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作者:  Anthony Carter  譯者: Maria Marta

聖經提醒我們耶穌基督早期的追隨者首先被稱為基督徒如信心的見證人和見證談及到的安提阿城徒十一25。雖然基督徒最初可能是一個嘲諷的詞,但基督的追隨者很快就接受了這個稱號,因為它公開和毫不避諱地將他們等同於基督。但在基督徒這稱號被廣泛接受之前,基督早期的追隨者被稱為什麽?他們被簡稱為「門徒」。門徒是信徒的首選參考。 但什麽是門徒呢?

概括地說,門徒就是學生。 門徒是一個在另一個人的教導和訓練中操練自己的人。門徒一詞,與紀律一樣,都是源自拉丁字discipulus,意思是「學生」或「學習者」。因此,要學習就要操練自己。例如,人若想要在藝術、科學、體育方面取得進步,他就必須操練自己,學習並遵循該領域最好的教師的原則和基本原理。所以基督的門徒過去、現在的情況也是一樣:門徒跟從耶穌。

當耶穌呼召第一批門徒,祂說了一句簡單的話:「來跟從我」(可一17; 14; 約一43)。門徒是一個跟從者,他相信和信靠他的老師,並遵循老師的話語和榜樣。因此,成為門徒就是建立關系。門徒與老師有一種親密、具啟發性、模仿的關系。因此,作耶穌基督的門徒就是與耶穌建立關系------目標是追求像耶穌。換句話說,我們跟從基督,就是要效法基督(林前十一1),因為身為祂的門徒,我們屬於基督。耶穌的門徒有一些特征,與所建立起來的關系相稱。基督的門徒有什麽特質?那些跟從並被稱為基督的門徒的人有什麽特征?

沒有人能說他是某老師的門徒,除非他準備好聽這位老師的話。世界各地處處都是教師在爭奪聽眾和追隨者。而基督門徒所做的事是聆聽耶穌的說話。當耶穌說話時,門徒聆聽。門徒緊緊抓住主人的每一句說話,它們好像是充饑的面包或解渴的水。當耶穌與祂的門徒聚集在山上,耶穌改變形象時,父上帝從天上發出明確命令:「這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的,你們要聽他!」(太十七:5   不聽耶穌的說話,你不可能成為基督徒。

聆聽耶穌的話是不足夠的。門徒不聽,然後轉身離開,好像老師的話沒有影響力。當耶穌呼召祂的門徒,祂吩咐他們聆聽與學習。他們到來,耶穌說:「我心裡柔和謙卑,你們應當負我的軛,向我學習,你們就必得著心靈的安息」(太十一29;《聖經新譯本》)。門徒是一個學習者,基督的話對他產生重要的影響。在約翰福音第六章,當耶穌基督淘汰那些動搖者時,祂轉向十二使徒問道:「你們也想離去嗎?」(67節) 彼得代表其他人回答說:「主啊,你有永生之道,我們還歸從誰呢?我們已經信了,又知道你是神的聖者。」(68-69節) 向基督學習是門徒最大的渴望。這是門徒所相信的一切的基礎。門徒欣然接受他主人的說話。它們是他日用的飲食。門徒晝夜默誦它們。

不願意順服耶穌,沒有人能稱自己為真正的耶穌的門徒。門徒是一個真正聆聽與學習,並會將所學付諸實踐的人。對門徒而言,順服不是隨意的選擇。耶穌已經證明自己值得所有人順服。最了解他的人最清楚這一點。在加利利的迦拿的婚筵上,當酒用盡時,馬利亞(耶穌的母親) 告訴家裏的仆人去找耶穌,「他告訴你們什麼,你們就做什麼。」(約二5)。這是個極好的建議。將教師的教誨付諸實踐是真門徒的果子。耶穌自己宣稱,遵守祂的誡命就是那些愛祂的人愛祂的證明(十四21,23; 十五10)。

有些人試圖在作門徒和作基督徒之間作出區別。然而,聖經從未作出這樣的區別。門徒被稱為基督徒之前,已被稱為門徒了。做基督的門徒就是做基督徒。做基督徒就是信靠基督。做基督徒就是聽基督的說話。做基督徒就是向基督學習。做基督徒就是順服基督。 因此,做基督徒就是做門徒。 一開始就是這樣。 今天依然如此。


Rev. Anthony Carter is pastor of East Point Church in East Point, Ga. He is author of several books, including Blood Work.

What Is a Disciple?
by Anthony Carter

he Bible reminds us that the early followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians as the testimony and witness of the faith came to the city of Antioch (Acts 11:25). Though it initially was likely a term of derision, the followers of Christ soon embraced the designation Christian because it openly and unashamedly identified them with Christ. But before the title of Christian was widely accepted, what were the early followers of Christ called? They were simply called “disciples.” Disciple was the preferred reference for believers. But what is a disciple?

In short, a disciple is a student. A disciple is one who disciplines himself in the teachings and practices of another. The word disciple, like discipline, comes from the Latin word discipulus, meaning “pupil” or “learner.” Consequently, to learn is to discipline oneself. For example, if one is to advance in the arts or the sciences or athletics, one has to discipline himself and to learn and follow the principles and fundamentals of the best teachers in that area of study. So it was and is with the disciples of Christ. A disciple follows Jesus.

When Jesus called His first disciples, He spoke the simple words, “Follow me” (Mark 1:17; 2:14; John 1:43). A disciple is a follower, one who trusts and believes in a teacher and follows that teacher’s words and example. Therefore, to be a disciple is to be in a relationship. It is having an intimate, instructive, and imitative relationship with the teacher. Consequently, being a disciple of Jesus Christ is being in relationship with Jesus—it is seeking to be like Jesus. In other words, we follow Christ to be like Christ (1 Cor. 11:1) because as His disciples, we belong to Christ. The disciple of Jesus has certain traits that are commensurate with a relationship with Jesus. What are the qualities of a disciple of Christ? What are the traits of those who follow and are called disciples of Christ?

No one can say he is a disciple of a teacher unless he is ready to listen to that teacher. The world is awash in teachers vying for listeners and followers. Listening to Jesus is what a Christian disciple does. When Jesus speaks, the disciple listens. The disciple hangs on every word of the Master as if that word were bread for the hungry or water for the thirsty. When Jesus gathered with His disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, God the Father spoke from heaven with a clear command: “This is my Son, whom I love . . . listen to him” (Matt. 17:5). You cannot be a Christian and not listen to Jesus.

Listening to Jesus is not enough. A disciple does not listen and then turn away as if the teacher’s words have no impact. When Jesus calls His disciples, He calls them to learn as well as to listen. When they come, He says, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (11:29). The disciple is a learner, and the words of Christ carry weight with him. When Jesus Christ weeded out the joyriders in John 6, He turned to the Twelve and asked, “Will you go away as well?” Peter, speaking on behalf of the others, replied: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:68–69). Learning from Christ is the disciple’s greatest desire. It is the foundation of all that he believes. He joyfully receives the words of his Master. They are his daily bread. He meditates upon them day and night (Ps. 1:2).

No one can truly call himself a disciple of Jesus who is not willing to obey Him. The disciple, the one who truly listens and learns, will put into practice what he learns. For the disciple, obedience is not optional. Jesus has proven Himself worthy of all obedience. Those who know Him best are most aware of this. When the wedding at Cana ran out of wine, Mary (Jesus’ mother) told the servants of the house to find Jesus and “do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5). That was great advice. Putting the Master’s teachings into practice is the fruit of true discipleship. Jesus Himself declared that those who love Him evidence their love for Him by keeping His commandments (14:21, 23; 15:10).

Some try to make a distinction between being a disciple and being a Christian. Yet, the Bible never makes such a distinction. Before they were called Christians, they were called disciples. Being a disciple of Christ is being a Christian. Being a Christian is trusting Christ. Being a Christian is listening to Christ. Being a Christian is learning from Christ. Being a Christian is obeying Christ. Consequently, being a Christian is being a disciple. It was that way in the beginning. It continues to be that way today.

Rev. Anthony Carter is pastor of East Point Church in East Point, Ga. He is author of several books, including Blood Work.