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抗罗宗与信条Protestantsand Creeds

作者: Kim Riddlebarger     译者:  王一

Q. What is then necessary for a Christian to believe?

(海德堡要理问答,第22问)(Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 22
A. All that is promised us in the gospel, which the articles of our catholic, undoubted Christian faith teach us in sum.
(Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 22)

我永远不会忘记第一次在长老会教会(Presbyterian church)里参加敬拜的经历。我是在独立的圣经教会(independent Bible church)长大的,从小就被灌输了基督徒是信圣经的,罗马天主教徒是依靠传统的思想。我们是“不要信条唯独基督”的(no creed but Christ)。你可以想象到当我听到长老会基督徒们充满热情认真地诵读使徒信经(Apostles Creed)时有多么惊讶,尤其是当读到“我信圣而公之教会”(the holy catholic church)时,实在令我难以启齿。
I’ll never forget the first time I worshiped in a Presbyterian church. I had been raised in independent Bible churches where it was a given that Christians believed the Bible, while Roman Catholics relied on tradition. We had “no creed but Christ.” You can imagine how I was taken aback when the Presbyterian faithful recited the Apostles’ Creed with great gusto, including the line that, at the time, I could not bring myself to repeat: “I believe…in the holy catholic church.”

I soon learned that many Pro-testants still recite this ancient creed. In fact, the creed serves an important purpose in many of those churches whose roots are deeply planted in the Reformation. The Heidelberg Catechism (the beloved catechism of the Reformed branch of the Christian family in which I am now a minister), even utilizes the Apostles’ Creed as a basic summary of those things that every Christian must believe. If you were to ask, “What is it that defines Christianity?” the answer would be “the definition of Christianity is given us in the creed.”

The articles of our “catholic, undoubted Christian faith,” which question 22 of the Heidelberg Catechism introduces, are unpacked in questions and answers 23–58 of this catechism. This “unpacking” amounts to an exposition of the various doctrines set forth in the Apostles’ Creed. Protestants do not believe that creeds, confessions, and catechisms are infallible — that can only be said of Scripture. But confessional Protes-tants do believe that creeds, confessions, and catechisms are authoritative insofar as they accurately summarize the teaching of Scripture, which is their primary purpose.

撒迦利亚•乌尔西努(Zacharius Ursinus)——海德堡要理问答的主要作者——告诉我们为什么在这个改革宗的要理问答中选择使徒信经来总结基督徒必须相信的教义内容,他说:“使徒信经是对基督教信仰的简要总结的形式,将教会和其成员与其他宗教区别开来。”(《海德堡要理问答注释(Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism)》,117页)
Zacharius Ursinus — the primary author of the Heidelberg Catechism — tells us why the Apostles’ Creed was chosen for his own distinctly Reformed catechism as the summary of what it is that Christians must believe in order to be truly Christians: “It signifies a brief and summary form of the Christian faith, which distinguishes the church and her members from the various sects” (Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, p. 117).

换句话说,如果你打算阐明基督教与其他所有宗教的不同,包括那些一神论(Monotheistic)宗教(例如,犹太教和伊斯兰教),使徒信经会为你提供一份基督教独有教义的优秀总结。信经阐述了三位一体的教义(doctrine of Trinity),阐述了救赎的基本工作——父上帝是万物的创造主(Creator),耶稣是唯一的救主(Savior),而圣灵赐我们信心使我们与基督联合。信经还肯定了福音的基本历史事实——我们的主是童贞女所生,祂受苦、受死并且身体复活。此外,信经也肯定了耶稣降在阴间(改革宗相信这是指耶稣在十字架上遭受上帝的忿怒),祂的身体复活和祂的升天,如今耶稣在天上统管万有直等祂在末日再来审判世界,叫死人复活。
In other words, if you are to set out those things that differentiate Christianity from all other religions, including monotheistic ones (for example, Judaism and Islam), the Apostles’ Creed would provide an excellent summary of those doctrines unique to Christianity. The creed sets forth the doctrine of the Trinity. It sets forth the basic economy of redemption — the Father is the creator of all things, Jesus is the only Savior, and the Holy Spirit is the one who gives us faith and then unites us to Christ. The creed also affirms the basic historical facts of the gospel — our Lord’s virgin birth, His suffering, death, and bodily resurrection. Furthermore, the creed affirms Jesus’ descent into hell (which the Reformed believe refers to Jesus’ suffering the wrath of God upon the cross), His bodily resurrection, and His ascent into heaven where Jesus now rules over all until He returns at the end of the age to judge the world and raise the dead.

Next, the creed affirms the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the existence of a “holy” (those whose only hope of heaven is in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ) and “catholic” church, a reference to the universal church (the body of Christ) that will exist from the time it was founded until Jesus returns. The creed affirms the communion of saints (the fellowship of justified sinners with the risen Christ), the forgiveness of sins (Christ’s work in fulfilling all righteousness and dying for the sins of His people), the resurrection of the body at the end of the age (as Jesus was raised bodily on the third day, so will we when He returns) and life everlasting (new heavens and earth).

Ursinus chose the Apostles’ Creed as the skeletal structure for the section of his catechism dealing with God’s grace because the creed so effectively summarizes the basics of the Christian faith that no non-Christian could possibly recite it. In this sense, the creed defines what is Christianity and what is not.

然而,当乌尔西努详细解释使徒信经时,他也努力地体现出在诸如唯独因信称义(justification by faith alone)、基督工作的本质(nature of the work of Christ)和圣礼(sacrament)等核心教义上,改革宗基督教信仰与罗马天主教的不同。这样,在阐明基督教信仰核心独有的教义同时,抗罗宗基督徒也揭露了罗马教会在许多关键要点上黯然违背了这些教义。
But as Ursinus expounds upon the Apostles’ Creed, he also endeavors to demonstrate how Reformed Christianity differs from Roman Catholicism on such essential doctrines as justification by faith alone, the nature of the work of Christ, as well as the sacraments. So, while the creed may set forth what is essentially and uniquely Christian, Protestants contend that the Roman Church sadly defaults on these same doctrines at a number of critical points.

Because there is great need to summarize the teaching of Scripture and to identify with the faithful who have gone before, many Protestant churches still recite the Apostles’ Creed. This is why the Reformed churches consider the Apostles’ Creed to be the best summary of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, and this is why an exposition of the creed lies at the heart of the Heidelberg Catechism.