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圣经的神性与人性TheDivine and Human in the Bible

作者:B.B.华菲德(Benjamin B. Warfield  译者:王一

There is probably no problem more prominently before the minds of Bible students of today than the one which concerns the relation between the divine and human elements in the Bible. Recent discussion of the authenticity, authorship, integrity, structure of the several Biblical hooks, has called men's attention, as possibly it has never before been called, to the human element in the Bible. Even those who were accustomed to look upon their Bible as simply divine, never once thinking of the human agents through whom the divine Spirit spoke, have had their eyes opened to the fact that the Scriptures are human writings, written by men, and bearing the traces of their human origin on their very face. In many minds the questions have become quite pressing: How are the two factors, the divine and the human, to be conceived as related to each other in the act of inspiration? And, how are the two consequent elements in the product, the divine and human, to be conceived to be related to each other in the Scriptures?

It would be a mistake to suppose such questions as these of little practical importance. It is true enough that Christian men are more concerned with the effects of inspiration than with its nature or mode. But men will not rest in their belief in effects which are not congruous with their conception of the nature and mode of inspiration. Inadequate or positively false conceptions of the nature and mode of inspiration are being continually suggested, and wherever they are in any degree accepted, they bring forth their natural fruit in a modified view of the effects of inspiration. Men are continually striving to be rid of the effects which are ascribed to inspiration in the Scriptures and the formularies of the Church, on the plea that inspiration is not to be so conceived as to require these effects. The question of how inspiration is to be conceived having been thus raised, it becomes of very serious importance to go at least so far into it as to exhibit the untenableness of those theories which, when accepted, wholly overthrow the Biblical conception of the effects of inspiration. It is a matter, then, of importance, and not merely of curious interest, to ask, how are the two factors, the divine and human, to be conceived to be related to each other in the act of inspiration? And how are the two consequent elements in the Bible, the divine and human, to be conceived to be related to each other in the product of inspiration?

1. In the first place, we. may be sure that they are not properly conceived when one factor or element is so exaggeratingly emphasized as to exclude the other altogether.

出于维护圣经神性的热心,在教会里曾出现一股强调神性而排斥人性的风头。圣经的人类作者仅仅被视为圣灵手中的工具,圣灵用他们(而非透过他们)写作圣经。人们不愿意把圣经的人类作者视为笔者,而只把他们当作笔。在此观点下,默示被理解为简单的听写过程(dictation);人类作者除了他们的手写工作之外,所有在作品质量上贡献全部被否认。这种机械默示论出现在许多十七世纪的威敏斯特神学家里。这在整个抗罗宗的圈子里都是如此,在路德宗里有,关斯德(Quenstedt)、卡洛夫(Calov)、何勒子(Hollaz);在改革宗里,海德格(Heidegger)、布斯多夫(Buxtorf);安立甘宗的理查德·胡克(Richard Hooker);清教徒里有约翰·怀特(John White)。不过,圣经书卷里人类作者的痕迹很明显,因此这种机械理论的极端形式并未成为主流。只要识别出人类作者留下的痕迹,例如不同的措辞、风格等等,就能看出圣经里有人性的成分。至此,一种上帝与人合著的理论代替了唯神作者的理论。而这种理论也是成为听写论在教会里存留的唯一一种形式,而这种理论也不再是讨论的重点。今天,几乎没有人会强调神性元素而把人性元素全部排除在外。
At one time there arose in the Church, under the impulse of zeal to assert and safeguard the divinity of Scripture, a tendency toward so emphasizing the divine element as to exclude the human. The human writers of Scripture were conceived as mere implements in the hands of the Holy Ghost, by which (rather than through whom) he wrote the Scriptures. Men were not content to call the human authors of Scripture merely the penmen, the amanuenses of the Holy Spirit, but represented them as simply his pens. Inspiration, in this view, was conceived as a simple act of dictation; and it was denied that the human writers contributed any quality to the product, unless, indeed, it might be their hand-writing. This, properly so-called, mechanical theory of inspiration was taught by a number of seventeenth century divines, in all Protestant communions alike-by Quenstedt, Calov, Hollaz, among the Lutherans; by Heidegger and Buxtorf, among the Reformed; by Richard Hooker, among the Anglicans; and by John White among the Puritans. The obvious marks of human authorship in the Biblical books, however, prevented it from becoming dominant, in its extreme form. Recognition of these marks of human authorship--as for example, differences in vocabulary, style, and the like--was recognition of a human element in the Bible; and involved so far the substitution of a theory of co-authorship by God and man for the Scriptures, in the place of the strict theory of the sole divine authorship. In this form alone has the theory of dictation persisted in the Church; and in this form it no longer belongs to the class of theories under discussion. Probably no one today so emphasizes the divine element in Scripture as to exclude the human altogether.

然而,今天普遍存在的错误是与其相反的理论。准确的说,今天对圣经最普遍的理解就是把圣经里的神性元素和成分全部排除,只以纯粹的人性角度来讨论圣经的来源和特点。从历史上来看,这种思想来自于理性主义。但是这种思想有许多不同的变体,每个变体都是有不同的哲学在背后。黑格尔主义者,如J.M.怀顿博士(J. M. Whiton),很容易适应这一观点就如同自然神论者一样,神秘主义者,如R.H.霍顿(R.H. Horton),与理性主义者一样也很容易接受这一点。尽管他们各自陈述不同,但都同意圣经纯粹是人写的书。他们之间的不同点仅在于是否上帝有预备工作,或者更进一步,上帝的预备是否包含被作者记录在书里的启示,或者是否只是上帝的护理。当今书籍市场里充斥着这种无可救药的片面理论。华盛顿·格拉登博士(Washington Gladden)的《谁写了圣经?》(Who Wrote the Bible?)一书就是一个非常粗鲁的例证。他认为,上帝对圣经产生过程的看顾与他看顾一颗老苹果树生长没什么两样。约翰·德威特(John DeWitt)博士的《什么是默示?》(What Is Inspiration?)是另一个例子。他认为先知只不过是“尽其所能”用人类的语言来表达自己。 乔治·罗克(T. George Rooke)在《默示及其他课程》(Inspiration and Other Lectures)里的观点稍微好一点;比他更好一点的是最近一位德国的作者伦纳德·斯泰林(Leonard Staehlin),他认为上帝为写作圣经特别预备圣经作者,但是当预备工作结束后,上帝就放手让他们“自由”完成任务,没有上帝持续的指引。一切这些变体概念都包含一个核心观念,就是坚持认为是人,而且只是人制造了圣经;因此圣经彻头彻尾是一本人写的书,哪怕其中包括人对上帝的言行所作出的记录。
The opposite fault, however, is exceedingly common today. Nothing, indeed, is more common than such theories of the origin and nature of the Scriptures as exclude the divine factor and element altogether, and make them purely human in both origin and character. Historically, this mode of thought is an outgrowth of Rationalism; but it takes every form which is required by a change of philosophical basis. A Hegelian, like Dr. Whiton, adapts himself to it as readily as a Deist; a mystic like R. H. Horton as readily as a vulgar Rationalist. The modes of statement given to it are very various, but they all agree in holding the Bible to be a purely human book. They differ only as to whether there has been any divine preparation for the book at all, or if this be allowed, whether this divine preparation included a revelation which men have recorded in this book, or whether it was only gracious or indeed only providential. The book market is flooded at present with treatises teaching this hopelessly one-sided theory. Dr. Washington Gladden's Who Wrote the Bible? is a very crude instance in point. To him God had the same sort of care over the production of the Bible that he has over the growth of an old apple tree. Dr. John DeWitt's recent book on What Is Inspiration? is another crude instance. According to him the prophet was left to express himself in human language "as well as he could." A slightly higher conception is taken by T. George Rooke in his Inspiration and Other Lectures; and a higher one still by a recent German writer, Leonard Staehlin, who thinks that God specifically prepared the Biblical writers for their task, but left them, when prepared, to execute their task in a manner so "free" as to be without continued divine guidance. Throughout all these modifications the germinal conception persists that it was man and man alone who made the Bible; and that it is, therefore, a purely human book, although it may contain a human report of divine deeds and words.

2. We may be equally sure that the relation of the divine and human in inspiration and in the Bible are not properly conceived when they are thought of, as elements in the Bible, as lying over against each other, dividing the Bible between them; or, as factors in inspiration, as striving against and excluding each other, so that where one enters the other is pushed out.

这种肤浅的观念最近几年却变得异常流行。这些言论背后的观点认为,圣经里的人性元素比我们想象的要更大——所以,这里暗含的意思就是圣经里神性元素的比例比我们想象的要小。甚至连很有思想的桑德博士(William Sanday)也说了同样的话:“最近50年到100年之间的研究表明”,他告诉我们,“人性元素比假设的要更大。”[1] 柯克帕特里克教授(A.F. Kirkpatrick)也说:“在圣经的起源中有很大的人性元素,甚至比我们曾经想象的要更大。”[2] 这背后的观念是说,人性的东西就不能同时是神性的,人性进入哪里,哪里的神性就消失了。桑德博士认为自己的论点是为了“人性对神性的侵蚀”,而G. T.拉德博士(G. T. Ladd)甚至说在这件事上的主要困难在于确定“神性与人性相遇并受其限制的确切地方”。[3]
 This hopelessly crude conception seems to have become extraordinarily common of recent years. It is this point of view which underlies the remark, now heard very frequently, that the human element in the Bible is coming to be recognized as larger than we had supposed--with the implication that, therefore, the divine element must be acknowledged to be smaller than we had supposed. Even so thoughtful a writer as Dr. Sanday falls into this mode of speech: "The tendency of the last 50 or 100 years of investigation," he tells us, "is to make it appear that this human element is larger than had been supposed." 1 So, too, Prof. Kirkpatrick says': "In the origin of Scripture there has been a large human element, larger than there was at one time supposed." 2 The underlying conception is that what is human cannot also be divine, and that wherever the human enters there the divine disappears. Thus Dr. Sanday speaks of his thesis as an apparent contention "for an encroachment of the human element upon the divine," and Dr. G. T. Ladd even speaks of the chief difficulty in the matter being the determination of "the exact place where the divine meets the human and is limited by it." 3

On such a conception it is easy to see that every discovery of a human trait in Scripture is a disproving of the divinity of Scripture. If, then, it be discovered that the whole fabric of the Bible is humanas assuredly is true- men who start with this conception in mind must end with denying of the whole fabric of the Bible that it is divine. As a preliminary stage we shall expect to meet with efforts to go through the Bible and anxiously to separate the divine and human elements. And if these elements are really so related to one another that when one enters the other is pushed out, this task will not seem a hopeless one. We may be warned, as Dr. Sanday does warn us, that it is "a mistake to attempt to draw a hard and fast line between the two elements." Men will feel that on this conception of their relation to each other, it is a greater mistake not to make such an attempt. How shall we consent to leave confused such very diverse elements? We need not be surprised, therefore, that men like Horton and Gess have made the attempt. Nor need we at least, who perceive the folly of the underlying conception of the mechanical relation of the two elements to each other, feel surprised over the destructive nature of their results. They do not fail to find the human element entering almost everywhere, and therefore the divine element almost nowhere.

3. Justice is done to neither factor of inspiration and to neither element in the Bible, the human or the divine, by any other conception of the mode of inspiration except that of concursus, or by any other conception of the Bible except that which conceives of it as a divine-human book, in which every word is at once divine and human.

这个观念背后的哲学基础是基督教的上帝观,即上帝在他的行动中既是临在的(immanent)又是超越的(transcendent)。这种对默示的理解与对上帝在其他领域行动的理解类似——如在护理中,或在我们恐惧战兢做成救恩的恩典中,知道是上帝在我们里面工作,按照他自己的美意引导我们的意志和行动。这个观念背后的圣经基础在于,圣经里诫命和真理的表述一直都被呈现为是上帝和人类作者同为作者(co-authorship);圣经一直把经文同时归给上帝和人类作者,并且圣经承认在质量和特征上同时有神性和人性。The philosophical basis of this conception is the Christian idea of God as immanent as well as transcendent in the modes of his activity. Its idea of the mode of the divine activity in inspiration is in analogy with the divine modes of activity in other spheres--in providence, and in grace wherein we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God who is working in us both the willing and the doing according to his own good pleasure. The Biblical basis of it is found in the constant Scriptural representation of the divine and human co-authorship of the Biblical commandments and enunciations of truth; as well as in the constant Scriptural ascription of Bible passages to both the divine and the human authors, and in the constant Scriptural recognition of Scripture as both divine and human in quality and. character.

The fundamental principle of this conception is that the whole of Scripture is the product of divine activities which enter it, however, not by superseding the activities of the human authors, but confluently with them; so that the Scriptures are the joint product of divine and human activities, both of which penetrate them at every point, working harmoniously together to the production of a writing which is not divine here and human there, but at once divine and human in every part, every word and every particular. According to this conception, therefore, the whole Bible is recognized as human, the free product of human effort, in every part and word. And at the same time, the whole Bible is recognized as divine, the Word of God, his utterances, of which he is in the truest sense the Author.

The human and divine factors in inspiration are conceived of as flowing confluently and harmoniously to the production of a common product. And the two elements are conceived of in the Scriptures as the inseparable constituents of one single and uncompounded product. Of every word of Scripture is it to be affirmed, in turn, that it is God's word and that it is man's word. All the qualities of divinity and of humanity are to be sought and may be found in every portion and element of the Scripture. While, on the other hand, no quality inconsistent with either divinity or humanity can be found in any portion or element of Scripture.

On this conception, therefore, for the first time full justice is done to both elements of Scripture. Neither is denied because the other is recognized. And neither is limited to certain portions of Scripture that place may be made for the other, nor is either allowed to encroach upon the other. As full justice is done to the human element as is done by those who deny that there is any divine element in the Bible; for of every word in the Bible, it is asserted that it has been conceived in a human mind and written by a human hand. As full justice is done to the divine element as is done by those who deny that there is any human element in the Bible; for of every word in the Bible it is asserted that it is inspired by God, and has been written under the direct and immediate guidance of the Holy Spirit. And full justice being done to both elements in the Bible, full justice is done also to human needs. "The Bible," says Dr. Westcott, "is authoritative, for it is the Word of God; it is intelligible, for it is the word of man." Because it is the word of man in every part and element, it comes home to our hearts. Because it is the word of God in every part and element, it is our constant law and guide.

[1] The Oracles of God, p. 161.
[2] The Divine Library of the Old Testament, p. 53.
[3] What Is the Bible? p.437.