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督的門徒熱愛純正的教義Disciples Love Sound Doctrine

作者:  C.N. Willborn   譯者: Maria Marta

幾年前,我和妻子,幼女住在費城,我那時還是一個西敏斯特神學院(Westminster Theological Seminary)博士研究生新生。有一次在一間當地教會崇拜聚會之後,我們接待教會長老的親切探訪。談話期間,兩位長老當中的年長者評論我的藏書 (當時因為空間不夠,我的妻子不得不用我的書來作裝飾)。看到我的書架上擺放著約翰慕理(John Murray)的著作,他顯得特別高興。他問道:「這些書你讀了嗎?」很感恩,我能作出肯定的回答。他又問:「你還記得慕理先生在我們教會教授青年主日學的故事嗎?」我回答是的。「我就是他提到的那個學生,我是鮑比」他笑著回答。然後這位年邁的聖徒開始告訴我們慕理教授是如何向他們講授羅馬書的(當時慕理正在寫他著名的《羅馬書註釋》)。鮑比接著說:「我決不會忘記。我少年時候從慕理教授那裏學習上帝的話語」。然後他補充說:「我仍然熱愛教義」。

使徒保羅勸勉他屬靈的兒子提摩太,要殷勤學習上帝的話語(提後二15)。基督徒不應該是上帝話語的隨意詢問者。不,保羅形容殷勤的人為「工人」。工人著手一項工作,並持之以恒直到完成該項工作為止。我最近讀了一位雇主對其雇員的讚賞:「她擁有良好的職業道德和完成任務的心態。」這就是保羅在提到「真理的道」時對提摩太的吩咐。我們不是在討論小說,那怕是威廉·福克納(William Faulkner)的小說。我們乃是與「真理的道」打交道,真理的道是無限、永恒、不變的三一真神的聖言。

也許有人認為,這是對提摩太的勸勉,因此,它只與牧師有關。他們說,當勸勉是關於上帝的聖道,上帝當然不期望所有的基督徒都要成為勤奮的工人。 那麽,請記住誰在提摩太的早期生活中教他教義。請記住在保羅之前誰是提摩太的導師。外祖母露易絲和母親友尼基因為認識和教導提摩太聖經(三15)而得名,甚至被稱讚(提後一5)。

當你打開聖經開始閱讀,你持有一個「完成任務的心態」嗎?   也許你會說;「哦,聖經是緩慢漸進啟明的;  有時感到很枯燥乏味。」   請記住慕理教授的話:「乏味本在情理中,尤其它是稀世珍寶時。」鮑比對稀世珍寶的熱情從未失去。你呢?

Dr. C.N. Willborn is senior pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and adjunct professor of historical theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Greenville, S.C.


Disciples Love Sound Doctrine
by C.N. Willborn

A number of years ago, my wife and infant daughter and I were living in Philadelphia, where I was a new Ph.D. student at Westminster Theological Seminary. After worshiping in a local church, we received a cordial visit from a couple of the elders of the church. As we were talking, the older of the two commented on my books (my wife had to decorate with my books due to lack of space in those days). He was particularly pleased to see the Collected Writings of John Murray on my shelves. “Have you read them?” he asked. I was able to respond in the affirmative, thankfully. “Do you remember reading about Mr. Murray teaching a youth Sunday school class at our church?” he asked. I did. “Well, I’m the student mentioned. I’m Bobby!” he replied with a smile. Then this aged saint began to tell us how Professor Murray taught them the book of Romans (this was while he was writing his celebrated commentary). “I will never forget it. As a teenager, I learned to study God’s Word from Professor Murray,” Bobby said. Then he added, “I still love the doctrine.”

The Apostle Paul exhorted his spiritual son Timothy to be diligent in the study of God’s Word (2 Tim. 2:15). The Christian is not to be a casual inquirer of God’s Word. No, Paul describes the one who is diligent as “a workman” (KJV). A workman embarks on a task and remains there until he completes it. I recently read a commendation of an employee by her employer: “She’s got a great work ethic and a completion-of-task mind-set.” That is what Paul is calling Timothy to when it comes to “the word of truth.” We are not dealing with a novel, even a William Faulkner novel. We’re dealing with “the word of truth,” which is the very Word of the infinite, eternal, unchanging triune God.

There may be some who think this exhortation was to Timothy and, therefore, it is relevant to ministers alone. Surely, they say, God doesn’t expect all Christians to be diligent workmen when it comes to God’s Word. Well, remember who taught Timothy his doctrine early in life. Remember who his mentors were before Paul. Grandmother Lois and Mama Eunice are named, even commended (2 Tim. 1:5), for knowing and teaching “the sacred writings” to Timothy (3:15).

When you open the Bible and begin reading, do you have a “completion-of-task mind-set”? “Oh,” but you say, “the Bible is slow going; it can be dusty at times.” Remember Professor Murray’s words—“Dust has its place, especially when it is gold dust.” Bobby had never lost his zeal for gold dust. How about you?

Dr. C.N. Willborn is senior pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and adjunct professor of historical theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Greenville, S.C.