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舊約、新約聖經中的聖靈TheSpirit in the Old and New Testament

作者Nicholas T. Batzig  譯者駱鴻銘

One of the great questions that has plagued theologians throughout church history is that which concerns the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament by way of contrast with His work in the New Testament. The Scriptures clearly teach that Spirit effects salvation in the lives of believers in both eras; however, it also seems to suggest that there is a significant difference in the way in which He worked in both eras. Some of the attempts to answer the questions have led theologians to suggest that the Holy Spirit was only given to Prophets, Priests and Kings, for a special work at special times, in the Old Testament era. Additionally, some have suggested that the discontinuity between the Spirit’s work in the two economies subsists in the way in which the Holy Spirit seems to have come and gone from believers in the Old Testament in contrast with abiding with believers in the New. However palatable these explanations may appear to be on the surface, neither stand the scrutiny of Scripture or the nature of redemptive history on the whole. So what exactly does the Scripture teach about the redemptive-historical and experiential continuity and discontinuity of the Spirit’s work in both eras?

傅格森(Sinclair Ferguson)在他關於聖靈的講座(威斯敏斯特神學院講座系列,共37講)中——通過解經、聖經神學、系統神學——解釋了新、舊約聖經中有關聖靈工作的教導。傅格森提出了以下的觀察:
In his 37 part Westminster Theological Seminary series on the Holy Spirit, Sinclair Ferguson explained–by means of exegetical, systematic and biblical-theological categories–the essential biblical teaching of the work of the Spirit in the Old and New Testament. Ferguson made the following observations:

  1. 上帝在新、舊約聖經工作的形式和豐富的內容是由聖靈塑造的。聖靈在祂外在的工作(opera ad extra)上(即,三一神外在的活動),塑造了上帝在時間中所有工作的外形,並賦予其果效。對聖經中所描繪的上帝的主要工作來說——即創造和救贖大工——都是如此。上帝乃是靠著聖靈的大能、藉著聖子,創造了諸世界。同樣,也藉著聖子使新創造得以實現。這在新、舊約聖經中都可以見到。
1. The Holy Spirit Gives Form and Fullness to the Work of God in the Old and New Testament. In the opera ad extra (i.e. the external activity of the Trinity), the Holy Spirit gives shape and efficacy to all of God’s work in time. This is so with regard to all the major activities of God described in Scripture–namely, in the work of creation and redemption. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Father creates the worlds through the Son. Likewise, it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Father brings about the new creation through the Son. This is seen in both the Old and New Testaments.

 2. 相對來說,聖靈的同在和職事在舊約聖經中是隱藏的。奧古斯丁曾解釋道:「原本隱藏在舊約(聖經是)中的,在新約裏被啟明出來」。大體來說,這適用於三位一體的真理。然而,對聖靈和基督來說,更是如此。聖靈的身分及其職事的豐富,都是在舊約聖經中逐漸啟示出來的,且越來越精彩。正如我們論到聖子時——呼應希伯來書第一章的話——可以說,上帝透過先知多次多方地曉諭列祖,我們對聖靈的身分和職事,也可以說完全同樣的話。
2. The Presence and Ministry of the Spirit is Relatively Hidden in the Old Testament. Augustine once explained, “What lies hidden in the Old is revealed in the New.” This is true of the Trinity in general. However, it is no less true of the Spirit than it is of Christ. The revelation of both the personal identity and the fulness of the ministry of the Holy Spirit takes place within the Old Testament progressively and cumulatively. Just as we can say–echoing the words of Hebrews 1–of the Son that God has revealed Himself in many fragmentary ways to the fathers by the prophets, so we can say exactly the same thing about the identity and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

The unfolding of the revelation of the Spirit is commensurate with the unfolding of the revelation of the Son. Isaiah 63:9-14 provides us with a series of references to the work of the Spirit in the Exodus. What Isaiah says in chapter 63 is riding on the heals of the fact that he had received the revelation of God about the Messianic ministry and the Servant of the Lord. It is only in the light of this truth that we come to see the riches of how the Spirit was at work in previous revelation.

  3. 聖靈在五旬節時降臨,是末日已經到來的有形記號。末世的權能顯明在聖靈在五旬節的降臨上。舊約聖經預言一個復興的時代。約珥書第二章在這方面具體說明了聖靈的工作。聖靈在五旬節時降臨,是末日已經來臨的有形記號,也說明末世的權能已經被釋放出來了。五旬節開啟了末日,彌賽亞時代已經入侵到了今世。
3. The Coming of the Spirit on Pentecost is the Visible Sign that the Last Days Have Come. The powers of the age to come have been manifested in the coming of the Spirit on Pentecost. The Old Testament predicts an era of restoration. Joel 2 specifically speaks of the work of the Spirit in this regard. The coming of the Spirit on Pentecost is the visible sign that the last days have now come and that the powers of the world to come have now been released. What Pentecost inaugurates is the invasion of the last days, the Messianic age, into the present day.

  4. 五旬節是一個記號,標記出聖靈恩賜要賜給萬民的先知預言已經得著應驗。和摩西時期的聖約施行相比,聖靈如今沒有分別地澆灌在萬民身上,聖靈在新盟約中的施行,其最特殊之處是聖靈的澆灌是普世性的。聖靈的職事沒有地理或種族的限制。使徒行傳第二章必須從上帝要倒轉巴別塔這個角度來理解。既然基督已經作為祂子民的代表,升到天上與上帝同在,變亂口音和列國之間的隔閡就不再有了,相反的,語言和列國都在耶穌基督合一的福音裏得到了統一。耶穌藉著祂的復活,已經從父神那裏領受了所應許的聖靈。彼得帶我們到五旬節的舞台後方,從基督論的角度向我們解釋。詩篇第二篇的應許,即父神應許聖子,若聖子求聖父,聖父就會把列國賜給祂作基業,這在五旬節時得到了應驗。基督的工作不是在升天時就完成了。祂已經從父神領受了所應許的聖靈。而祂從父神所領受的聖靈,就是祂澆灌在凡有血氣的人身上的聖靈。五旬節所發生的事,就是一個新人類(a new humanity)的創造——得榮耀的基督靠著聖靈,將生命之氣吹入到這個新人類當中。
4. Pentecost marks the fulfillment of the prophesied universal gift and distribution of the Spirit. By contrast with the Mosaic administration, the Spirit is now poured out on all people without distinction. What is distinctive of the New Covenant administration of the Spirit is the universality of the pouring out of the Spirit. There is no geographical or ethnic restriction with regard to the ministry of the Spirit. Acts 2 is meant to be understood as the divine reversal of Babel. Since Christ has ascended as the representative of His people into the presence of God there is not now the confusing of tongues and the separating of the nations, but the unifying of tongues and the unifying of the nations in the unity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The resurrected Jesus has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit. Peter takes us behind the scenes of Pentecost and explains it Christologically for us. The promise of Psalm 2–the Father promising the Son that if the Son will ask of Him, He will give Him the nations for His inheritance–is being fulfilled at Pentecost. The work of Christ did not finish at the ascension. He has received from the Father, the Holy Spirit who was promised. And, it is the Spirit He has received from the Father, who He has poured out on all flesh. What is taking place at Pentecost is the creation of a new humanity–by the glorified Christ breathing life into the new humanity by the Spirit.

The core promise of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31 is that, in the New Covenant, we won’t “need anyone to teach” us–we will all know the Lord. John picks up on this in 1 John 2:27. This, of course, doesn’t mean that we don’t need teachers in the New Covenant church. John cannot be referring to the distinctive gifts God gives His people (Eph. 4:11). Rather, he is picking up the promise of Jeremiah 31 and saying that the New Covenant promise is fulfilled in Christ and given by the Spirit so that all God’s people, in this sense, prophecy—i.e. that all of God’s people have access to the immediate knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. Whereas, in the Old Testament the knowledge of God was always mediated. In the Old economy, there were many mediators. In the New Testament, there is only one mediator, Jesus Christ. In the Gospel, our understanding is immediately illuminated by Jesus Christ.

  5. 五旬節的聖靈恩賜是外在的記號,說明摩西之約的治理,其獨特卻暫時的特色已經被廢除了。聖靈是榮耀的靈。聖靈是從上帝的榮耀那裏臨到我們的;要帶我們到上帝的榮耀那裏;並且在我們裏面運行,祂就是上帝的榮耀。在伊甸園,人的任務是展現並反射上帝的榮耀。將上帝的榮耀從伊甸園擴展到全地,預示著上帝的榮耀會在亞當身上得到擴展,並擴展到全宇宙。
5. The Gift of the Spirit at Pentecost is the External Sign of the Abrogation of the Distinctive but Temporary Features of the Mosaic Covenantal Economy. The Spirit is the Spirit of Glory. The Spirit is the One who comes to us from the glory of God, brings us to the glory of God and works within us, nothing less than the glory of God. In Eden, man’s task was to express and reflect the glory of God. That expansion of Divine glory from Eden to the whole earth is anticipatory of the manifestation of the expansion of Divine glory in Adam and throughout the whole cosmos.

The gift of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost is indicative of the fact that the distinctive temporary features of the Mosaic economy have now fulfilled their function, having been consummated in Christ, and having been rendered obsolete. The Apostles had to grapple with this as the early church tries to get a handle with how this all works out in the New Covenant era. The boundaries of the Old Covenant economy are broken.There is a clear not-yet-ness to the work of the Spirit that is being anticipated in the pages of the Old Testament. We see this in the Spirit coming down on the 70 prophets (Num. 11:24-30). What Moses says about God’s Spirit coming down on the 70 (“I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them”) is only fulfilled in the New Covenant era. The boundaries of the Old Covenant are broken by the Spirit in the New. Moses realized that, in the Old economy, what he aspired to could not deliver. But now, what Moses longed for and could not deliver under the Mosaic administration, Christ now does by the Spirit.

  6. 聖靈的恩賜,將所應許的、但上帝的百姓在舊盟約時代尚未經歷到的應驗,賜給了新約教會。既然基督作為第二個亞當已經升到父神的右邊,聖靈的工作就是要藉著整個宇宙來彰顯上帝的榮耀。既然亞當被造是聖潔的,祂就是為了一個末世性的眼光而被造的。祂被造是要成為一個盼望著那日帶來的人,那時上帝的榮耀會充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。上帝的榮耀從伊甸園擴展到全地,預示著上帝在亞當身上的榮耀會擴展到全宇宙。基督作為第二個亞當和末世性的人,應驗了、且教導我們第一個亞當所應該作的,和通過祂的順服所應當完成的。
6. The Gift of the Holy Spirit gives the New Covenant church the fulfillment of what was promised but not yet experienced by God’s people in the days of the Old Covenant. The work of the Spirit, now that Christ–as the second Adam–has ascended to the right hand of the Father, is to manifest the glory of God throughout the whole cosmos. As Adam was created holy, he was created with an eschatological vision. He was created as one who was to look forward to the day when the glory of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. That expansion of glory from Eden to the whole earth is anticipatory of the Divine glory in Adam and throughout the whole cosmos. What Christ, as the second Adam and eschatological man, fulfills, teaches us what Adam, the first man, was to do and accomplish in his obedience.

All of this is accomplished by Jesus bearing the punishment due to us because of what we have done to the glory of God. But, it is more substantially so because Jesus takes to Himself the marring of humanity that is the consequence of the loss of the glory of God and then repairs it in the resurrection. These are the two elements in which the New Testament works in explaining our redemption. The resurrection of Christ is the first stage of Christ, the new man–the last Adam and second man–entering into and embodying in Himself the glory for which Adam was created. The glorified and ascended Christ now pours out the Spirit of Glory on His church throughout the world.

  7. 五旬節部分的意義是耶和華的日子的到來,那時,律法所應許和期盼的,但是靠律法本身無法實現的,如今藉著基督、靠著聖靈的恩賜就得以實現了。到了主後第一世紀那個時期,在猶太人當中,慶祝五旬節已經與慶祝上帝藉著摩西賜下律法是同樣的意思了。在摩西之約裏所尋求的和所盼望的,有一部分已經應驗了。摩西上到耶和華的山,把律法帶下山;如今,手潔心清的耶穌基督也上到律法的山上,藉著帶來救恩而把律法帶下山——不是定罪的律法;基督同時賜給人能力,可以履行律法的命令。五旬節為保羅在羅馬書八章3-4節的對比提供了內容和形體。律法靠自己有所不能行的,在五旬節那日,藉著聖靈,在上帝的子民當中,在個別的基督徒身上,都得著了應驗和果效。這就是救贖歷史的要素。然而,還有一種實驗性質的發展,是保羅會用成為後嗣這樣的話來反思的,即有一種後嗣,其功能比起家中的奴僕好不到哪裡去,還有一種後嗣是完全得著兒子名分的(弗四1以下)。
7. The significance of Pentecost is, in part, the coming of the day when what the Law promised and anticipated, but could not–within itself–effect, is effect through Christ by the gift of the Spirit. By this period in the first century AD the celebration of Pentecost was imbued with the celebration of the giving of the law through Moses. There are echoes of fulfillment of what is sought for and longed for in the Mosaic. Moses ascends the hill of the Lord and brings down the Law; Now Christ, the one who has clean hands and a pure heart, ascends the hill of the Law and brings down the Law–not that condemns by brings salvation, and Christ’s empowering to fulfill the commands of the Law. It is Pentecost that gives substance and body to the contrast that Paul makes in Romans 8:3-4. What the law could not effect in its own energy, is fulfilled and effected among the people of God, in the individual Christian, through the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. This is the redemptive-historical element. However, there is also an experimental development that Paul will reflect on in terms of being an heir–who is functionally no better than a slave in the house–and an heir that has entered into full sonship (Gal. 4:1 ff.).

  8. 在五旬節時的聖靈澆灌是為了一個目的,就是在萬事得著應驗之後,在基督的子民當中高舉得榮耀的基督。當約翰記錄耶穌說,「信我的人就如經上所說:『從他腹中要流出活水的江河來。』」(約七38),耶穌指的是從得榮耀和升天的聖子而來的聖靈。在這個意義上,我們必須理解耶穌以下的陳述,即「那時還沒有賜下聖靈」,是和這個觀念綁在一起的。除非聖父向聖子所應許的聖靈榮耀了聖子,得榮耀的基督才把聖靈差派下來。
8. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost serves the purpose of exalting the glorified Christ in His people after the fulfillment of all things. When John records Jesus as saying, “Who believes on Him, as the Scripture has said, out of His heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37) Jesus is referring to the Spirit coming from the glorified and ascended Son. In this sense, we must understand Jesus’ following statement, that “the Holy Spirit was not yet,” ties this idea together. The Holy Spirit could not be sent by the glorified Christ until the Son was glorified by the Spirit promised to the Son by the Father.

This is, clearly a redemptive historical shift between the two economies. In the words of John 14:17, John tells us that Jesus would go to the Father and would send the Spirit from the Father. Jesus tells His disciples that they already know this Spirit…He lives with you and will be in you. Jesus is teaching a redemptive-historical truth. He tells the disciples that they already know the Spirit because they had seen the manifestations of the Spirit in His own life. Jesus is the bearer of the Spirit. Now, they will know the indwelling of the same Spirit who they have seen manifested without measure in the life of the Savior.

While there is so much more to the explanation of the redemptive-historical nature of God’s work in His church by His Spirit, those outlined above serve to show the richness of God’s eternal plan in pouring out His Spirit on His people in the New Covenant. We cannot make too much of this in our Christian life. At the end of the day, just as we confess that everything depends on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, so too must we confess that our Christian living and glorification absolutely depend on the work of the Spirit. May our God give us deeper understanding in these mysterious and glorious Divine truths.