去耶穌,也失去我們自己。這有點像魯益士(C. S. Lewis)所說的,「把最重要的事情放在第一位,次要的事情就會按部就班;但是如果我們把次要的事情放在第一位,我們就會失去最重要和次要的事。」(摘自給Dom Bede Griffiths的一封信[April 23, 1951])因此,當你下一次拿起聖經來讀的時候,務必要記得注目仰望耶穌,祂是我們信心的創始成終者(來十二2)。

This is usually not intentional; but because of our sin, it’s easy to read ourselves, instead of Christ, into his story. Because of our sin, we want to make the Bible all about us. It’s easy to do. Often we are told to replace the word “Israel” or “Paul” in a Bible verse for our own name. But in truth, the Bible is all about Jesus who came to save us.The Bible is first about the story of Jesus before it can ever become our story. If we make the story about us first, then we will lose both Jesus and ourselves. It’s sort of like what C. S. Lewis said, “Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things” (excerpt from a letter to Dom Bede Griffiths [April 23, 1951]). So, the next time you pick up your Bible, be sure to fix your eyes on Jesus—“the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2 KJV).