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作者:PAUL TRIPP  譯者: 駱鴻銘

如果你的心對神的榮耀有實在的敬畏,那麽,在你心中就應該無法容忍草草準備、拙劣的講道和平庸的牧養工作。我們竟然可以容忍在地方教會生活和牧養中的平庸,對此我們實在應該感到震驚。我的意思不是說不該給人成長和成熟的空間,要去不斷地批評人,讓人心碎。我的意思是:在許多地方,我們的標準實在是太低了。平庸不是一個時間、人員、資源或地點上的問題。平庸是一個的問題。我們失去了追求最高的卓越這樣的心志是因爲我們失去了對神的敬畏。敬畏的失憶症打開了通往平庸的大門。If your heart is in functional awe of the glory of God, then there will be no place in your heart for poorly prepared, badly delivered, pastoral mediocrity. We should all be shocked at the level of mediocrity we tolerate in the life and ministry of the local church. No, I'm not talking about giving people room to grow and mature so we don't crush them with criticism. I'm talking about those places where our standards are simply too low. Mediocrity is not a time, personnel, resource, or location problem. Mediocrity is a heart problem. We have lost our commitment to the highest levels of excellence because we have lost our awe. Awe amnesia is the open door that permits mediocrity in.

敬畏神會激勵我們給我們動力幷讓我們扎心知罪。在耶穌基督教會的領袖中,沒有任何東西可以取代敬畏神在我們心中的地位。對神的敬畏會讓我們對自己作出更高的要求。對神的敬畏會提醒我們,上帝是如此地榮耀,以至于作爲神的大使的我們,不可能會訂出過高的標準。我不是說要去追求奢華、高級裝潢的建築。我是在說一種堅定的委身,要在每次聚會當中,竭盡所能幷清楚有力地去展示神同在的榮耀和恩典。你對祂的恩典有如此的敬畏,也經歷如此的滿足,才能使你有偌大的熱情去向那些你所牧養的人展現此恩典。Awe of God inspires, motivates, and convicts. There is no replacement for such awe in the leadership of the church of Jesus Christ. Awe asks more of us than we would ever ask of ourselves. Awe reminds you that God is so glorious that it is impossible for you, as his ambassador, to have ministry standards that are too high. I'm not talking about lavish, expensively furnished buildings. I'm talking about a sturdy commitment to do everything you can to display the glory of his presence and grace as powerfully and clearly as you can each time his people gather. You are in such awe of, and have been so satisfied by, his grace that you have zeal to display that grace to those under your care.

其他辦法能使你獲得這樣的熱情。你不只是在盡義務你不是在敷衍了事你不只是一時的情緒激動或表面的做作。你是作爲一位無比榮耀的君王的大使,透過你的生命來敬拜。而你會有一種虔誠的敬畏,擔心我們所作的任何事會貶低、削减或褻瀆神的榮耀。You can get this zeal no other way. You never are just doing your duty. You never are just cranking it out. You never are just going through the motions. You never are just putting on a front. You are worshiping your way through life as the ambassador of an expansively glorious King. And you are in reverential fear of doing anything that would dent, diminish, or desecrate that glory in any way.

真實的景况  True Condition

Our ministries are not just shaped by knowledge, experience, and skill, but by the true condition of our hearts. Excellence in ministry flows from a heart that is in holy, reverential, life-rearranging, motivation-capturing awe of the Lord of Glory. Excellence is, in fact, a relationship. Only One is truly and perfectly excellent. He alone is the sum and definition of what excellence is and does. So the one who is excellence, in his grace, came to you when you were in a state of anything but excellence, and by grace offered you the promise of actually becoming a partaker of his divine nature. He then connects you to purposes and goals way higher and way grander than you would have every quested for yourself. By grace he causes you to think what you wouldn't have thought, and desire what you never before wanted. He opens your eyes to his glory. He opens the door to his kingdom. He calls and empowers you to display his excellency and the excellency of his grace. Only this excellency has the power to free us from the false excellency of human pride and the mediocrity that results when we are okay with ourselves and our world just the way they are.

When I am in awe at the reality that I have, by grace alone, been attached to what is truly excellent in every way, I want to be an ambassador of that excellence. So I will have high standards for every aspect of ministry under my care. Whether it is the children's or youth ministries, men's or women's ministries, small groups or outreach, leadership training or short-term missions, public worship or preaching, I will want all ministries of the church to faithfully display the excellence of the one who calls out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Pursuit of Excellence
This means we will be committed to the disciplines that cause these ministries to be as free from chaos and mediocrity as is possible between the "already" and the "not yet." First, we must be committed to preaching the gospel to ourselves, reminding ourselves of our ongoing need to be rescued from us and low standards. We constantly remind ourselves of how we are tempted to value what is expedient and comfortable, rather than what is excellent in the eyes of God. And we tell ourselves again and again that for these battles we have been given bountiful grace.

This also means we will do everything to maintain relationships of unity, understanding, and love between us. We know we are sinners. We know we will sin against one another. We know there are moments when we will be disappointed and hurt. We know we will be misunderstood and wrongly judged. We know we will be selfish and controlling, self-righteous and demanding. We know we will ask one another to give what we have already been given in Christ. So we determine to give ourselves the humility of approachability and the courage of loving honesty. We will commit ourselves to regular patterns of confession and forgiveness. And we will celebrate together the grace that enables sinners to live and minister alongside sinners in a community of unity and love.


And we will be committed to the discipline of adequate preparation that enables us to do well what we have been called to do. You cannot have a ministry that is committed to ambassadorial excellence if these things (disciplines) are not a regular part of your community. If you forget who you are, your ministry will be shaped by a smugness that is more about displaying how great you are, rather than how glorious is the Savior who still meets you in your weakness. If you are not committed to loving gospel community, you will minister out of frustration and discouragement, displaying God's glory in an abstract form, but not in its living, life-changing vitality. And if you are not committed to the discipline of preparation, you will offer sloppy leadership to poorly sighted people that will become more of a distraction to, rather than an enhancement of, their ability to see God for who is he and place their hope in him.