感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


作者:林慈信  译者:诚之

1. Christianity is not an individualistic faith. We are the Body of Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the welfare and maturity of the church, laid down principles and established offices (positions) in the church. We find these principles and offices clearly taught in the New Testament, partly through Christ’s apostles (e.g. Paul). These principles do not contradict principles in the OId Testament. Jesus Christ has, in himself, all the offices of the church. Christ is our pastor (shepherd), teacher, elder, servant (deacon), ruler (King), ambassador, and evangelist (missionary). He is the head of the church!
2. 我们发现保罗无论走到哪里当他开始教会时都会选立长老使徒行传13-14。所以教会不必回避长老”(elder的观念。“长老”的意思不是说这个人年纪很大,满头白发。我们需要根据(旧约与)新约来定义什么是“长老”。
2. We find Paul ordaining elders everywhere he went, when he started churches (Acts 13-14). So churches should not shy away from the concept of “elder.” “Elder” does not mean someone who is old and white-haired. We need to define “elder” according to the (Old and) New Testament.
3. 长老,主教(bishops),监督(overseers)是同义词(提摩太前书第三章;特别见提多书15-9,长老和监督这两个字是可以交换使用的)。他们看顾教会,有保证教会属灵的健康与成熟的责任(以弗所书411-16)。所以,“长老”的职分含有权柄的成分;但是它的意思不是指年纪老。然而,一个刚信主的基督徒不该寻求这个职分,就像保罗所告诫的(提摩太前书36)。
3. Elders, bishops, and overseers are synonyms (I Tim. 3; see particularly Titus 1:5-9, two words are used interchangeably). They keep watch over the church. They have the responsibility of ensuring the church’s spiritual welfare and maturity (Eph. 4:11-16). So there is some measure of authority in the office of the elder; but it doesn’t imply old age. Now, a very young Christian should not seek this office, as Paul admonished.
4. 教会中的长老,不应该只有一个——有如罗马天主教与圣公会。长老们不应该“辖制神的子民”。长老们应该组成一个团队。新约所考虑的长老都是多数的。注:有些宗派有主教或教长(路德宗,神召会,宣道会,循道会等),但多数的宗派是用一些委员会和其他领袖来平衡主教的权力。
4. There should not be just one elder in a church – like in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. Elders should not “lord it over the people.” There should be a team of elders. The New Testament thinks of elders in the plural. Note”: Some denominations have bishops or superintendents (Lutheran, Assemblies of God, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Methodist); but most denominations try to balance the bishop’s power with committees and other leaders.
5. 长老有两种:“主要”负责教导与讲道的(提摩太前书517),以及其他的长老。我们称他们为“教导长老”与“治理长老”。
5. There are two kinds of elders: those who “major” in teaching and preaching (I Tim. 5:17), and all other elders. We call them “teaching elders” and “ruling elders.”
6. 教导长老= 牧师/工人。因此牧师是长老——他们也治理教会但是他们的专职是教导与宣讲神的话。故此牧师是长老他们不只是教会的雇员。
6. “Teaching elders” = pastors/ministers. Thus, pastors are elders – they do rule over the church. But their special work is teaching and preaching God’s Word. Thus, pastors are elders. They are not just employees of the church.
7. 所有其他的长老称为“治理长老”(别忘了,牧师也负责治理)。他们应该磨练他们教导的能力与恩赐,但他们主要的呼召是看顾会众属灵的福祉,不让会众受损害,且能成长成熟(弗411-16)。在我所属的宗派中,有一个很美的词描述治理长老的工作:“找寻神的话被宣讲后的果子”(seek the fruit of the Word preached)。换句话说,他们鼓励会众成长、顺服与成熟。
7. All other elders are called “ruling elders” (for convenience – pastors rule also). They should improve their ability and gift of teaching, but their primary calling is to keep watch over the spiritual welfare of the congregation, so that the congregation is not injured in any way, but grows and matures (Eph. 4:11-16). In my denomination, there is a beautiful phrase which describes what ruling elders do: they “seek the fruit of the Word preached.” In other words, they encourage the congregation to grow, obey and mature.
8. 保罗呼召这些在以弗所的长老,牧养基督的羊群/神的教会(使徒行传2020-31)。所以治理长老也是“牧人”。治理长老不只是“治理”,他们也关怀、监督、牧养、鼓励、安慰基督的羊群,正如牧师所作的。
8. Paul called the elders in Ephesians to shepherd Christ’s flock/God’s church (Acts 20:20-31). So ruling elders are “shepherds” also. Ruling elders don’t only “rule,” they care for, oversee, shepherd, encourage, and comfort Christ’s flock, just as pastors do.

9. 一般而言,所有的长老——牧师与治理长老——有责任看顾、治理,并关心神的教会。一般而言,所有的长老——牧师和治理长老——在教导神的子民神的话上,都有一些责任。换句话说,所有的长老都是牧师;而牧师与长老都是长老。
9. In general, all elders – pastors and ruling elders – have the responsibility to watch over, rule, and care for God’s church. In general, all elders – pastors and ruling elders – have some responsibility in teaching God’s people God’s Word. In other words, all elders are pastors; and pastors and elders are both elders.

10. 长老的资格是什么呢?请看提摩太前书第三章,提多书第一章。
10. What are the qualifications of elders? See I Tim. 3, Titus 1.

11. 牧师和长老的关系为何依照我们的理解在新教教会间居于中道在长老制和会众制之间),牧师是群伦之首”(first among equals),是长老会议的召集人”(moderator。牧师执行的有些工作不必与长老商量,如准备讲章,讲道,辅导,探访,教导等。还有些工作牧师需要谘询长老、形成团队互相搭配的,如为教会制定政策,决定谁应该接受洗礼,谁可以领圣餐,管教犯罪的会员,等等。我们说有些权力是“个别的”——牧师可以独立完成;其他的权力是“联合的”——所有的长老一起运用这个权柄。我们称这个团队是“小会”(the session)——由牧师(或众牧师,如果有一个以上的牧师)与所有的治理长老所组成。
11. What is the relationship between the pastor and the elders? In our understanding (the middle way in Protestantism, usually followed by Presbyterians and Congregationalists), the pastor is “first among equals;” he is the “moderator” of all the elders. There are some tasks which the pastor performs, without consulting elders (sermon preparation, delivering sermons, counseling, visitation, and teaching). Then there are other tasks which the pastor performs in consultation with the elders, as a team (setting policy for the church, determining who should receive baptism and the Lord’s Supper, disciplining members who sin, etc.). We say that some powers are “several” – the pastor does this as an individual; other powers are “joint” – all the elders exercise this authority together. We call this team “the session” – made up of the pastor (or pastors, if there is more than one) and all ruling elders.

12. 牧师或长老需要付给酬劳,还是志愿的事奉呢?新约敦促教会要善待牧师(提前517)。但保罗也设立了一个有时织帐棚的榜样。所以,牧师的工作可以不领薪资吗?圣经没有说不可以。会众该给牧师酬劳吗?新约是这样鼓励的。
12. Should pastors or elders be paid, or serve as a volunteer? The New Testament urges the church to pay the pastor well (I Tim. 5:17). But Paul also set an example of tent-making sometimes, when the need arises. So, can pastors work without salary? The Bible does not forbid it. Should the congregation pay the pastor? The Bible urges it.

13. 是否可以有支薪的治理长老呢?圣经并没有禁止。治理长老可以由教会付给酬劳吗?如果有需要,是可以的。总之,所有的圣徒(信徒)都可以在教会中事奉,而“薪资”是供应同工与其家庭的途径。
13. Can there be ruling elders who are paid salaries by the church? The Bible does not forbid it. Should a ruling elder be paid by the church? If the need arises, yes. After all, ALL saints (believers) can serve the Lord in the church, and “salaries” are means to feed a worker and his family.

14. 无论如何,假若牧师或长老是个志愿者,他仍然是教会的仆人领袖,并且有必要相互督责(见下,16条)。虽然他不是世俗意义上的“雇员”,但有关国家的各种法律,包括税法,管理教会的法律,以及医疗保险与退休的法律也应当遵守。
14. In either case, if a pastor or elder is volunteer, he remains a servant-leader of the church, and there needs to be accountability (see below, #16). But he is not an “employee” in the secular sense of the term. Laws of the nation should be obeyed, including tax laws, laws governing the church, and laws governing health care and retirement.

15. 牧师需要有神学学位吗?圣经并没有作如此的要求,但是在提摩太前书第三章和提多书第一章提出了一些资格条件。牧师应该要有能力作教导,并保护羊群远离错误的教导。每个教会与宗派,需要自行界定怎样才算是“有能力”。许多要求要有神学学位的宗派,也提供一些非传统的其它途径,让人可以被选立为牧师或教导长老。这是个合理与智慧的传统,虽然通常只有少数人知道另外还有这条路。
15. Must pastors have seminary degrees? The Bible does not require this, but instead gives qualifications in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Pastors should be competent to teach and guard the flock against wrong teaching. Each church, and each denomination, determines what constitutes “competent.” Most denominations which require a seminary degree, also provide a non-traditional alternative way to become ordained as a pastor/teaching elder. This is a reasonable and wise tradition, although often few people are aware of this alternative route.

16. 牧师/长老可以作为独立的地方教会来运作,而不需要受到监督吗?这不是新约的模式。(换句话说,完全独立的教会不是新约的模式。)如果一个独立教会只有一个牧师或一个长老,那么,在他之上,他的确没有必要向谁负责。使徒行传15章为我们提供了一个模式与榜样,看我们该如何运作——教会和牧师需要彼此托付,顺服于所有的教会和所有牧师的集体意志之下——至少是在一个城市或一个行政区,地区,或国家。传统上,这是以“宗派”(denomination)来加以表达的。
16. Should pastors/elders operate without supervision, as an independent local church? This is not the New Testament model. (In other words, the purely independent church is not a New Testament model.) If there is only 1 pastor or 1 elder in an independent church, then there is really no accountability above him. Acts chapter 15 provides us with a model, an example, how we should operate – churches and pastors should submit to one another, to the collective will of all the churches and all the pastors – at least, in a city, or district, region, or country. The traditional way to express this, is the “denomination.”

17. 这就是为什么会有宗派的原因——为一个地区所有的牧师和教会提供相互间的监督与相互间的负责。如果一个教会是独立的这个教会的独立性并没有什么值得夸耀的。这个教会应当以某种方式寻求相互间的督责。最方便的方法是设立一个由牧师和长老组成的顾问会议。
17. This is why there are denominations – to provide oversight and accountability to all pastors and all churches in a geographical area. If a church is independent, the “independence” of the church is nothing to boast about. The church should seek accountability in some way. The most convenient way is to establish a council of advisors, made up of pastors and elders.

18. 谁是“宣教士”?他们是以弗所书411-16所提到的“传福音的”。我们认为宣教士是一种类型的教导长老,宣教士就是牧师。当然,平信徒也可以作为宣教士来事奉,但是他们不是以具有教导长老的能力而事奉的。有一些宗派,“宣教士们”(传福音的)可以成立一个教会,接受基督徒作为会员而加入,并训练和按立第一批的治理长老。这个责任非常重大。植堂(开始一个教会,按立长老,接受会员)是遵行大使命(太2818-20)最令人兴奋(也是最合乎圣经)的方式。
18. Who are “missionaries”? They are the “evangelists” mentioned in Eph. 4:11-16. We think of missionaries as one type of teaching elder. The missionary is a pastor. Of course, there can be laypeople who serve as missionaries, but they do not act in the capacity of a teaching elder. In some denominations, “missionaries” (evangelists) can establish a congregation, receive Christians as members of this new church, and train and ordain the first group of ruling elders. This is a heavy responsibility. Church-planting (starting a church, ordaining elders, receiving members) is the most exciting way (and a most biblical way) to obey the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).

19. 谁是“执事”?他们和长老是不一样的!使徒行传61-7提供了按立长老的第一个例子,虽然那里并没有提到“执事”这个词。执事是仆人。他们在教会中服事神的子民的需要(例如,为寡妇管理饭食),并处理管账和类似的事务(例如为寡妇和有需要的基督徒捐助)。
19. Who are “deacons”? They are not the same as elders! Acts 6:1-7 provides the first example of ordaining deacons, though the word “deacon” is not mentioned there. Deacons are servants. They serve the needs of God’s people in the church (e.g. food for widows), and handles bookkeeping and similar issues (e.g. offerings for widows and needy Christians).

20. 执事不是长老的培训班。执事扮演的角色与长老是不同的。
20. Deacons are NOT elders-in-training. Deacons have a different role to play from the elder’s role.

21. 执事不是具有权柄的职分。教导和治理长老的职分是具有权柄的,此权柄是教会赋予的,不是赋予他们个人,而是赋予他们的职分(Office)。
21. Deacons’ office is not an office with authority. Teaching and ruling elders have an office with authority granted to them, NOT to them personally, but to their OFFICE.

22 教会的预算反映教会的优先顺序。应该要由长老们(教导与治理长老)来决定预算。执事的角色是执行募捐、记录、保管与使用捐献的功能,但是他们不是政策的制定者。
22. The budget of the church reflects the church’s priority. It should be the work of the elders (Teaching and Ruling elders) to determine the budget. The Deacons’ role is to carry out the functions of collecting, recording, keeping and expending the offerings, but they are not policy-setters.

23. 牧师、长老和执事是怎样兴起的呢?我们相信教会中选立牧师、长老和执事的权力(权柄),是落在神的子民,也就是教会会员的身上。教会经由祷告,然后选立领袖(牧师,长老,执事)。大多数教会使用投票的方法,虽然这不是圣经要求的。有些教会把他们认为圣灵所兴起作长老/牧师的人的名字,张贴出来。然后由神的子民祷告一段时候。如果没有强烈的反对,这个人就被认为是已经选立的。而当牧师/领袖被选立时(藉由投票或祷告/没有反对的),教会就应该让牧师或长老以权柄执行他们的职分,并让执事来服事。
23. How do pastors, elders and deacons arise? We believe that the “power” (authority) to select pastors, elders and deacons in a church, rests with the people, the members of the church. The church prays and then selects her leaders (pastor, elders, and deacons). Most churches use the voting method, although this is not required by the Bible. Some churches post the names of those whom they think the Holy Spirit has raised up to be elder/pastor; then the people pray for a period of time. If no strong objection arises, the person is considered selected. Now, when a pastor/leader is selected (by vote or by prayer/no objection), the church should let the pastor or elders exercise their office with authority, and lets the deacons serve.

24. “按立”的意义是什么呢?这是承认有人具有这个恩赐,因此是神呼召的。教会将此人为此职分而捡选了出来。有些教会和宗派设立了一些方法,让被呼召要成为牧师(或长老)的人:(a)受到认可与祝福,(b)受考验,变得成熟(他要接受训练,无论是在神学院或透过非传统的另类方法), 以及(c)正式被认可——他要借着按手的方法被分别出来(也就是被按立),并接受这个“职分”。
24. What is the meaning of ordination? It is to recognize that someone has the gift, and thus God’s call. The church sets this person apart for the office. Some churches and denominations have established methods where a man’s calling to the ministry of pastor (or elder) is (a) recognized and blessed, (b) tested and developed (he receives training, whether in a seminary or through some non-traditional alternative method), and (c) formally recognized – he is set apart by the laying of hands (i.e., ordained) and so receives the “office.”

25. 牧师/长老、执事与会众之间要有良好的沟通。这是很合理的,也是有智慧的,教会应该制造各种途径与管道,让人可以非正式与正式地沟通。就正式的沟通而言,当领袖犯了罪,影响教会公众的名誉时,应该有一条投诉和上诉的管道。(我们称这个过程是“谴责”或“管教”。)就非正式的沟通而言,教会最好能举行“沟通大会”(town hall meetings)或其他的聚会,让神的子民可以听见领袖们的异象、计划,与他们的“心声”,并作为神的子民与基督的群羊,也表达他们的“心声”。
25. There needs to be good communication between pastor/elders, deacons, and the congregation. This is reasonable and wise, and churches should create avenues and channels where people can communicate informally as well as formally. For formal communication, there should be a way of complaint and appeal when a leader commits a sin which affects the public reputation of the church. (We call this process “censure” or “discipline”.) For informal communication, it is wise for churches to conduct “town hall meetings” or other gatherings when the people can hear the leaders’ vision, plans, and their “heart,” and express their “heart” as the people of God and Christ’s sheep.

2nd draft

January 31, 2009