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坚守之恩  The Means of Persevering Grace

作者:W. Robert Godfrey   译者:王一

Until the Arminian controversy in the Netherlands in the early seventeenth century, Calvinism did not have five points. Calvinism summarized itself in its great confessions and catechisms and never thought to reduce itself to five points. The Arminians, however, had five attacks on Reformed teaching, which they summarized in 1610. On the fifth point they wrote, in part: “But whether they [those incorporated into Jesus Christ] can through negligence fall away from the first principle of their life in Christ, again embrace the present world, depart from the pure doctrine once given to them, lose the good conscience, and neglect grace, must first be more carefully determined from the Holy Scriptures.” The Arminians in 1610 were uncertain about the doctrine of perseverance. But in the years that followed they increasingly taught that the truly regenerate could fall from grace and be lost.

从措辞中可以明显看出,亚米念主义者们担心圣徒坚忍的教义可能使基督徒疏忽、懒惰、放纵自己。他们认为改革宗的观点是机械式的,好像一路下滑的汽车,只要发动着了,接下来不用继续踩油门,靠着惯性就一冲到底了。Clearly the Arminians feared that the doctrine of perseverance would make Christians negligent, lazy, and self-indulgent. They saw the teaching as mechanical and automatic. They seemed to imagine that the Reformed taught that the Christian life was like a train running downhill. Just get it started, and it will easily run on its own momentum without any further effort. (Their fears may seem to be substantiated by the unreformed teaching of some today that Christians are in a state of “once saved, always saved” — no matter what they do.)

The great Synod of Dort (1618–1619) answered the Arminian doubts and fears clearly and helpfully. It reminded all Christians that God does indeed so preserve His own that they will not fall from grace. But He preserves them through the means that He has appointed, and, by His Spirit, He ensures that they make good use of those means.

多特信经在第五项里详细阐述了圣徒坚忍的教义。在第五项教义总共十五条中,信经展现了一套非常精彩,合乎圣经又同时满有牧者心肠的改革宗教导。第五项起头,信经就承认那些已经蒙恩重生的基督徒,罪依旧残留在他们的生命中,是他们必须对付的难题。正因为罪是我们每天都必须面对的问题,甚至连我们最好的善行都受其污染,所以我们必须每天重新归向上帝:The Canons of the Synod of Dort take up the subject of perseverance in their fifth head of doctrine. In fifteen articles, the fifth head of doctrine presents a remarkable biblical and pastoral statement of the Reformed teaching. It begins by recognizing that sin remains a problem in the life of regenerate Christians. Since sin is a daily problem and affects even our best works, we must daily turn to God anew:

“These [sins] are to them [Christians] a perpetual reason to humiliate themselves before God and to flee for refuge to Christ crucified; to mortify the flesh more and more by the spirit of prayer and by holy exercises of piety; and to press forward to the goal of perfection, until at length, delivered from this body of death, they shall reign with the Lamb of God in heaven” (Article 2).

Here is clearly no mechanical, or automatic, sense of preservation. Human responsibility and active turning to God are upheld as the fruit of the grace of God.

We see here, right at the opening of the fifth head of doctrine, how important means are to persevering in the faith. The Canons mention here first the cultivation of humility and faith in the Christian life. We dare not be a proud people, as if we had accomplished much by our own strength. But we must recognize our weaknesses and look away from ourselves to Christ. One of the key means of cultivating humility is prayer. In prayer, we acknowledge that God is the source of all strength and hope in our lives. Article 2 also encourages “holy exercises of piety” in addition to prayer. Here the stress falls on reading the Bible and engaging faithfully in worship with fellow believers.

The Canons recognize that even the regenerate, left to themselves and their own strength, would not persevere. Only the faithful, persevering grace of God can uphold the regenerate as they face the temptations of sin.

The Canons go on to recognize that God’s saints can fall into terrible sins of which David, the adulterer and murderer, and Peter, the denier of Christ, are very clear examples. Such terrible sins bring with them some terrible consequences:

 “By such enormous sins, however, they very highly offend God, incur a deadly guilt, grieve the Holy Spirit, interrupt the exercise of faith, very grievously wound their consciences, and sometimes for a while lose the sense of God’s favor, until, when they change their course by serious repentance, the light of God’s fatherly countenance again shines upon them” (Article 5).

Here again we see how very personal is the relationship between the believer and his God in true Reformed theology. This article also shows that the doctrine of perseverance in no way encourages an indifference to sin. The commitment to the serious pursuit of holiness is a central tenet of Reformed Christianity. A key verse historically for the Reformed is Ephesians 5:15: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise.”

Article 7 explains something of the way in which God operates in preserving His own:

“By His Word and Spirit He certainly and effectually renews them to repentance, to a sincere and godly sorrow for their sins, that they may seek and obtain remission in the blood of the Mediator, may again experience the favor of a reconciled God, through faith adore His mercies, and henceforward more diligently work out their