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一本可以讀懂的啟示錄註釋書A Readable Commentary onRevelation

作者:  shane lems   譯者: Maria Marta

假如你想找一本清晰、簡明、易讀、可靠的啟示錄註釋書,我推薦你閱讀溥偉恩(Vern S. Poythress)博士著的《再臨君王──幫你讀懂啟示錄》The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation 雖然這本註釋書沒有解釋啟示錄的所有細節,但它絕不失為一部優秀作品,為讀者提供了啟示錄概貌的完整圖畫。




「假設我首先問:『啓示錄十三章2節中 [熊的腳] 代表什麼意義?』如果我們先從這種細節著手,卻忽略了全貌,這樣我們就會遇到困難。神是啓示錄的中心(啓四至啓五),我們必須從祂開始,並從祂與屬撒但的仇敵的對比開始。反之,如果我們馬上苦心思索細節的答案,這就好像我們想要藉著握住刀刃(而非刀柄)來使用這一把刀。我們從一開始就錯了。」


假如你想了解更多,還有一些優秀的註釋書與溥偉恩的著作有很多能產生共鳴的地方,它們是:《More than Conquerors》,William Hendriksen著;《Triumph of the Lamb》,Dennis Johnson著;《NIGTC on Revelation》,Gregory Beale著。溥偉恩的註釋書是一本研讀啟示錄的好書(可以將內容分解成14節課程左右),此書附有詳盡的研讀指引和研讀問題,它們對我們的研讀很有幫助。假如你想找一本可以讀懂的啟示錄註釋書,就讀這本溥偉恩所著的《再臨君王──幫你讀懂啟示錄》,並且一定也要查閱我剛才提到的其他註釋書。

《再臨君王──幫你讀懂啟示錄》The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation溥偉恩Vern S. Poythress/詹益龍譯改革宗出版有限公司20183月。

A Readable Commentary on Revelation
by Reformed Reader

 If you’re looking for a clear, concise, readable, and solid commentary on Revelation, I recommend Vern Poythress’ The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation (Phillipsburg: P&R, 2000).  Though this commentary doesn’t comment on all the details in Revelation, it does a fine job of providing a big picture overview of the book.

I appreciate Poythress’ commentary because so often commentators spend too much time and energy on the smaller details of Revelation.  Because the details are the main focus, the big picture is lost.  Poythress keeps the main point the main point: “God rules history and will bring it to its consummation in Christ.  If you read it with that main point in mind, you will be able to understand it.  You will not necessarily understand every detail – neither do I.  But it is not necessary to understand every detail in order to profit spiritually from it” (p. 11).

He continues by saying we sometimes have trouble interpreting Revelation because we approach it from the wrong end.

“Suppose I start by asking, ‘What do the bear’s feet in Revelation 13:2 stand for?’  If I start with such detail, and ignore the big picture, I am asking for trouble.  God is at the center of Revelation (Rev. 4-5).  We must start with him and with the contrasts between him and his satanic opponents.  If instead we try right away to puzzle out details, it is as if we tried to use a knife by grasping it by the blade instead of the handle.  We are starting at the wrong end.”

“Revelation is a picture book, not a puzzle book.  Don’t try to puzzle it out.  Don’t become too preoccupied with isolated details.  Rather, become engrossed in the overall story.  Praise the Lord.  Cheer for the saints.  Detest the beast.  Long for the final victory” (p 12-13).

In case you are wondering, Poythress’ work resonates with other commentaries such as William Hendriksen’s excellent More than Conquerors, Dennis Johnsons’ Triumph of the Lamb, and Gregory Beale’s NIGTC on Revelation.  Though there aren’t any study questions, Poythress’ commentary would be a good book to use for a Bible study on Revelation (one might break it up into 14 lessons, give or take).  There’s an exhaustive Scripture index as well, which I’ve found helpful.  If you’re looking for a readable commentary on Revelation, get Poythress, and be sure to check out the other ones I’ve just mentioned.

Vern Poythress, The Returning King (Phillipsburg; P&R, 2000).

shane lems