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 約翰福音644 若不是差我來的父吸引人,就沒有能到我這裏來的;到我這裏來的,在末日我要叫他覆活。"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day." - John 6:44

加爾文評註「若不是差我來的父吸引人」] [Commenting on the phrase - "unless the Father who sent me draws him."]

這句話可以這樣總結,就是我們不必驚訝,竟然有這麽多人會拒絕擁抱福音;因為沒有人能夠靠自己來就近基督,而是神必須先借著聖靈臨到他;因此,我們可以說,除非神把恩典賜給祂所揀選的人,沒有人會受到吸引。的確,這種吸引不是暴力式的吸引,不是靠著外部的力量來強迫人;但是聖靈仍然必須施予強而有力的動力,讓那些原本不願意、不情願的人,如今願意來就近基督。因此,這種說法,「只有那些自己願意的人才會受到吸引」是錯誤的,也是褻瀆神的,有如說人是靠自己的努力,讓自己順服神;這種說法把人願意跟隨神的心,說成是他們自己裏面本來就有的,是他們塑造自己的心來順服基督。   -- 約翰?加爾文
"The statement amounts to this, that we ought not to wonder if many refuse to embrace the Gospel; because no man will ever of himself be able to come to Christ, but God must first approach him by his Spirit; and hence it follows that all are not drawn, but that God bestows this grace on those whom he has elected. True, indeed, as to the kind of drawing, it is not violent, so as to compel men by external force; but still it is a powerful impulse of the Holy Spirit, which makes men willing who formerly were unwilling and reluctant. It is a false and profane assertion, therefore, that none are drawn but those who are willing to be drawn, as if man made himself obedient to God by his own efforts; for the willingness with which men follow God is what they already have from himself, who has formed their hearts to obey him."   - John Calvin