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基督徒:反叛應受死Christians:Rebels Deserving Death

Shane Lems摘錄  Maria Marta譯第一段

我讀過薛華(Francis Schaeffer)的好幾本著作,而這本更受歡的《前車可鑒》(How Should We Then Live?),我只讀到中間,還沒完成,但到目前為止我已非常享受它的閱讀过程。在開頭第一章,薛華談到羅馬帝國在教會早期幾個世紀對基督徒的迫害。他的見解精辟透徹;  也是對今天基督徒的教誨!

「羅馬是很殘酷的。羅馬的圓形競技場也許是當時殘酷風氣最佳的寫照。觀眾坐在競技場的石階上,觀看角斗士比賽和將基督徒拋向野獸的情形。我們不要忘記基督徒被殺的原因,他們不是為了崇拜耶穌被殺的。當時有許多不同的宗教充斥羅馬帝國,其中一種是祭祀太陽神米特拉(Mithras)的,這種宗教源于波斯的祆教(Zoroastrianism), 于主前六十七年傳到羅馬。在羅馬統治的地方內,誰也不理會別人崇拜甚麼,只要不妨礙國家團結就可以了。而羅馬的國家團結是以崇拜凱撤為中心的,基督徒被殺害,是因為他們是「反叛者」,同時,他們漸漸被猶太人的會堂拒絕,跟著又失去了凱撤猶統賦予猶太人的特權,基督徒所受的逼害便變本加厲了。



摘自《前車可鑑──西方思想文化的興衰》How Should We Then Live? ----The Rise And Decline Of Western Thought And Culture 20頁,薛華(Francis August Schaeffer)著/梁祖永、梁壽華、姚錦燊、劉灝明譯,宣道出版社,2015年五版。

Christians: Rebels Deserving Death (Schaeffer)
by Reformed Reader

 Although I have read several books by Francis Schaeffer, I haven’t read one of his more popular ones called How Should We Then Live?  I’m around the halfway point and so far I’m enjoying it.  Right near the beginning, Schaeffer talked about Roman persecution of Christians in the early centuries of the church.  I like how he explained it; there are lessons here for Christians today!

“Rome was cruel, and its cruelty can perhaps be best pictured by the events which took place in the arena in Rome itself.  People seated above the arena floor watched gladiator contests and Christians thrown to the beasts.  Let us not forget why the Christians were killed.  They were not killed because they worshiped Jesus.  Various religions covered the whole Roman world.  One such was the cult of Mithras, a popular Persian form of Zoroastrianism which had reached Rome by 67 B.C.  Nobody cared who worshiped whom so long as the worshiper did not disrupt the unity of the state, centered in the formal worship of Caesar.  The reason the Christians were killed was because they were rebels.  This was especially so after their growing rejection by the Jewish synagogues lost for them the immunity granted to the Jews since Julius Caesar’s time.”

“We may express the nature of their rebellion in two ways, both of which are true.  First, we can say they worshiped Jesus as God and they worshiped the infinite-personal God only.  The Caesars would not tolerate this worshiping of the one God only.  It was counted as treason.  Thus their worship became a special threat to the unity of the state during the third century and during the reign of Diocletian (284-305), when people of the higher classes began to become Christians in larger numbers.  If they had worshiped Jesus and Caesar, they would have gone unharmed, but they rejected all forms of syncretism.  They worshiped the God who had revealed himself in the Old Testament, through Christ, and in the New Testament which had gradually been written.  And they worshiped him as the only God.  They allowed no mixture: All other gods were seen as false gods.”

“We can also express in a second way why the Christians were killed: No totalitarian authority nor authoritarian state can tolerate those who have an absolute by which to judge that state and its actions.  The Christians had that absolute in God’s revelation.  Because the Christians had an absolute, universal standard by which to judge not only personal morals but the state, they were counted as enemies of totalitarian Rome and were thrown to beasts.”

Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? p.25-6.

Shane Lems
Hammond, WI