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超乎萬名之上的名是什麽名?WhatIs the Name That Is above All Names?

講員:R.C. Sproul  翻譯:Maria Marta

這個短片摘自史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)  的教學系列《耶穌做了什麽?》,在短片中,史鮑爾牧師對萬名之上的名作出如下思考:

還記得耶穌被處死前一天晚上在樓上的情形嗎?那天晚上,耶穌設立了聖餐,並作了冗長的禱告------稱為大祭司的禱告。你還記得耶穌禱告裏的其中一個祈求嗎?祂祈求天父恢復未有世界以先祂與天父同享的榮耀。祂說:「你交給我要作的工,我已經完成了。 父啊,現在讓我在你自己面前得著榮耀,就是在創世以前我與你同享的榮耀。」(約十七5;《聖經新譯本》)這正是上帝在完成祂的創造之工時對耶穌所做的。耶穌的恥辱有一個終點。從祂剛誕生就開始的降卑也有一個結束。


在我們播出的其他教學系列中,我們仔細查考過新約聖經中有關耶穌的名字和頭銜(稱號),耶穌的名字和頭銜的確豐富多樣,對我們很有啟發。但當基督徒在閱讀這段經文時,他們往往認為,這裏萬名之上的名是指耶穌這名字。但這不是這段經文的意思。這段經文是說,上帝把耶穌高舉到這樣一個程度,以至於因著耶穌的名字,當你聽到耶穌的名字時,萬膝必向祂跪拜,萬口必承認什麽?  承認祂是主,使榮耀歸給天父。萬名之上的名是唯獨屬於上帝的頭銜。Adonai這一頭銜是指上帝是最高統治者(主權的掌管者) -------這一頭銜揭示基督享有從前上帝專屬的頭銜。因為上帝兒子的降卑,因為祂作了完全順服的奴仆,因此上帝竭盡全力高舉祂,授予祂萬名之上的名,好叫你在聽到耶穌的名字時,你會有一種沖動,要向祂跪拜,承認祂是主,使榮耀歸給天父。

What Is the Name That Is above All Names?

In this brief clip from his teaching series What Did Jesus Do?, R.C. Sproul reflects on the name that is above all names.


Remember when Jesus was in the upper room the night before His execution? That night that He established the Lord’s Supper and He went through that lengthy prayer—the High Priestly Prayer it is called. Do you remember one of the things that Jesus asked for in that prayer? He asked the Father to restore to Him the glory that He had with the Father from the beginning. He said, “I’ve done my mission. I’ve been obedient. Now Father, glorify your Son with the glory that He had with you from the foundation of the world.” And this is exactly what God does with Jesus at the completion of His work. There is an endpoint to His indignity. There is a completion to His humiliation that starts so starkly with His birth.

“Therefore, hath God highly exalted Him and given to Him a name that is above every name.” (Phil. 2:9)

Now in other series that we’ve done, we’ve looked carefully at the names and titles that are used for Jesus in the New Testament, which are rich indeed and inspiring to us. But so often when Christians read this passage, they assume that what is being said here is that the name that is above every name is the name Jesus. But that’s not what the text is saying. What the text is saying is that God has highly exalted Him to such a degree that at the name of Jesus, when you hear the name of Jesus, every knee should bow and every tongue should confess what? That He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. The name that is above every name is that title that belongs only to God. That title Adonai that refers to God as the sovereign one—that is the title that is revealed that belongs to Christ. Because of His humiliation, because of His perfect obedience in the role of a slave, God moves heaven and earth to exalt His Son, gives Him the name that is above every name, so that when you hear the name of Jesus, your impulse should be to be on your knees and confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father.