感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


作者:Meredith G. Kline   译者:王一

Because the subject of biblical covenants and ancient treaties has been under intensive investigation and lively dispute, some introductory observations are in order here about the nature of those biblical arrangements we call "covenants." Our chief interest in these comments is in those covenantal arrangements in which God was one party.

约”在旧约圣经里最主要的是用希伯来字בְּרִיתberith,中文音译过来为“比利土”),这个字在新约圣经里被新约圣经的作者们翻译成διαθήκη diatheke)。 这个berith有什么特殊的地方,为什么要用这个字?
Of the biblical words usually rendered "covenant" the primary one in the Old Testament is the Hebrew berith, for which the Greek diatheke was the translation choice of the New Testament writers. What is it that constitutes the peculiar berith-character of that which is so denominated?

我们在圣经里经常看到有berith被建立。建立berith的过程常常伴随着庄严的仪式来使其生效。一般来说,整个过程的重点是起誓,其中包括了有制裁力的咒诅。很明显, berith是一种法律性的安排,是有约束力的正式规定。在berith的核心是承诺或保证,而承诺通常是以起誓的形式给出,这就体现了berith的宗教性质。Berith不是世俗合同,而是神圣的事,有上帝的见证和强制力。
Repeatedly we read of a berith being "made." The berith-making is accomplished through a solemn process of ratification. Characteristically this transaction centers in the swearing of an oath, with its sanctioning curse. Clearly a berith is a legal kind of arrangement, a formal disposition of a binding nature. At the heart of a berith is an act of commitment and the customary oath-form of this commitment reveals the religious nature of the transaction. The berith arrangement is no mere secular contract but rather belongs to the sacred sphere of divine witness and enforcement.

The kind of legal disposition called berith consists then in a divinely sanctioned commitment. In the case of divine-human covenants the divine sanctioning is entailed in God's participation either as the one who himself makes the commitment or as the divine witness of the human commitment made in his name and presence.

圣经多处提到遵守、纪念berith,或者背弃、违背berith。这就证明了berith的基本含义就是带有责任的承诺并履行承诺。事实上,这两种对待berith的方式,即遵守或违反它,是最引人注目也是最具说服力的概念。并且,berith的常见同义词חֶסֶד chesed )有忠诚或守信的含义,有时与另一个词אֶמֶת(’emeth“真理”)连用表示强调。
A good indication that the act of commitment with the obligations thus undertaken is basic to the meaning of berith is provided by the numerous statements about keeping and remembering the berith or being false to it and transgressing it. In fact, the two possible ways of treating a berith, by observing or violating it, are the most conspicuous and pervasive ideas found in immediate association with that term in the Bible. Also, a common synonym for berith is chesed with its connotation, if not primary force, of loyalty and fidelity, underscored at times by its combination with the term, 'emeth, "truth."

此外,一些表示誓言(或咒诅)的词常被用作berith的近义词,指出承诺在berith里的中心地位,尤其是起誓而立的承诺。例如,摩西把以色列民聚集在摩押平原教导他们说:“你们站在这里为要进入耶和华你们的神今日与你们所立的约,进入他的誓言咒诅里。”(申29:12,作者重译)。在《以西结书》15章里,上帝用婚姻寓指西奈山之约,他说:“我向你起誓,与你立约”(8节,新译本)。Berith也可以用作起誓动作的直接宾语(参申4:31; 7:12; 8:18)。也参考《创世记》26:28Further, pointing to the centrality of commitment and specifically oath-commitment in the berith arrangement is the common use of words for oath (or curse) as synonyms for berith. For example, Moses instructs Israel assembled in the plains of Moab: "(You stand here) to enter into the covenant of Yahweh your God and into his oath-curse which Yahweh your God is making with you this day" (Deut 29:12[11]). In the marriage allegory of the Sinaitic Covenant in Ezekiel 16 the Lord says: "I sware unto you and entered into a covenant with you" (v. 8). Berith may also be the direct object of the verb of swearing (cf. Deut 4:31; 7:12; 8:18). See also Genesis 26:28.

So much was oath-commitment definitive of the berith that the act of making a berith was denoted by the imagery of the oath ritual performed when ratifying a berith. Thus, since the characteristic ratification rite was one of slaying and cutting up animals to symbolize the curse that would befall the breaker of the oath, "cut a berith" became the idiom for this transaction.

语源学的研究或许也表明beirth一词里起誓承诺的含义,因为它原本的含义是“约束”(bond)。用这个词来表达旧约圣经里的各约,意味着其中起誓所产生的具有约束力的义务。把约视为约束的概念,可以参考《民数记》30:2起,特别是“约束性的起誓”(13节)。另外,约束和berith之间的联系,请留意“盟约的约束”这个短语(结20:37,新译本;参考耶27:2;但6:8)。但不论berith的词源到底是什么(这依旧有争议),这个词的意思通过新约圣经里的翻译就很明显。Diatheke意味着一种财产处理(disposition),特别是指遗嘱(在圣经之外的文献使用),而使用这个词来翻译berith就表示新约作者认为berith是一种庄严的许下承诺(solemnly transacted commitment)。
Etymology possibly affords another indication of the oath-commitment significance of berith, for its original meaning may well be "bond". Use of this term for the Old Testament covenants would then have in view the binding obligation undertaken in the ratificatory oath. For the idea of the oath as a bond see, for example, Numbers 30:2ff. (3ff.), especially the expression "binding oath" (v. 13[14]). And for the association of bond and berith note the phrase "bond of the covenant" (Ezek 20:37; cf. Jer 27:2; Dan 6:8). But whatever the etymology of berith (and this is still under debate), the proper meaning of the word used to translate it in the New Testament is clear. Diatheke means a disposition, especially (in extra-biblical usage) a testament, and its use as a rendering for berith points to an understanding of the latter as a solemnly transacted commitment.

This understanding of the meaning of berith is confirmed by the extra-biblical evidence of analogous phenomena in the ancient world, particularly certain political arrangements whose formal equivalence to the divine covenants in the Bible is established by striking and extensive parallels in their ratificatory rituals and documents and in their administrative procedures. For these similar covenantal arrangements are regularly called "bonds (i.e., obligations) and oaths." Moreover, the making of these covenants too is referred to as a cutting of the covenant, or it is denoted by some expression descriptive of a particular oath-curse ritual consisting in the dismemberment of some specific animal.

The evidence for berith as an obligation solemnly undertaken or imposed has increasingly impressed investigators of the matter and a vigorous case has been made opposing as unwarranted the translating of berith by "covenant," with its connotation of relationship. It is even suggested that "command" would be a suitable rendering, and in support of that is the fact that "law" and various terms for commandment are employed as synonyms for berith (cf. Jer 33:25). Those who defend the continued use of the translation "covenant" have to acknowledge that berith is in the first instance a matter of commitment (given or exacted). They contend, however, that berith-arrangements are bilateral in that they involve negotiations (even if one party sovereignly proclaims or imposes the terms) and that the berith-making occurs in the context of an existing relationship or mutual understanding, often a cordial relationship, which the berith then further defines. It should be observed, too, that berith is not always used in its simple primary and proper sense and that some justification for rendering it by "covenant" can be found in the secondary extensions of its meaning. For the idea of the act of oath-commitment, which may be obvious enough in passages that deal with berith-making or ratification, shades off in other passages into the idea of the contents of the commitment. And we can think of those contents per se, or as written down as the text of a berith-document (we find references in the Bible to the "words of the covenant," "the tables of the covenant," "the book of the covenant") or as embodied in the order of life or the relationship that they promise or stipulate. These nuances are so interrelated that it is difficult to say which one is dominant in some passages. For possible examples of berith referring to the contents, whether promissory or obligatory, see Exodus 31:16; Numbers 25:13 (cf. Neh 13:29; Mal 2:8); 2 Samuel 23:5 (cf. Ps 89:39); 1 Kings 20:34; and Psalm 50:16. For possible examples of berith used for the resultant alliance or relationship or order, see Genesis 17:4; Exodus 23:32; Job 5:23; Psalm 83:5(6); Isaiah 28:15, 18; Ezekiel 30:5 and Hosea 12:1. In view of these secondary uses of berith and because of the long and firmly established place of the word "covenant" in English versions of the Bible and in theological formulations it would seem expedient to continue to make use of "covenant" in translating berith and diatheke.

It was stated earlier that there is a close connection between divine covenant and divine kingdom. Viewed as commitment transactions with their rituals, documents, and stipulated terms and procedures, covenants function as administrative instruments of God's kingly rule. Indeed, the connection is sometimes closer than this. As we have observed, berith in some passages denotes the actual historical realization of the arrangement defined in the covenantal stipulations and sanctions. Covenant thus becomes a particular administration of God's kingship, whether in the bestowal of his holy kingdom as a royal grant on a special covenant people as their peculiar inheritance or in the sovereign government of a temporal world order whose benefits are common to all alike (as in the postdiluvian common grace covenant of Gen 9). It is in this sense that covenant is used to designate the major divisions of covenant theology.

Converging lines of evidence have indicated that what is designated berith is primarily a legal disposition, characteristically established by oath and defined by the terms specified in oath-bound, divinely sanctioned commitments. We have also found that there is a functional aspect common to the divine berith transactions which provides warrant for those engaged in theological analysis to employ the term covenant in the sense of kingdom administration.

In adopting these conclusions we are rejecting certain counterproposals in which the covenant concept gets unduly restricted. These would make essential to the definition of covenant as a biblical theological category features that are not present in all berith arrangements, features pertaining to the substance of the covenantal commitment or to the resultant covenantal order.

因此,关于立约承诺的本质,有人认为约必须是恩典和应许的施行(sovereign administration of grace and promise)。但是,圣经里有一些berith不是以恩典的原则,而是以行为的原则执行的。例如在伊甸园里起初创世的秩序就是如此。在堕落后的人类历史中,我们看到既有行为之约也有恩典之约。我们需要从起生效誓言(ratification oath)一方的身份来判断某个约到底是哪一种类型。这里必须注意,不是所有立约承诺的誓言都是使约生效的誓言。例如,割礼的起誓仪式(创17)的角色是在亚伯拉罕之约上附加上一个封印,而亚伯拉罕之约本身已经在之前通过上帝的誓言生效了(创15)。更准确的讲,在堕落之后,判断一个约的治理原则是要看是否有人类起生效誓言,因为在所有上帝与人类之间的约中,不论是行为之约还是恩典之约,都暗含了上帝的誓言。然而,如果一个约是单独凭着上帝的誓言而生效的话,那它就是恩典之约,不论是救赎性的,还是普遍性的。而如果立约过程中包括了人类起生效誓言,例如在西奈山之约中以色列人的起誓(出24),这个约则是依据行为原则而立的。人起点生效誓言承诺自己会履行主加在他身上的责任义务,而在这种行为之约里,上帝的誓言则是承诺将要正确的实施奖励或制裁,用应许的祝福奖励顺服,用咒诅报应悖逆。限于当下所讨论的,我们只需要简单看出,有些圣经里的约是多样的,在定义约的时候,它们的根本特征,即带有上帝奖惩的承诺,不能以恩典和应许的承诺这样的定义来加以限制。
Thus, with respect to the substance of the covenant commitment it has been held that nothing is properly called covenant except sovereign administration of grace and promise. However, as will be argued below, there are berith arrangements in the Bible that are informed by the principle of works, the opposite of grace. One of these is the original order in Eden. In postlapsarian history, where we encounter covenants both of works and grace, the identity of the party who takes the ratification oath is an indicator of which kind of covenant it is in a particular case. It must be noted here that not all oaths of covenantal commitment function as ratification oaths. For example, the role played by the oath ritual of circumcision (Gen 17) is that of a supplementary seal added to the Abrahamic Covenant, which had been ratified by God's oath on an earlier occasion (Gen 15). More precisely, in the situation after the Fall it is the presence or absence of a human oath of ratification that provides the clue as to the governing principle, for divine oath is at least implicit in the ratification of all divine-human covenants, whether of works or grace. If the covenant is ratified by divine oath alone, it is a covenant of grace, either saving or common. But when the covenant-making includes a human oath of ratification, as in the case of Israel's oath in the Sinaitic Covenant (Exod 24), the arrangement is informed by the works principle. (On the complex relation of works and grace in the old covenant, see further below.) Man's ratificatory oath is a commitment to perform the obligations imposed by his Lord, while the divine oath in such a works covenant is a commitment to enforce the sanctions appropriately, rewarding obedience with the promised blessing and recompensing disobedience with the threatened curse. But our immediate concern is simply to observe that in view of the data indicating that some biblical covenants are of the works variety, the fundamental feature of divinely sanctioned commitment in our definition of covenant may not be restricted to commitment of sovereign grace and promise.

Improper restriction of the biblical theological definition of the berith concept has also occurred by inclusion of what is effected by the covenantal transaction. Some suggest that the main component in this definition should be the effecting of a religious relationship, more specifically, a holy fellowship in love between God and a chosen people. If we were limiting our analysis to those covenants in which God bestows his holy kingdom on a sanctified community, we might properly include in an expanded definition of covenant this feature of the union and communion of God and man in recognition that this is the acme of blessedness secured in these covenants and the chief end in view, under the glory of God. However, if our definition is intended to cover all the divine covenants in Scripture, this feature of special relationship must be omitted, for there is also the common grace covenant (cf. Gen 9) in which God commits himself to maintain a certain order of life but does not therein bestow his holy kingdom and communion on an elect people.

Once we are satisfied that we have arrived at a proper concept of covenant and have in mind employing the succession of divine covenants as a general scheme for a biblical theology, the question arises whether we should classify as covenants various arrangements that are not specifically labelled berith or diatheke in the Bible. This problem takes a couple of different forms. One involves the traditional procedure of covenant theology whereby the individual berith-diatheke transactions of redemptive history are combined into ever more comprehensive "covenant" entities, culminating in what is usually called the Covenant of Grace, which encompasses all the redemptive administrations from the Fall to the Consummation. If it is recognized that there is a fundamental unity among all the individual covenants brought under the overarching Covenant of Grace, the process of identifying higher levels of covenantal unity is surely proper, for the biblical authors themselves already did that kind of systematizing of the covenants. For example, in Psalm 105:9,10 (cf. 2 Kgs 13:23; 1 Chr 16:16,17) there is a virtual identifying of God's separate covenantal transactions with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And the separate covenants enacted by Moses at Sinai and in Moab and the later renewals of this arrangement in Joshua 24 and elsewhere in the Old Testament are repeatedly spoken of by later Old Testament authors and by New Testament authors as one covenant of the Lord with Israel, which the Book of Hebrews refers to as the "first" over against the "new" or "second" covenant (Heb 8:6-8). In principle then there is biblical precedent for the systematic organizer of the covenants to identify the over-all unity of the redemptive covenants by some such term as the Covenant of Grace.