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信心是條件嗎?Faith as a Condition?

譯者/校對者:  Maria Marta/駱鴻銘

嚴格說來信心是人得救的條件嗎換句話說有關救恩的工作耶穌在十字架上的死只完成了99%然後剩下的1%要靠你的相信來完成嗎再換句話說耶穌的死只是讓救恩的實現成為可能嗎或者祂實在地的完成了救恩的工作呢 關於這點John Owen有精闢的論述


我特別喜歡John Owen所說的那句「信心本身是基督之死所產生的主要功效和所結的主要的果子之一」---得救的信心是「由上帝所提供,上帝保證它絕對會實現」。當耶穌死在十字架上時, 祂實在地為屬祂的人完成了救恩的工作。所以我們必須相信以至於得救,但倘若我們有真的信心,這種信心乃是神所賜,是透過基督的死,靠著聖靈那至高主權的工作賜給我們的。

Faith as a Condition?

Is faith, strictly speaking, a condition of salvation?  In other words, did Jesus die on the cross, doing 99%, and now leaves it up to us to believe, doing the last 1%?  In still other words, did Jesus’ death make salvation possible, or did he actually accomplish redemption?  John Owen puts it so well:

“Christ did not die for any upon condition, ‘if they do believe;’ but he died for all God’s elect, ‘that they should believe,’ and believing have eternal life.  Faith itself is among the principle effects and fruits of the death of Christ….  It is nowhere said in Scripture, nor can it reasonably be affirmed, that if we believe, Christ died for us, as though our believing should make that to be which otherwise was not – the act create the object; but Christ died for us that we might believe.  Salvation, indeed, is bestowed conditionally; but faith, which is the condition, is absolutely procured.”

I especially love the line above where Owen says that faith is one of the greatest effects and fruits of Christ’s death – saving faith is “absolutely procured.”  Jesus actually accomplished salvation for his people when he died on the cross.  So we must believe to be saved, but if we have true faith, it is a gift given by God through the death of Christ by the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit.

John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1999), 123.