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作者: Tim Challies    翻译骆鸿铭

 Bruce Waltke在他所写的旧约神学(Old Testament Theology)中,仔细地证明了圣经中性别的角色和差异,不是因为社会或文化的因素,而是建立在创造上。他证明,虽然男女在被造上是平等的,但是男人要在家庭和教会中担起领袖的角色。这不是因为犯罪堕落的结果,而是创造秩序的一部分。下面是一段摘引,说明合乎神的心意的顺服,是超乎文化的,而且可能是反文化的。我们在这个例子上可以看到顺服不是受苦,而是一种荣耀且有意义的信心的表达。Here is yet another little quote drawn from that great big book I’ve been reading. In his Old Testament Theology, Bruce Waltke is careful to prove that gender roles and differences are rooted not in society and culture but in creation. He shows that, though men and women have been created equal, man was to take the leadership role in family and in the church. This is not a result of the fall into sin but a part of the created order. This brief quote stood out to me as an example of godly submission and one that is, of course, exceedingly counter-cultural. Here we see submission not as suffering but as a glorious and meaningful expression of faith.

马利亚对天使宣布她将会有小孩的反应是:“我是主的婢女,愿照你的话成就在我身上!” 这是历世历代基督徒妇女顺服的榜样,她如此选择是出于她的自由,她的独立,以及她缜密思考所作出的委身,以至于她的顺服是有意义的,而且是荣耀的,不是对她的命运的一种被动的屈从。Marys response to the angels announcement that she would be with child, I am the Lords servant. May it be to me as you have said,” models for Christian women an obedience she offers out of her freedom, her independence, and her thoughtful commitment so that her submission is meaningful and glorious, not a passive resignation to her fate.


May we all learn from Mary’s example and submit well to those God has placed over us.