感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


1. 加尔文(John Calvin)论两国论
2. 乌尔西努(Ursinus)论天国权柄与世俗权柄之区别
3. 巴文克(Herman Bavinck)论基督的双重王权
4. 伯克富(Louis Berkhof)论两个国度
5. 威廉·珀金斯(William Perkins)论两国论

6. 雅各·菲舍尔(James Fisher)论两国论

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区分属灵和属世的政府外在的管辖和良心的管辖  15. 因此为免它成为绊脚石我们要注意人处于两种管辖之下duplex esse in homine regimen),一种是属灵的良心藉此管制操练敬虔和敬拜神另一种是政治上的藉此教导各人作为人和公民所当履行的本分第四卷第十章第3-6。这两种形式通常被强当地被称为属灵和属世的管辖;前者关乎灵魂的生命,后者关于今生之事,不仅包括饮食衣着,而且包括执行法律,从而使人清洁、尊荣、节制地度日。前者管理灵魂,后者仅仅管制人的外在行为。我们可以称前者为属灵的国度,后者为世俗的国度。









——乌尔西努(Ursinus, 《海德堡要理问答注释》,主日31,第450页。

Ursinus, Commentary on Heidelberg Catechism, LD 31, p.450

The points of difference are many, and such as are apparent.

Ecclesiastical discipline is exercised by the church; civil power by the judge or magistrate.
In the state, judgment is passed according to civil and positive laws; in the church, according to the divine law or word of God.

The power of the keys committed to the church depends upon the word of God, and the church exercises her power by the word, denouncing the wrath of God upon the impenitent; punishes the obstinate with the word of God alone, yet in such a way that this punishment takes hold even upon the conscience: civil power employs the sword, and compels the refractory to submit to its authority by temporal punishment alone.

The church has different steps of admonition, and if the offender is brought to acknowledge his sin and repents of it, it does not proceed to execute punishment in his case; the magistrate punishes the offender even though he repent.

The church in the exercise of discipline, looks to the reformation and salvation of the offender; the magistrate to the execution of justice and the public peace. Will der Deib nicht zu unserm Herr Gott fahren, so fahre er zum Bösen.

As the church exercises discipline in the case of none except the obstinate and disobedient, so it is bound to reverse its decision, and to remove the punishment, whenever there is sufficient evidence of repentance on the part of the offender. The magistrate when he has once inflicted punishment neither reverses the decision, nor removes the punishment. The thief that repents upon the cross, or in the hour of death, is received by Christ into Paradise; the magistrate proceeds to the execution of the punishment to which he is sentenced, amid sends him into exile. So Christian discipline often takes cognizance of things which the state does not notice, as when the church casts out of her communion those who do not repent, and refuses to recognize them as her members, while the magistrate, nevertheless, tolerates them; and so, on the contrary, the state may banish those whom the church receives. The magistrate may, for instance, inflict capital punishment upon adulterers, robbers, thieves, etc., and yet the church may receive them, if they give proper evidence of true repentance. The difference, therefore, between ecclesiastical and civil power, is clear and apparent.


基督的王权是双重的(twofold)。其一,这是一个权力的王权 kingship of power (诗 2.8-9; 72.8; 110.1-3; 28.18; 林前 15.27; 1.21-22; 2.9-11, etc)若要基督真正成为统治他子民的君王,救赎、保护、保守他们,他必须拥有天上地上的权柄,胜过撒旦和世界。这是一个权力的王权,既从属于他的恩典国度,也是为恩典国度而提供的一种工具。……

另一方面,基督的王权是恩典的王权 kingship of grace(诗. 2.6; 9.5-6; 30.9; 37.24; 1.33; 18.33ff; 1.22, etc)…因为这是基督以他的道和灵来治理的恩典国度……这位永活的基督被高升坐在上帝的右边,他被授予一切权柄,召聚他的教会,击溃他的仇敌,引导世界历史到他再来的那日。

——巴文克(Herman Bavinck),Reformed DogmaticsVol.4, p.371-72. (王一略译)


作为圣三位一体的第二位格,作为永恒的圣子,基督自然地共享上帝对其一切受造物的统治权。他在天上立定宝座,他的权柄统管万有(诗103:19)。但此王权与基督的中保王权不同,中保王权是指被授予的、治理性王权,由基督执行,不只是在他的神性里,而是他作为神人。后者(即中保王权)不是基督原有的王权,而是被授予他的。 ……一般来讲,我们定义基督的中保王权是他为上帝的荣耀,为执行上帝救恩目的,来统治天地万物时使用的正式权柄。但是,我们必须区分恩典国度(regnum gratiae )和权力国度(regnum potentiae)。

基督的属灵王权是他统治恩典国度(regnum gratiae )的王室权柄,即他统治他的子民或教会的权柄。这是一个属灵的王权,因为它关系到一个属灵的国度。这是中保性的统治,因为这是建立在信徒的心和生命中的。此外,这王权是属灵的,因为他直接产生属灵的结果,即他子民的救恩。最后,这王权是属灵的,因为它不是通过强制力和外在手段,而是通过道和圣灵来执行……(407页)恩典国度不来自于上帝的创造工作,而如其名所示,是来自于他的救赎恩典。…

410页)而权力国度(regnum potentiae)是指神人耶稣基督对全宇宙的统治,他为了教会的缘故对全地执行的护理和审判。作为宇宙的君王,这位中保操控个人、社会团体以及国家的命运,以此来推动他以他的血买赎的子民成长,逐渐洁净,并最终完全。…


——伯克富(Louis Berkhof),Systematic Theology(《系统神学》),第406-11页。(王一略译)

5. 威廉·珀金斯论两国论


——威廉·珀金斯(William Perkins),Golden Chainp. 18

Therefore Christ, as he is God, has under him, emperors, kings, princes to be his vicegerents; who therefore are called gods (Ps 82:1). But as he is Mediator, i.e., a priest, prophet, and king of the church, he has no vicegerent, vicar, or lieutenant, who, in his either kingly or priestly office, in both, or but one, can be in his stead.

“这是为了向我们谴责多年前的盲目错误,这错误曾经被认为是个完美的状态,今天教皇派中依旧如此相信,即远离一切社会,作个和尚或隐士生活,在沙漠里,在那里自愿花一生的时间只用来冥思。他们把这一点放大,甚至认为如此做可以从上帝的手中赚得永生。但是,这些人过这种孤独的生活既不是自愿,也没有功德,而是出于必须。事实上,这种(修道士的)生活在上帝的话语中是没有保证的,因为每个基督徒都是两个国度的成员(every Christian is a member of two Kingdoms);基督的恩典国度和他所居住的国家。由于这个双重成员身份,他有两个方面的呼召:现世的和属灵的。他们都必须勤奋地履行这两方面的呼召,既作为上帝的孩子,也作为他所居住国家的成员。而当一个人自愿孤独度日时,他完全放弃了现世的呼召去履行另一个呼召,但这么做却是一大疏忽,因为他离开了许多虔诚的责任,失去了他人可能会进一步加深向上帝的敬虔,因此如此行动人无法逃过良心的谴责。”

——威廉·珀金斯(William Perkins),A Cloud of Faithful Witnesses Leading to the Heavenly Canaan or A Commentary Upon Hebrews Chapter 11 (Cambridge, 1607, 1618), 195.

This serves to decry unto us the blind error of many ages before us, wherein it has been thought, and is by Papists at this day, to be a state of perfection, to live as a monk or hermit out of all societies, in some desert place, and there to spend their whole life in contemplation only, and that voluntarily. They magnify this estate so much, that hereby they think to merit eternal life at the hands of God. But these believers did neither voluntarily, nor with opinion of merit, betake themselves to this solitary life, but on necessity. Indeed, this [monastic] kind of life has no warrant in God’s word because every Christian is a member of two Kingdoms; of Christ’s Kingdom of grace and of that particular state where he dwells. By reason of this dual membership, he has has a twofold calling: temporal and spiritual. In both of which he must walk diligently so long as he can doing the duties both of a child of God and of a member of that commonwealth where he lives. Now, when a man goes voluntarily to lead a solitary life, he forsakes his temporal calling altogether and performs the other but negligently because he withdraws himself from many duties of piety, whereby the people might be furthered Godward, which none can do with a good conscience.

6. 雅各·费舍尔论两国论



1. 在这个世界上上帝的国有几重?

1. 什么是他的普遍国度(general kingdom)?

1. 什么是他的特殊国度(special kingdom)?


1. 你祈求将要降临的上帝之国是普遍的还是特殊的?

——雅各·菲舍尔(James Fisher),《小要理问答释义》(1753)。(王一略译)

注:雅各·菲舍尔(James Fisher)是苏格兰不从国教的分离派教会(Secession Church)的创始者之一。