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约伯记中的上帝Any Place for the God of Job?

作者: Carl Trueman 翻译: 诚之

Preaching through Job recently, I was very struck by the Lord's final intervention. Job has suffered incredibly throughout the book; and we, the readers, know that none of this is his fault. It is the result of the battle between God and the Accuser and, if anything, Job's suffering is thus the result of his devotion to the Lord, which Satan wishes to test. And by the end of Job's last big speech (Job 31) he is depressed, and with good reason. The man has lost everything.

当神最后出现在这个受了百般苦难的约伯面前时,竟然是在旋风中显现的,而不是以微小的声音临到。你如果查一查圣经中旋风这个字,看它出现的场景是什么样子,你大概会发现,那绝对不是一种很亲切、安祥的画面。此外,耶和华对他说的话,基本的意思就是要他像个男人,振作起来,虽然不是要他认罪悔改,但是也不是给他安慰,而是给他好好地上了一堂神的伟大与神的主权的神学课。而当约伯被说得哑口无言时,耶和华继续无情地对他施压,描述了两只可怕的怪兽,河马和鳄鱼。如果Robert Fyall是对的(我认为他是)【译按:应该是指这本书:Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job [New Studies in Biblical Theology] 提到的http://www.wtsbooks.com/product-exec/product_id/1187/nm/】,那么,鳄鱼就是暗指撒但;如此,就是只有在这里,上帝才给了约伯一点真正的帮助,因为祂把后台的布幕稍微拉开一点,让约伯了解到,他的受苦只是比他所可能想象到的宇宙更为复杂的宇宙的一部分而已。而不管我们的经验是怎么说的,耶和华对这个最复杂的宇宙有着最终极、最完全的掌控。
When God finally comes to Job, to this man who has suffered so much devastation, it is stunning that he comes in the whirlwind. No still small voice here: he comes in the whirlwind (and a brief search of 'whirlwind' passages in the Old Testament indicates that is not indicative of what we might call good bedside manner). Further, the Lord tells Job to arm himself as a man ('man up', I guess, would be the modern cliché) and then, rather than telling Job to deal with his own sin or even expressing the tiniest fragment of sympathy for him in his suffering, he subjects Job to a blistering lecture about divine greatness and sovereignty. Then, when Job has been crushed into silence, the Lord pushes on relentlessly, describing two terrifying beasts, Behemoth and Leviathan. If Robert Fyall's exegesis is correct (and I believe it is) then Leviathan is Satan; thus, only at this point does God offer any real help (as we might understand it) to Job, as he lifts the curtain just a little and allows Job to grasp that his suffering is a function of a greater and more complicated universe than he can possibly imagine, and that, whatever the empirical facts, the Lord has ultimate and overall control.

As I preached on this passage, I highlighted the fact that, by the criteria of today's world, even by the criteria of modern pastoral theology, the Lord is a total failure. Far too abrupt, harsh and unsympathetic. This is even more striking, given that the Lord knows that Job's suffering is nothing to do with any specific sin Job has committed or harbours in his heart. Job is not responsible for his own suffering: that is, after all, the basic premise of the book.Yet the Lord comes in the whirlwind. Not exactly touchy-feely pastoral, is it?

The Lord knows Job's suffering is not Job's fault. Thus, he does not tell Job to examine himself to root out his sin. Further, he seems to show no sympathy for Job; he berates him from the whirlwind; he offers no kind words of encouragement; and he does not even restore Job until after the sacrifice and intercession of the last chapter. We should also ask: how complete was Job's restoration? This man had lost ten children. Yes, he receives ten more. But children are not like iPods: they have individual identities, faces, histories, personalities. The loving father knows that each and every one of his children is, quite literally, irreplaceable. How many nights in later life would Job have lain awake, remembering with a broken heart the names and faces and the stories and the good times of his first children? And none of this was anything to do with Job's own sins or faults.

The lessons of Job are manifold but it seems that a few rather stand out: this is aJob family.jpg complicated, fallen, evil world; Christians can expect to suffer - hey, we all die in the end, no matter how jolly we might feel at points in the interim, so we had better get used to the idea; Christians are no more exempt from depression than they are from cancer or strokes; and the idea that these things are necessarily linked to our lack of faith, to our personal sin, to our outlook on life, or, indeed, to anything intrinsic to us, is nonsense and unbiblical. A pastoral theology which has not grappled with the whirlwind and the speeches of the last part of Job is sub-biblical; and preaching which does not take these things into account is not biblical preaching. One might add that perhaps one of the key lessons of Job (and the Psalms, for that matter) is:

it is OK to be depressed. It is horrible and grim and dark. But it may not be your fault, any more than cancer or a stroke are your fault. Above all, it does not mean that you are forgotten by God, even if God only ever seems to come to you in the whirlwind; and, finally, it does not mean that you will not participate in the glorious resurrection when all the travails of this world will be definitively left behind.?