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76 教會 The Church

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.205, 更新傳道會出版

教會是指所有屬於主,被基督寶血買贖的人而言,亦可用其他各種不同的喻象和表達方式來形容。 教會被稱作基督的身體、神的家、神的子民 、蒙揀選的人、基督的新婦、蒙贖的會眾、聖徒的團契、新以色列等。

新約聖經中教會這個詞來自希臘文聚會 ( ecclesia)一詞,是「被召出來的人」的意思,即是神從世界和罪惡中,呼召出一批蒙揀選進入恩典之子民所組成的團體。 因為地上的教會總都像聖奧古斯丁所說的,是一個「混雜的團體」,所以我們必須分辨甚麼是看得見的教會,甚麼是看不見的教會。耶穌說,在看得見的教會(就是由那些自稱信主,已受洗,也是教會會友的人所組 成的團體)裏,麥子會和稗 子一同生長。教會雖然是「聖潔的」,但在今世的教會裏,一定會有不聖潔的人混雜其間。不是所有口裏尊基督為主的人,都從心裏尊崇祂。因為只有神能識透人心,因此也只有祂能認得出誰是真正蒙揀選的人,我們卻不一定認得出來。看不見的教會好像是一個透視體,但在神眼中卻是完全看得見的。蒙神揀選者的責任就是要使人眼看不見的教會變成是看得見的教會。教會應是合一的、聖潔的、大公的和使徒的。教會是合一的,雖有不同的宗派,但所有蒙揀選的人都因一主、一信 、一 洗而結合為一 ;教會是聖潔的,因為它被神分別為聖,並且有聖靈居住其中;教會是大公的,因教會是普世性的,會友遍布全世界所有國家;教會是使徒的,因為經中使徒的教訓是教會的根 ,也是治理教會的權柄所在。


教會不是一個機構,而是一個有機體,它是由有生命的個體組合而成的,因此又被稱作基督的身體 。正如人的身體是由不同的部分組織合作才能發揮它的功能,教會也該是一個能充分彰顯合一與分工的身體。這身體是由「頭 」—基督—統 管,也包含很多肢體,而且每個肢體都有神的恩賜,使得整個身體的功能發揮出來。

1. 教會是由屬於主的人所組成的。
2 .聖經中教會一 詞的意思是「被召出來的人」
3 .地上的教會總都是由信主者與信者組成的一個混雜的團體。
4 .人眼看不見的教會在神眼中卻是看得見的。
5 . 教會是合一的、是聖潔的、大公的和使徒的。
6. 教會像人的身體一樣,是個有機體。

13 : 24-43;林前12:12-14;弗2 19-22;弗4 1-6;西 1 18;啟7 : 9-10

76. The Church

The church refers to all the people who belong to the Lord, those who have been purchased by the blood of Christ. Various other images and expressions are also used to define or describe the church. The church is called the body of Christ, the family of God, the people of God, the elect, the bride of Christ, the company of the redeemed, the communion of saints, the new Israel, among others.

The New Testament word for church, from which we get the word ecclesiastical, means “those called out.” The church is viewed as an
assembly or gathering of the elect, those whom God calls out of the world, away from sin and into a state of grace.

Because the church on earth is always what St. Augustine called “a mixed body,” it is necessary to distinguish between the visible church and the invisible church. In the visible church (consisting of those who make a profession of faith, are baptized, and enrolled in membership of the institutional church), Jesus indicated there would be tares growing along with the wheat. Though the church is “holy,” it always, in this age, has an unholy mixture within it. Not all of those who honor Christ with their lips honor Him with their heart as well. Since God alone can read the human heart, the true elect are visible to Him, but in some measure invisible to us. The invisible church is transparent but completely visible to God. It is the task of the elect to make the invisible church visible.

The church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. The church is one. Though fragmented by denominations, the elect are united by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. The church is holy because it is sanctified by God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The church is catholic (the word catholic means “universal”) in that its membership extends across the earth including people from all nations. The church is apostolic in that the teaching of the apostles as contained in sacred Scripture is the foundation of the church and the authority by which the church is governed.

It is the duty and privilege of every Christian to be united to the church of Christ. It is our solemn responsibility not to neglect the gathering together of the saints in corporate worship, to be under the nurture and discipline of the church, and to be actively involved as witnesses in the mission of the church.
The church is not so much an organization as it is an organism. It is made up of living parts. It is called the body of Christ. Just as a human body is organized to function in unity by the coworking and codependence of many parts, so the church as a body displays unity and diversity. Though ruled by one “head”—Christ—the body has many members, each gifted and endowed by God to contribute to the work of the whole body.

1. The church is made up of those who belong to the Lord.
2. The biblical word for church means “those who are called out.”
3. The church on earth is always a mixed body of believers and unbelievers.
4. The invisible church is visible only to God.
5. The church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
6. The church is an organism likened to the human body.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Matthew 13:24-43 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 Ephesians 2:19-22 Ephesians 4:1-6 Colossians 1:18 Revelation 7:9-10 77