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78. 開除會籍Excommunication

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.206, 更新傳道會出版


開除會籍是教會紀律中最嚴厲的一步,即排除不肯悔改的罪人,不讓他與其他信徒相交。這教義是根據耶穌所論釋放與綑綁的教訓而來(太16 : 19 ; 18 : 1S 20 ; 20 : 2 3) ,因神將執行紀律的責任賜給了教會。不過,馬太福音十八章又說,在開除會籍之前,還該先經過三個步:首先要私下規勸犯罪者;如果這一步不成功,便當找證人再一起去規勸他,以證明第一次的規勸不是出於錯誤,也不是出於毀謗;第三步才把犯罪者帶到全體會眾面前。如果他還是不聽, 教會便當停止與他相交。

有一點是必須注意的,教會並不是為著懲罰而開除信徒的會籍。由始至終,整個執行紀律的過程,包括開除會籍本身在內,其目的都是為了引導這位不肯悔改的信徒歸回羊圈。開除這行動的本身,等於是把犯罪者交給魔鬼,目的不是懲罰他,而是要喚醒他從罪中起來。加爾文認為,教會的紀律最能幫助教會建立健全的信仰、秩序與合一(註 1)


為了要矯正並挽回犯罪的弟兄,為了阻止別人犯同樣的罪,為求除掉那足以敗壞全圑的酵,為求維護基督的尊榮和福音純正的宣揚。教會若任憑罪惡昭彰和剛愎的罪人褻瀆祂的聖約和其印記 (即聖禮),神的忿怒會公平地臨到教會,為避免神的忿怒臨到,教會的懲戒乃是必須的 。(註2)


執行教會紀律乃源自基督的命令,因此必須冷靜地執行。通常教會在執行紀律時,可能會犯上兩樣錯處 :一是太鬆,以致未能處分犯罪者,二是太過嚴厲,以致沒有行出神所命定的恩慈。

執行教會紀律時,不當把重點放在末枝小節上, 因懲戒瑣碎的罪行可能會給神子民帶來很大的破壞。 神呼召我們要彼此心存忍耐與寬容,因為神也忍耐我 們。聖經呼召我們應有能遮掩許多罪的那種愛心。

1. 開除會籍是教會執行紀律的最後一步。
2 . 只有一種罪會導至開除會籍,那就是不肯悔改。
3. 執行教會紀律的步驟是基督設立的。
4 .開除會籍的目的是為了挽回犯罪者和保護教會。
5. 執行教會紀律不應太鬆,也不應太嚴。
6 .基督徒應學習培養忍耐與寬容的愛。

7 : 1-5 ;林前5 章;林前11:27-32 提前1:18-20 ;提前5:19-20 ;彼前4 8

1.John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols., bk. IV (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1975), 2:22. i i l.Westminster Confession ofFaith (Committee for Chris¬ tian Education & Publication, Presbyterian Church in Ame¬ rica, 1990), art. 30:3.


To be excommunicated from the church of Christ is a dreadful thing. Yet there is only one sin so serious that it warrants dismissal from the body of Christ. That sin is the sin of impenitence. There are a multitude of sins serious enough to require church discipline. However, since church discipline is a multistep process with excommunication being the final step, the only sin that can bring us to that step is the refusal to repent of the sin that initiated the process in the first place.

Excommunication is the most extreme disciplinary measure of the church. It entails excluding the unrepentant sinner from communion with the faithful. The doctrine derives from Jesus’ teaching on binding and loosing (Matthew 16:19; 18:15-20; John 20:23). The responsibility for discipline was given to the church. The passage in Matthew 18, however, lists three steps that are to be taken prior to excommunication. The sinner is first to be corrected privately. If such a procedure should fail, he is to be corrected by witnesses. This insures that the accuser in the first step is not at fault or bringing slanderous charges. Thirdly, the sinner is to be brought before the entire community of believers. Should this fail, the church is to cease communion with the offender.

It should be noted that excommunication is never to be performed with a sense of retribution. The entire process, up to and including excommunication, is a form of discipline designed to bring the unrepentant person back into the fold. At the point of excommunication, the guilty party is handed over to the devil. The intent is not to punish but to awaken the guilty party to his sin. John Calvin held that church discipline is the “best help” to sound doctrine, order, and unity.1

The Westminster Confession enumerates five purposes for excommunication:
Church censures are necessary, for the reclaiming and gaining of offending brethren, for deterring of others from like offenses, for purging out of that leaven which might infect the whole lump, for vindicating the honor of Christ, and the holy profession of the Gospel, and for preventing the wrath of God, which might justly fall upon the Church, if they should [1. Calvin, Institutes, bk. IV, 2:XII. ] suffer His covenant, and the seals thereof, to be profaned by notorious and obstinate offenders.

This list could perhaps be accurately reduced to two primary reasons: concern for the soul of the sinner and concern for the health of the church.
Church discipline is commanded by Christ, and it is a matter that requires great prudence. The church can fall into errors of two sorts. It can become too lax and fail to discipline those who scandalize the faith, or it can become too severe and lack the charity God commands.

Church discipline should not be invoked over trivial or minor matters. Pettiness can be a source of ruin among the people of God. We are called to a spirit of patience and forbearance with each other as God is patient with us. The Scripture calls us to a kind of love that will “cover a multitude of sins.”

1. Excommunication is the final step of church discipline.
2. The only sin that ultimately results in excommunication is impenitence.
3. Christ instituted the process of church discipline.
4. The goal of excommunication is the restoration of the offender and the protection of the church.
5. Church discipline must not be either lax or harsh.
6. Christians must exercise a love that is patient and forbearing.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Matthew 7:1-5 1 Corinthians 5 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 1 Timothy 1:18-20 1 Timothy 5:19-20 1 Peter 4:8

2. Westminster Confession, art. 30:3.