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參加集體崇拜Attending Corporate Worship

作者: Jared C. Wilson  譯者:   Maria Marta





你參加教會聚會,對其他人來說是一種鼓勵。對中小型的教會來說尤其真實,甚至對大型的當地教會來說也是如此,你可能受試探以為大家對你的缺席毫不察覺。 而實際上你的出現令人印象深刻。 聖徒聚集在一起,弟兄們的實體接近,甚至聖所的相對滿座,都有助於會眾的屬靈成長。

哪怕你犯了不與任何人交談的錯誤,哪怕你認為自己從教會所得甚少,或者他們從你身上所得甚少,但你的實際出現會向你周圍的人傳達一種信息:「聚會是值得的。 對你和對兄弟姐妹來說都是值得的。」  我可以告訴你,在牧養教會的過程中,盡管我不是每個星期天都和所有出席者說話,但我看到大家周而覆始的忠心出現,我很受鼓舞。我敢說,你的出現也同樣鼓勵著你的牧師。


你參加教會聚會,是對你的自治主權(self-sovereignty)的反抗。 是的,我知道有時證道比你喜歡的長一點(或很多);歌曲不適合你的品味;大家太含蓄,以至不能適當地接待你;或者太熱情,以至你感到不知所措。 但我知道有時候假若你負責這些工作的話,你會有一大堆會不同方法,並做得更出色。 所以試想想,上教會是多麽的神聖!

各式各樣、被賦予聖靈能力的聖徒的聚會,是一個有組織的團體,其部分作用是抑制人類自治的自私欲望。 在一個太過迎合我們的自我主權感的世界,上教會可能是背起十字架的一種方式------不是憑我們的意志力量完成,而是出於天父的意願,首先不是出於我們的利益,而是我們兄弟的利益 ------從這方面說,有助於我們越來越像基督。


你可以做的最反文化的事之一,就是星期天一早起床,穿上整潔的衣服,然後開車去教堂。在當今的美國,參加教會聚會已非一種文化期待。 在西方世界的許多地區,教會的出席狀況完全是不正常的。




在新約使徒書信,我們看到罪人聚集跟隨耶穌時,往往會卷入困難和分裂。教會經常很雜亂。 那麽我們從中得到什麽?我們可以大概了解一下啟示錄,上帝對我們這些罪人做了些什麽。祂正在加速這一天的到來,即祂的選民將從從各國、各族、各民、各方來聚集,不在乎彼此间的分歧,一起慶祝與基督的聯合和在基督裏的合一。 因此,上教會就是那一天的預嘗。

當我們這些陌生人、外來人象兄弟姐妹那樣聚集在福音的旗幟底下時,我們在預演那榮耀的一天,(現在所知道的只是一部分,)那一天我們將要全知道,好像主完全知道我們那樣,那一天我們的罪被徹底擊敗,我們的基督徒團契完全被喜樂充滿。 因此,上教會也許是你能做到的最屬天的事情。 參加集體崇拜能激發你對將要應驗的事的渴望。你發覺自己殷切盼望那一天,你也就找到了盼望星期天的動力。


Attending Corporate Worship
by Jared C. Wilson

There are a lot of good reasons to gather with your brothers and sisters in the sacred fellowship of worship each week. Even if you struggle with regular church attendance, you can probably think of all the primary reasons quite easily. Most importantly, God has commanded it (Heb. 10:24–25). If that were the only reason we had to attend corporate worship, it would be enough.

You can probably also easily see in the Scriptures how important it is to grow in your faith through participation in a local church. That is where Christians exercise their spiritual gifts in honor of God and in service to each other. We are saved as individuals, but we are not saved to an individualized faith. But there are still more reasons why attending corporate worship is important for every Christian, including some reasons not frequently discussed.

Here, then, are four important—yet underrated—reasons Christians ought to attend the Lord’s Day gathering.

Your church attendance is an encouragement to others. This is especially true in smaller to medium-sized congregations, but it’s even true in very large local churches where you may be tempted to think your absence would go unnoticed. Presence is impressive. When the saints gather, there is something spiritually helpful about the physical proximity of the brethren and even about the relative fullness of the sanctuary.

Even if you make the mistake of not talking to anyone, even if you don’t think you’re getting much out of the church or they’re not getting much out of you, your actual presence communicates to those around you: “This is worth it. You, brothers and sisters, are worth it.” Having pastored a church, I can tell you that while I didn’t get to speak to every attendee every Sunday, I was encouraged when I saw people loyally showing up week after week. I’m willing to bet your presence encourages your pastors as well.

This is to say nothing of the immense help and encouragement you can be when you actually reach out with kind words or a helping hand to the brethren you see week after week.

Your church attendance is a rebellion against your sense of self-sovereignty. Oh, I know that sometimes the sermon is a little (or a lot) longer than you’d like, the songs aren’t quite to your taste, the people are too shy to welcome you properly or so exuberantly friendly that you feel overwhelmed. I know sometimes there are a million things you’d do differently if you were in charge. So just think how sanctifying going to church must be!

The gathering of the diverse and divinely empowered saints is a community organized in part to stifle the selfish human desire for autonomy. In a world where we encounter so much that caters to our sense of self-sovereignty, going to church can be a way of taking up our cross—not our will be done, but the Father’s, not our interests be first, but our brothers’—and in that regard, it is extremely helpful to our growth in Christlikeness.

One of the most countercultural things you can do is get up early on Sunday morning, put real clothes on, and drive to a church building. Church attendance is not a cultural expectation in the United States today. In many regions of the Western world, church attendance is downright abnormal.

And so on the Lord’s Day morning, while all the other yards in your neighborhood are buzzing with lawn mowers, all the other kids are making for the swimming pool, all the other patrons of the coffee shop are lounging in sweatpants, you show your family’s otherworldliness in that moment that you dedicate to the countercultural tradition of going to church.

It’s not that you’re better than everyone else. It’s because you realize you may in fact be worse. When you back the family car out of the driveway on Sunday morning, you are telling your neighbors that you need Jesus and no amount of Sunday leisure can satisfy you like Him, that no rest is better than that which is found in Jesus, and that when the thin veneer of worldly frivolities starts to show a few cracks, you might be the kind of person they could talk to about the “alternative lifestyle” of following Jesus.

In the New Testament Epistles, we see the difficulty and the division often involved when sinners gather together in following Jesus. Church is often messy. So what is it we’re getting out of this? In the book of Revelation, we get a glimpse of what God is doing with us motley sinners. He is hastening the day when His elect people from every tongue, tribe, race, and nation will gather despite their differences to celebrate their union with Christ and their unity in Christ. Going to church, then, is a foretaste of that day.

When we strangers and aliens gather as brothers and sisters under the banner of the gospel, we are rehearsing that glorious day when we will know as we are known, when our sin is vanquished and our Christian fellowship is fully enjoyed. As such, going to church is perhaps the most heavenly thing you can do. Attending corporate worship can whet your appetite for the fulfillment that is coming soon. If you find yourself excited about that day, you can find the motivation to look forward to Sunday as well.

Jared C. Wilson is director of content strategy at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo., managing editor of For the Church, and author of Gospel Wakefulness and The Wonder-Working God.