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94. 婚姻Marriage

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)     譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith249, 更新傳道會出版

婚姻制度是神在創世時即設立和命定的。從基督親自出席迦南的婚宴,又透過使徒在新約聖經中對我 們的教導,使我們可以見到基督視婚姻為神聖的。大多數現代的婚禮也都能反映出這個觀念,並且承認婚姻的始源來自神。不過現代婚約所忽略的乃是婚姻受誡命的管治,神的律法界定出婚姻的意義和效力。

婚姻是一男一女間具排他性的一種關係,而且二人成為一 體在肉體、感情、心智和靈性上合而為一, 並持續一生之久。這合一受神聖約誓的保障,以肉體的結合為婚約的實現。聖經列出只有在兩種情況下, 可以解除婚約—就是不忠與離棄。

不忠是神嚴禁的婚姻關係。神設立婚姻制度,讓男女二人能透過彼此而經歷到完全,並且一起參與神創造新生命的奇妙工作。藉肉體結合產生新的生命, 也包含了屬靈的意義,保羅用這種合一來象徵基督與教會的關係,而舊約聖經也用婚姻關係來形容神與以色列之間立約的關係。忠誠、互愛、互助是婚姻關係的核心,不忠的行為會破壞婚姻之約,因此受傷害的一方可要求離婚。

  此外,保羅在哥林多前書七章1 2 1 6 節也說如果一 個信徒遭配偶離棄,他或她就沒有責任繼續維持婚姻之約 。離棄與不忠,都是違背神所設立的婚姻的。



1. 婚姻是神設立的,也是由神所管治的。
2 .婚姻應是一夫一妻制。
3.  婚姻中所容許和命定的肉體結合,反映出丈夫與妻子的靈性聯合。
4 .聖經以婚姻象徵基督與教會的關係。
5 . 婚姻是在創造時為所有人類設立的制度,教會承認所有法律認可的婚姻,但是基督徒所領受的命令是與在主裏的人結婚。
6 . 神命定婚姻的制度,每一方都有神所設的特別命令需要遵守。

2 24;太 19 : 1- 9;林前7 章;弗5 21-33;帖前4 3- 8;來 13


The institution of marriage was ordained and instituted by God at Creation. Christ sanctified it by His presence at the wedding feast of Cana and by His instructions via His apostles in the New Testament. Most modern wedding ceremonies reflect this and acknowledge the divine origin of marriage. What is often ignored or overlooked in modern contracts is that marriage is regulated by God’s commandments. God’s law circumscribes the meaning and legitimacy of marriage.

 Marriage is to be an exclusive relationship between one man and one woman wherein the two become “one flesh,” being unified physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. It is intended to last for life. The union is secured by a sacred vow and covenant and consummated by physical union. Scripture lists only two situations under which the agreement may be dissolved—infidelity and abandonment.

 Infidelity is forbidden in the marriage relationship. The institution of marriage was created by God so that men and women could mutually complete one another and take part in His creative work of procreation. The physical union necessary for procreation also has a spiritual significance. It points toward and illustrates the spiritual union of husband and wife. Paul uses this union to symbolize the relationship between Christ and His church even as the Old Testament described the covenant relationship between God and Israel by the figure of marriage. Fidelity, mutual cherishing, and support are to be at the core of the marriage relationship. Acts of infidelity break the covenant and, as such, allow the injured party to sue for divorce.

 In addition, Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, says that if a believing spouse is abandoned, he or she is under no obligation to maintain the marriage covenant. Abandonment, like infidelity, is a fundamental violation of God’s design for marriage.

Marriage is a creation ordinance. One need not be a Christian in order to receive the common grace of the institution. While all men and women may marry, the Christian is called to marry only “in the Lord.” Scripture is clear in its prohibition against Christians marrying non-Christians.

In the order of marriage, the husband is called to be the “head” of the wife. The wife is called to be in submission to her husband as to the Lord. The husband is called to love his wife and to give himself sacrificially to his wife as Christ loved His bride, the church, and gave Himself for it.

1. Marriage was instituted by God and is regulated by God.
2. Marriage is to be monogamous.
3. The physical union permitted and commanded in marriage mirrors the spiritual union of husband and wife.
4. The marriage estate is used figuratively in Scripture to illustrate the relationship between Christ and His church.
5. Marriage, being a creation ordinance, is given to all human beings. The church recognizes civil marriages. Christians, however, are commanded to marry “in the Lord.”
6. God orders the structure of the marriage union. Each partner has specific commands of God to obey.

Biblical passages for reflection:
 Genesis 2:24 Matthew 19:1-9 1 Corinthians 7 Ephesians 5:21-33 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 Hebrews 13:4