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不要害怕做好準備Ready and Not Afraid

作者:  Burk Parsons   譯者: Maria Marta



當我們在觀看我們的世界的面前做善事 -----不是為了自己得榮耀而讓人看到,而是為了讓世界看到我們的好行為而歸榮耀於我們在天上的父----- 人們自然會問我們為何做我們所做的;為何相信我們所相信的;為何我們懷有盼望。當他們這樣問的時候,我們不必害怕,因為基督已應許聖靈與我們同在,祂會賜給我們勇氣和同情心,使我們在愛中說真理。因為這是我們在世界的黑暗中發光的主要方式之一,並且我們知道,只有聖靈打開人的眼睛,驅逐黑暗,重生他們,人才能看見光,並活在耶穌基督的榮耀之光中。

Ready and Not Afraid
FROM Burk Parsons

Whenever people ask me what I do for a living, I respond by telling them I am a pastor. When I tell them I am a pastor, people appear to be instantly filled with a range of emotions as they try to figure out how to respond. Depending on their spiritual state and their relationship to Christ and the church, their responses range from fear to comfort, from anxiety to delight. Some people attempt to change the subject as quickly as possible, some want to tell me all about their spiritual journey, some want to unload all their burdens, some talk about why they leftˆ the church, and others rejoice in our common faith in Christ. But more oftˆen than not, when I tell people Im a pastor, they have questionsquestions about our church, about what I believe, about the Bible, God, and the aftˆerlife. All people have questions. We are inquisitive by nature. And in this age of pluralism, atheism, and skepticism, many people are searching for truth and the answers to lifes ultimate questions.

In some ways, pastors have more opportunities than other Christians to proclaim and explain the gospel and do the work of an evangelist and apologist. It is one of the joys of being a pastor. By the very nature of what we do, pastors are theologians and apologists. But in truth, every Christian is a theologian and an apologist. The question for all of us is whether we are good theologians and apologists and whether we are serious students of Scripture and the theology and answers that come from Scripture. Every Christian is called to be ready to give an answer for the hope that’s within us, as Peter commands us, and never to forget that we are to give our answers with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

As we do our good works before the watching world—not to be seen by men in order to get glory for ourselves, but so that the world might see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven—people will naturally ask us why we do all that we do, why we believe what we believe, and why we hold to the hope that is within us. And when they do, we must not be afraid, for Christ has promised that the Holy Spirit is with us to give us the courage and compassion to speak the truth in love. For this is one of the chief ways we shine as lights in the darkness of the world, knowing that people can only see the light if the Holy Spirit opens their eyes, expels the darkness, regenerates their hearts, and makes them alive to the light of the glory of Jesus Christ.

This post was originally published in Tabletalk magazine.