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特殊性的啟示SpecialRevelation and the Bible

摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith13 , R.C. Sproul/姚錦榮译,更新傳道會出版。

當耶穌在曠野面對試探時,祂斥責魔鬼說:「人活著,不是單靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切話。」(太四4) 教會在歷史上對耶穌這句話作出了回應,確認圣經就是神的聲音(vox Dei);或神的話(verbum Dei)。我們稱圣經為神的話,并非因為圣經是神親自用圣手寫成的,也不是因為圣經是一本由天降下的書。圣經本身很清楚地讓我們知道,它有很多不同的作者。只要留心閱讀圣經,我們便會發現,每一個寫作人都有他自己的特色、風格、詞匯、重點和觀念等等。圣經既是集眾人之力寫成的,它又怎能稱為神的話呢?






119;篇約 17 : 17;帖前2 13;提後3 :1 5-17;彼後1 :2 0-21

Special Revelation and the Bible

When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He rebuked the devil with the words, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). Historically, the church has echoed the teaching of Jesus by affirming that the Bible is the vox Dei, the "voice of God" or the verbum Dei, the "Word of God." To call the Bible the Word of God is not to suggest that it was written by God's own divine hand or that it fell from heaven in a parachute. The Bible itself clearly calls attention to its many human authors. In a careful study of Scripture we notice that each human author has his own peculiar literary style, vocabulary, special emphasis, perspective, and the like. Since the production of the Bible involved human effort, how can it be regarded as the Word of God?

The Bible is called the Word of God because of its claim, believed by the church, that the human writers did not merely write their own opinions, but that their words were inspired by God. The apostle Paul writes, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" (2 Timothy 3:16). The word inspiration is a translation from the Greek word meaning "God-breathed." God breathed out the Bible. Just as we must expel breath from our mouths when we speak, so ultimately Scripture is God speaking.

Although Scripture came to us from the pens of human authors, the ultimate source of Scripture is God. That is why the prophets could preface their words by saying, "Thus says the Lord." This is also why Jesus could say, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17), and "Scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35).

The word inspiration also calls attention to the process by which the Holy Spirit superintended the production of Scripture. The Holy Spirit guided the human authors so that their words would be nothing less than the word of God. How God superintended the original writings of the Bible is not known. But inspiration does not mean that God dictated his messages to those who wrote the Bible. Rather, the Holy Spirit communicated through the human writers the very words of God.

Christians affirm the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible because God is ultimately the Author of the Bible. And because God is incapable of inspiring falsehood, His word is altogether true and trustworthy. Any normally prepared human literary product is liable to error. But the Bible is not a normal human project. If the Bible is inspired and superintended by God, then it cannot err.

This does not mean that the Bible translations we have today are without error, but that the original manuscripts were absolutely correct. Nor does it mean that every statement in the Bible is true. The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes, for instance, declares that "there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:10). The writer was speaking from the standpoint of human despair, and we know his statement to be untrue from other parts of Scripture. Even in revealing the false reasonings of a despairing man, the Bible speaks truth.

1.Inspiration is the process whereby God breathed out His word.
2.God is the ultimate source of the Bible.
3.God is the ultimate superintendent of the Bible.
4.Only the original manuscripts of the Bible were without error.