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如何閱讀聖經:上帝的承諾與守約Howto Read Your Bible: God’s Promise made and Kept

作者:Le Ann Trees  譯者:駱鴻銘

How to Read Your Bible: God’s Promises Made

聖經不是一本最容易讀的書。有些部分比起其他部分會更容易明白。要認識到聖經所有的書卷是如何整合在一起的,不是一件容易的事。有一個短語很好地總結了聖經的內容:上帝的承諾與守約(Gods promise made and kept)。
The Bible isn’t always the easiest book to read. Some parts make more sense than others. It can be hard to know how all the books of the Bible fit together. One phrase that does a good job summing up the Bible is “God’s promises made and kept.”

Have you ever signed a contract? We find various contracts throughout the Bible, but they are usually called covenants. In order to understand how God makes and keeps his promises, we need to look at the biblical meaning of covenants, because they are involved in all the major parts of the biblical story. It’s easy to overlook the word covenant since it sounds antiquated and out of date, but understanding this word is the key to making sense of the entire Bible.

聖經中主要有兩種類型的約:有條件的和無條件的。我們今天先用一些日常的例子來說明。之後,我們可以將這些區別應用在聖經的盟約裏。There are two main types of covenants in the Bible: conditional and unconditional. Let’s first look at both by using examples from everyday life today. Later, we can apply these distinctions to biblical covenants.

What is a conditional covenant? A conditional covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that requires certain terms to be met. If the terms are met, there will be one kind of result (usually favorable). If the terms are not met, there will be a different result (usually unfavorable). Here are some examples of conditional covenants:

· 一個公司僱了一個承包商,用一筆錢來蓋一棟辦公大樓。倘若這個承包商沒有按照合約裏規定的協議來完成這棟建築,這個工作就不會付錢給這個承包商。
A company hires a contractor to construct an office building for a certain amount of money. If the contractor fails to complete the building as laid out in the contract agreement, the company will withhold payment to the contractor.

· 一位婦人聘僱了一位會計師幫她報稅。她準時赴約,但是會計師卻選擇花時間去照顧其他的客戶,因此爽約了。這位婦人決定開除這個會計師,另外聘僱一個更可靠的人。
A woman hires an accountant to help her with filing a tax return. She shows up for the appointment, but the accountant chooses to spend extra time with another client and misses the appointment. The woman decides to fire the accountant and hire someone else who is more reliable.

在這兩個例子裏,都期望某個人可以完成某種工作,以便得到某種結果。這些有條件的約也可以稱為「行為之約」(covenant of works)——因為這個約必須靠立約者的行為來成全。
In both cases, some type of work was expected on the part of a certain person in order to get a certain result. These conditional covenants are also called covenants of works.

What is an unconditional covenant? An unconditional covenant is an agreement between two or more parties that involves no stipulations of any kind for fulfillment of the agreement. Here are two examples of unconditional covenants:

· 一對父母承諾要無條件地為他們的孩子付大學全部的學費。這個孩子的學業成績和一般的行為不會影響父母是否遵守這個承諾。即使這個孩子成績不好,不尊敬父母,或吸食毒品,這對父母仍然必須完成他們的承諾。
A father and mother promise unconditionally to pay for college in full for their child. The child’s grades and general behavior cannot affect the keeping of the promise. Even if the child is a poor student, disrespectful, or involved with drugs, the parents must follow through on their commitment.

· 婚姻在過去一直是一個無條件的約的好例子。如果你去看傳統的婚姻誓詞,裏面沒有任何的規定,只有承諾。今天許多人已經不再像過去一樣認真地看待婚姻誓言了。
Marriage used to be a good example of an unconditional covenant. If you look at the traditional marriage vows, there are no stipulations of any kind—just promises. Many people today no longer view marriage vows with the seriousness they once were given in society.

一個無條件的約也被稱為「恩典之約」(covenant of grace)或是一個「贈與」(a grant)。在無條件的約裏,立約雙方的協議是不必要的。一方可以選擇向另外一方誓守一個誓言/承諾,並堅守到底,無論另一方的看法是什麼,或需要什麼。當有人立遺囑,要在過世時分配他或她的財產時,我們就可以看到這類單方面的協議。
An unconditional covenant is also known as a covenant of grace or a grant. In unconditional covenants, agreement by both parties is not necessary. One party can choose to commit to an oath/promise to another and keep it, regardless of the opinion/wants of the other party. We see this kind of one-sided agreement when someone makes a last will and testament to direct the distribution of his or her property upon death.

How to Read Your Bible: God’s Promises Kept

在〈如何閱讀聖經:上帝作出應許〉一文裏,我們看了聖經裏兩種主要類型的應許:有條件的和無條件的約。乍看之下,這些盟約似乎是很早以前的奇怪風俗,和我們今天沒有什麼關聯,但是事實遠非如此。在這篇文章中,我們會用兩個部分來探索聖經裏的八個意義重大的盟約,以及這些盟約對你個人來說有什麼意義。In “How to Read Your Bible: God’s Promises Made,” we looked at the two main kinds of promises in the Bible: conditional and unconditional covenants. At first glance, these covenants can seem like strange practices from the long-ago past that have no relevance for us today, but nothing could be further from the truth. Here in part two, we will explore the eight significant covenants of the Bible—and what each one means for you personally.

1.   行為之約(有條件的約)
1. The Covenant of Works (Conditional)

God made a conditional covenant with Adam in the garden of Eden. Adam was supposed to obey all God’s commands to earn the right to eat from the tree of life and merit eternal life.  Adam rebelled against God and earned instead death and condemnation for himself and all his descendants (Gen. 2:17–18; Gen. 3).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

Because all humans come from Adam and were represented by him, they are all under this same covenant and guilty of failing to keep it (Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:21–22). Because God is holy, you are at enmity with God based on your own imperfect works. Furthermore, because you have a sinful nature due to the corruption resulting from Adam’s fall, you commit more sins that heap more guilt upon you.

2.      恩典之約(無條件的)
2. The Covenant of Grace (Unconditional)

We first find the unconditional covenant of grace in Genesis 3:15 where God promises that a savior will come who will crush the head of the serpent (i.e. Satan). In the covenant of grace, people are saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone because of Christ’s perfect keeping of the law and his perfect and complete sacrifice once and for all for sin (Rom. 5:12–21; Heb. 7:27; 10:14).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

Because you are sinful, you can never keep God’s law perfectly and be pure in order to stand in his presence. Through faith in Christ alone, you are declared righteous in God’s sight, are forgiven of your sins, have peace with your Creator, and have been gifted all the rights and privileges as God’s child for eternity (Eph. 2:8–9; Rom. 5:1; 8:15).

 3.      挪亞之約(無條件的)
3. The Noahic Covenant (Unconditional)

In the unconditional Noahic covenant, God made a promise to Noah to never again bring a flood to destroy the earth (Gen. 9:1–17). God instituted the Noahic covenant to preserve the earth so that humans would not destroy each other, in order that the savior, Jesus Christ, could come at the appointed time in God’s redemptive plan.

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

Since Christ has come and done his saving work, God “is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Pet. 2:9). Jesus will return one day to fully establish his kingdom (Rev. 21). If you have not received Christ as your Savior, do so right away, for now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2).

4.      亞伯拉罕之約(無條件的約)
4. The Covenant of Abraham (Unconditional)

The covenant of grace is more fully revealed in the covenant of Abraham. God made an unconditional, permanent covenant with Abraham: “‘I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed’” (Gen. 12:3; 15:5–6). God fulfilled his promise to Abraham by sending his only begotten son Jesus to the earth as the Savior of the world to be born in the flesh from a descendant of Abraham (Matt. 1:1–17; Luke 3:23–38; Gal. 3:16).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

All who receive Christ as Savior are the true heirs of Abraham and have all rights and privileges thereof. Abraham believed God would keep his promise, “and if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:29).

5.      摩西之約(有條件的)
5. The Mosaic Covenant (Conditional)

Like the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic (old) covenant was part of the covenant of grace but it was temporary in nature. The Mosaic covenant was a conditional agreement between God and the people of Israel that was mediated by Moses (Exod. 19–24). The people of Israel had to fulfill God’s stipulations in this covenant to stay and prosper in the land God had given them. None of the Israelites were ever pure before God through the keeping of this covenant, because it was impossible for anyone to obey it perfectly. They were only declared righteous by faith alone, just as their father Abraham was (Gen. 15:6).

基於兩個理由,這個約是極為重要的:1) 它說明以色列國(和我們)不可能完美地遵行上帝的律法,因此需要一位救主,並且,2) 它提供了基督降生的一個平台,祂要成為完美的以色列之子,在萬事上遵行上帝的律法,並成為一次而永遠的贖罪祭。
This covenant was extremely important for two reasons: 1) it showed the nation of Israel (and us) the impossibility of keeping God’s law perfectly and the need for a savior and 2) it provided a forum for Christ to come and be the perfect Son of Israel who would obey God’s law in all things and be the once-for-all sacrifice for sin.

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

The Mosaic covenant shows us that, because of indwelling sin, the law is a taskmaster that humans can never appease (Rom. 3:19–20). Yet, there is no need for you to despair: Through faith in Christ, you are declared righteous before God, since Christ’s perfect obedience is counted to you and your sin is counted to Christ (Rom. 5:12–21; Heb. 7:27; 10:14).

6.      大衛之約(無條件的)
6. The Davidic Covenant (Unconditional)

In 2 Samuel 7, God made a promise that he would raise up David’s offspring and “establish the throne of his kingdom forever” (7:12–13). God promised unconditionally to put a son of David on the throne, but only the righteous son would reign for eternity. While David’s son Solomon ruled over Israel, he failed to keep God’s commands (1 Kings 9:4–9; 11:4–8). Only David’s descendant Jesus was the true and faithful Son deserving of the everlasting throne of David (Ps. 2; 16; 110).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

Unlike mere human rulers who disappoint us with their failure to rule justly, Jesus obeyed God in all things—even giving his own life out of his love for the world—and earned the right to rule in glory forever (John 3:16; 1 Kings 2:35; Rev. 11:15). You can take comfort in knowing that the resurrected Christ is the one truly righteous King who has not only secured eternal life for all believers but will also put an end to all injustice and evil one day (Rev. 21:4).

7.      新約(無條件的)
7. The New Covenant (Unconditional)

The new covenant ushered in the new creation. This covenant is new in relationship to the old (Mosaic) covenant, but both are part of the Abrahamic covenant. While Moses was the mediator of the old covenant between God and the nation of Israel, Christ is the mediator of the new covenant between God and believers through his finished work of redemption in his life, death, and resurrection. While the old covenant required national obedience, the new covenant requires faith in Christ, the perfectly obedient Son of Israel (Jer. 31:31–34; Matt. 26:28; Gal. 3:16–18).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

While the new covenant requires faith in Christ, this faith itself is a gift from God, given to all who trust in Christ as their Savior (John 1:12; Eph. 2:8–9). As a Christian, you can rejoice that you have peace with God (Rom. 5:1), eternal life (Rom. 6:23), are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16), and are being conformed to the image of Jesus (Rom. 8:29).

8.      救贖之約
8. The Covenant of Redemption (Conditional)

Without the covenant of redemption, the only other covenant in this list that could exist is the first one: the covenant of works. The covenant of redemption was established before creation and is the pact between the persons of the Trinity in which the Father sends the Son to do the work of redemption, the Son submits to the Father’s will, and the Holy Spirit applies the benefits of the Son’s accomplished work to believers (Ps. 40:6–8). As a reward for his obedience, the Father gifts the Son with glory and an everlasting kingdom (Ps. 110; Isa. 53; Zech. 6:12–13; John 17:1–5).

What does this covenant mean for you personally?

If the persons of the Trinity didn’t make this pact—and keep it—we would all be under God’s condemnation without any hope for meeting his holy standards. God did not have to save any of us from the consequences of our sin, but he did so out of his unfathomable love (Rom. 3:23–26). Don’t depend on your own imperfect works to be right before God; instead, believe in and receive Jesus Christ as your savior today.