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保羅對普世性罪惡與罪咎的狠狠揭露Paul’s Devastating Exposure of Universal Sin and Guilt

摘錄者:Shane Lems/Maria Marta

『然而我們曉得,凡律法所說的,都是對在律法之下的人說的,好讓每一個人都沒有話可講,使全世界的人都伏在 神的審判之下。沒有一個人可以靠行律法,在 神面前得稱為義,因為藉著律法,人對於罪才有充分的認識。』(羅三19-20;《圣經新譯本》)



摘錄自聖經信息系列《羅馬書》The Message  Of Romana 139頁,斯托得(John R.W.Stott)/李永明譯,校園書房出版社,1997

Paul’s Devastating Exposure of Universal Sin and Guilt
by Reformed Reader

Romans 3:19-20 makes this declaration: “Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For no one is declared righteous before him by the works of the law, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin” (NET Bible).

I appreciate John Stott’s conclusions on this part of Romans 3:

In conclusion, how should we respond to Paul’s devastating exposure of universal sin and guilt, as we read it at the end of the twentieth century? We should not try to evade it by changing the subject and talking instead of the need for self-esteem, or by blaming our behaviour on our genes, nurturing, education or society. It is an essential part of our dignity as human beings that, however much we may have been affected by negative influences, we are not their helpless victims, but rather responsible for our conduct. Our first response to Paul’s indictment, then, should be to make it as certain as we possibly can that we have ourselves accepted this divine diagnosis of our human condition as true, and that we have fled from the just judgment of God on our sins to the only refuge there is, namely Jesus Christ who died for our sins. For we have no merit to plead and no excuse to make. We too stand before God speechless and condemned. Only then shall we be ready to hear the great ‘But now’ of verse 21, as Paul begins to explain how God has intervened through Christ and his cross for our salvation.

 Stott, J. R. W. (2001). The Message of Romans: God’s Good News for the World (pp. 104–105). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Shane Lems
Hammond, WI, 54015