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 作者: Sidney Greidanus   编译: 駱鴻銘

不會有牧師想要被人認為,他的講道是「沒有基督」的講道,或者不是「以基督為中心的」講道。不過,有時候我們很難明白,這類用詞真正的意思是什麼。同樣,不會有牧師會想要把經文本身沒有包含的意思讀到經文裡面。No pastor wants his preaching to be considered “Christ-less” or something other than “Christ-centered.” Still, it is sometimes difficult to understand what exactly is meant by this kind of terminology. Likewise, no pastor wants to “read into” the text something that is not there.

在他的書,《從創世記傳講基督》(Preaching Christ from Genesis;麥種翻譯中)開頭的幾章裡,桂丹諾(Sidney Greidanus)提出了七種方法(編按:詳見同作者的《從舊約傳講基督》〔麥種,2015〕第六章),一位牧師使用這七種方法,就可以合理地從舊約聖經來傳講基督。我將這七種方法改寫,好讓我們可以看到,從舊約聖經的記載(例如挪亞)來傳講基督,其實有很多的方式。In the initial chapter of his book, Preaching Christ from Genesis, Sidney Griedanus lays out seven ways that a preacher can legitimately preach Christ from the Old Testament. I’ve adapted the examples for each category in order to keep the focus on how there are multiple ways to preach Christ from an Old Testament account (such as Noah).
在他的书,《从创世记宣讲基督》(Preaching Christ from Genesis)开头的几章裡,Sidney Greidanus提出了七种方法,一位牧师使用这七种方法,就可以从旧约合理地来宣讲基督。我将这七种方法加以改写,好让我们可以看到,从旧约的记载(例如挪亚)来宣讲基督,其实有很多的方式

1. 救贖歷史進程1. Redemptive-Historical Progression

通向基督的救贖歷史道路,是「從舊約經文通往耶穌基督最廣和最基礎的道路」(p. 3)。它考慮到從創世記開頭幾章就已經開始的救贖歷史,而這個救贖歷史會在啟示錄中,那被恢復的樂園的異象中達到高峰。這個從創造到新創造的旅程,會帶領我們走在這條救贖歷史的道路上,此救贖歷史乃是展現在神在以色列身上、透過基督、然後透過教會的行動上。我們必須考慮到我們所讀的經文是在聖經故事情節中的哪個位置,並且展望基督的死與復活的高峰。The redemptive-historical road to Christ is the “broadest and foundational path from an Old Testament text to Jesus Christ” (3). It takes into consideration the history of redemption which begins with the opening chapters of Genesis and culminates in the vision of a restored paradise in Revelation. This journey from creation to new creation takes us down a path of redemptive history in God’s acts in Israel, through Christ, and then through the church. We take into consideration the place we are in the biblical storyline and then look forward to the climax of Christs death and resurrection.

以挪亞的故事為例。它不只是一個警告人會有審判的簡單故事而已,它也延續了整個創世記故事情節的主線,就是女人的後裔會為蛇傷了祂的腳跟而復仇。上帝保守挪亞,就是祂信守祂的應許的方法,而我們期待那唯一的後裔——耶穌基督——第一次的到來,然後是第二次的到來。An example would be the story of Noah. More than a simple story of warning against judgment, it is also a continuation of the Genesis plotline, where the seed of the woman must avenge the heel of the serpent. God’s preservation of Noah is the way He keeps His promises, and we anticipate the coming of the Seed Jesus Christ in His first coming and then His second.

2. 應許—應驗2. Promise-Fulfillment

「應許—應驗」的主題是從舊約聖經經文通向基督的一條直接的道路。新約聖經啟示出數百節、應許彌賽亞降臨的經文。使用這個思路的牧者可以採取從舊約的應許到新約的應驗這條直接的道路。The “promise-fulfillment” motif is a direct road to Christ from an Old Testament text. The New Testament reveals hundreds of passages that promise the coming Messiah. A preacher who utilizes this approach will take a direct road from the Old Testament promise to the New Testament’s fulfillment.

一個例子是創世記三章15節。在這節經文中,上帝應許夏娃的一個後裔會打破蛇的頭。另一個例子是以賽亞書九章6節。在這節經文中,上帝應許童女會懷孕生子,這個兒子的名會被稱為以馬內利。從新約,我們認識到這在基督身上已經得著最終的應驗。An example is Genesis 3:15, where God promises that one of Eve’s offspring will crush the head of the serpent. Another example is Isaiah 9:6, where God promises that a virgin will bring forth a son whose name will be called Emmanuel. From the New Testament, we recognize this as being ultimately fulfilled in Christ.

3. 預表論(Typology3. Typology

另一種從舊約宣講基督的方法是透過對預表法的仔細運用,將舊約的事件、人物、或制度,視為是對耶穌基督及其救贖工作的預示。Another way of preaching Christ from the Old Testament is through the careful use of typology, seeing Old Testament events, persons, or institutions as foreshadowing Jesus Christ and His redemptive work.

例如,我們發現基督的救贖工作與挪亞的故事有著平行的對應。這裡,我們看到一個義人,因為他與神同行,他的全家就因此得救。同樣,耶穌基督是那義者,因為祂的順服,祂的全家也得蒙拯救。我們必須注意不可以把預表基督的舊約故事扁平化,想要讓所有的細節和新約完全對應。不過,舊約當中的確有一些對基督的暗示和基督的預嚐,一個有智慧的講道者會在他的講道中使用它們。For example, one finds parallels with the story of Noah. Here, we have a righteous man whose family is saved due to his standing with God. In a similar manner, Jesus Christ is the righteous One whose family is saved due to His obedience.

4. 类比法(Analogy4. Analogy

另一條從舊約通往基督的道路是類比法。根據桂丹諾的看法,「類比會顯明以下的平行對應:上帝教導以色列的,和基督教導教會的;上帝應許以色列的,和基督應許教會的;上帝吩咐以色列的(律法)以及基督吩咐祂的教會的」(p. 5)。Another road to Christ from the Old Testament is by analogy. According to Griedanus, “analogy exposes parallels between what God taught Israel and what Christ teaches the church; what God promised Israel and what Christ promises the church; what God demanded of Israel (the law) and what Christ demands of his church” (5).

這個進路將上帝在舊約裡與百姓的互動,看作是一幅圖畫,這幅圖畫在今天可以給我們作進一步的應用。當耶穌講述約拿的故事作為一個類比(太廿四37-41),就是使用這個方法。祂用這個方法敦促百姓悔改,以逃避將要來的審判。This approach uses God’s interactions in the Old Testament as a picture that has further application for us today. Jesus used this method when He told the story of Noah as an analogy (Matthew 24:37-41), urging people to repent and thereby escape the coming judgment.

5. 縱向主題5. Longitudinal Themes

從舊約到基督的第五條道路和「救贖歷史」方法類似,但是它的焦點主要是放在神學觀念的發展上。這些是「縱向主題」,因為它們是可以透過聖經的情節被追溯出來的,而且它們會隨著時間而發展,最後在基督裡達到高峰。A fifth road to Christ from the Old Testament is similar to the “redemptive-historical” method, but it focuses mainly on the development of theological ideas. These are “longitudinal themes” because they can be traced throughout the biblical storyline, and they develop over time as they culminate in Christ.

這些主題的例子包括神的國度(最終是由耶穌基督這位君王帶來),神的同在(由聖殿所預示,在基督的道成肉身上得著應驗),以及神的審判(在神對罪的行動中可以看到,但是也可以看到上帝願意透過審判帶來救恩)。回到挪亞的故事,我們可以追溯神的審判的主題,明白落在惡人身上的審判(洪水)是拯救挪亞和他全家的方式(彼前三21)。這個主題在十字架上可以看得最清楚,救恩乃是透過落在基督身上的神的審判而臨到我們的。Examples of these themes would be God’s kingdom (brought ultimately by Jesus Christ the King), God’s presence (foreshadowed in the Temple but fulfilled in Christ’s incarnation), and God’s judgment (seen in God’s actions against sin, but also His willingness to bring salvation through judgment).

6. 新約聖經的參照6. New Testament references

在新約對舊約的明示或暗示上,可以找到另一條通往基督的道路。通常,這些参照可以作為其他通向基督的道路的進一步證據。Another road to Christ is found in New Testament references or allusions from the Old Testament. Most often, these references can be used as further evidence of the other ways of pointing to Christ.

回到挪亞的故事,我們可以看到故事對挪亞的信心的暗示,這是希伯來書十一章7節明說的。這個說明讓我們看到,在面對審判時,真正信心的本質是什麼,也提醒我們對基督應該有怎樣的信心,才可以得救。Going back to the story of Noah, we could see an allusion to Noah’s faith as referenced inHebrews 11:7. This reference gives us insight into the nature of true faith in the face of judgment, reminding us of the faith we are to have in Christ for salvation.

7. 對比(Contrast7. Contrast 

在桂丹諾的分類中,從舊約宣講基督的最後一條道路是通過對比。因著基督的降臨,聖經的教導有許多面向在今天已經有很大的不同了。桂丹諾用了割禮的例子。在舊約裡,每個成年男子都需要受割禮。而在新約當中,洗禮已經變成作為聖約群體的一員的記號。現在要求的是「內心的割禮」,是由基督的死與復活,以及聖靈的內住所帶來的。The last road in Griedanus’ taxonomy of ways to preach Christ from the Old Testament is the way of contrast. There are aspects of biblical teaching that are quite different today as a result of Christ’s coming. Griedanus uses the example of circumcision. In the Old Testament, circumcision was required of every adult male. In the New Testament, baptism has become the sign of covenant membership. What is now required is “circumcision of the heart” which is brought about through Christ’s death and resurrection and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.