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多特信經 Canons and Decrees of the Synod ofDordt (1619)

摘錄自《歷代教會信條精選》Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms,  多特信經Canons and Decrees of the Synod of Dordt (1619),  99-121趙中輝等譯基督教改革宗翻譯社出版2002年修訂一版。


第一項教義  神的預定揀選與遺棄
The First Main Point of Doctrine Divine Election and Reprobation

第一條、 因為眾人在亞當𥚃都犯了罪、受咒詛、當受永死所以神讓眾人滅亡因罪惡而被定罪神也沒有什麼不公義的地方因為使徒保羅說「好塞住各人的口叫普世的人都伏在神審判之下」羅三19),「因為世人都犯了罪虧缺了神的榮耀」羅三23),「因為罪的工價乃是死」羅六23
Article 1: God’s Right to Condemn All People
Since all people have sinned in Adam and have come under the sentence of the curse and eternal death, God would have done no one an injustice if it had been his will to leave the entire human race in sin and under the curse, and to condemn them on account of their sin. As the apostle says: “The whole world is liable to the condemnation of God” (Rom. 3:19), “All have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23), and “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). (All quotations from Scripture are translations of the original Latin manuscript.)
第二條、 但「神差他獨生子到世間來.......神愛我們的心在此就顯明了」約壹四9),「叫一切信他的不至滅亡反得永生」約三16
Article 2: The Manifestation of God’s Love
But this is how God showed his love: he sent his only begotten Son into the world, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Article 3: The Preaching of the Gospel
In order that people may be brought to faith, God mercifully sends proclaimers of this very joyful message to the people he wishes and at the time he wishes. By this ministry people are called to repentance and faith in Christ crucified. For “how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without someone preaching? And how shall they preach unless they have been sent?” (Rom. 10:14-15).

第四條、 神的忿怒常在那些不信這福音的人身上但那些接受福音以真實活潑的信心投靠主耶穌的人耶穌就拯救他脫離神的怨怒不致滅亡反得永生。
Article 4: A Twofold Response to the Gospel
God’s anger remains on those who do not believe this gospel. But those who do accept it and embrace Jesus the Savior with a true and living faith are delivered through him from God’s anger and from destruction, and receive the gift of eternal life.

Article 5: The Sources of Unbelief and of Faith
The cause or blame for this unbelief, as well as for all other sins, is not at all in God, but in man. Faith in Jesus Christ, however, and salvation through him is a free gift of God. As Scripture says, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is a gift of God” (Eph. 2:8). Likewise: “It has been freely given to you to believe in Christ” (Phil. 1:29).

第六條、 有些人蒙神思典得以相信有些人則否這都是出於神的永旨eternal decree)。「這話是從創世以來顯明這事的主說的」(徒十五18),「這原是那位隨己意行做萬事的,照著他旨意所預定的」(弗一11)。神所揀選的人無論怎樣固執,神都按照這個永旨,以恩典軟化他們的心,使他們願意相信;至於神所沒有揀選的人,神就按照衪的公義,決定任憑他們存邪僻頑梗的心。我們從這件事可以特別看出神深奧、憐憫,同時又公義的本性,因為神對同樣陷入滅亡絕境的人,卻用不同的方式對待他們,這就是聖經啟示的「神揀選與遺棄(reptobation)的元旨」。悖論、不潔與不堅固的人雖然強解這元旨(decree) 就自取沈淪,但聖潔敬虔的人卻從這元旨得到無比的安慰。
Article 6: God’s Eternal Decision
The fact that some receive from God the gift of faith within time, and that others do not, stems from his eternal decision. For “all his works are known to God from eternity” (Acts 15:18; Eph. 1:11). In accordance with this decision he graciously softens the hearts, however hard, of his chosen ones and inclines them to believe, but by his just judgment he leaves in their wickedness and hardness of heart those who have not been chosen. And in this especially is disclosed to us his act — unfathomable, and as merciful as it is just — of distinguishing between people equally lost. This is the well-known decision of election and reprobation revealed in God’s Word. This decision the wicked, impure, and unstable distort to their own ruin, but it provides holy and godly souls with comfort beyond words.

 [ 這些蒙揀選的人,雖然原本並不比別人強,也不比別人配,而與別人一樣,都在罪惡苦海中,但是神頒布永恒的元旨:(一)預定他們歸給基督,被祂救贖;(二)用祂的話、祂的靈呼召他們,並且這呼召必要產生果效,使他們回應這呼召,吸引他們與基督相交;(三)賜給他們真實的信心,使他們被稱為義,得以成聖;(四)以大能保守他們與基督相交,使他們至終得榮耀,以彰顯祂的憐憫,使衪榮耀的恩典得著稱讚。如經上所記:「就如神從創立世界以前在基督裡揀選了我們,使我們在他面前成為聖潔,無有瑕疵;又因愛我們,就按著自己意旨所喜悅的,預定我們藉著耶穌基督得兒子的名分,使他榮耀的恩典得著稱讚。這恩典是他在愛子裡所賜給我們的」(弗一4-6, 又說:「預先所定下的人又召他們來,所召來的人又稱他們為義,所稱為義的人又叫他們得榮耀」(羅八30)。] 
Article 7: Election
Election [or choosing] is God’s unchangeable purpose by which he did the following:
Before the foundation of the world, by sheer grace, according to the free good pleasure of his will, he chose in Christ to salvation a definite number of particular people out of the entire human race, which had fallen by its own fault from its original innocence into sin and ruin.
Those chosen were neither better nor more deserving than the others, but lay with them in the common misery. He did this in Christ, whom he also appointed from eternity to be the mediator, the head of all those chosen, and the foundation of their salvation.
And so he decided to give the chosen ones to Christ to be saved, and to call and draw them effectively into Christ’s fellowship through his Word and Spirit. In other words, he decided to grant them true faith in Christ, to justify them, to sanctify them, and finally, after powerfully preserving them in the fellowship of his Son, to glorify them.
God did all this in order to demonstrate his mercy, to the praise of the riches of his glorious grace.
As Scripture says, “God chose us in Christ, before the foundation of the world, so that we should be holy and blameless before him with love; he predestined us whom he adopted as his children through Jesus Christ, in himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, by which he freely made us pleasing to himself in his beloved” (Eph. 1:4-6). And elsewhere, “Those whom he predestined, he also called; and those whom he called, he also justified; and those whom he justified, he also glorified” (Rom. 8:30).

第八條、 論到一切得救的人不論是在舊約之下得救或是在新約之下得救神揀選的元旨都只有一個而不是許多個因為聖經宣告神所喜悅、所預定、所安排的旨意只有一個神按照這個旨意從萬古之先揀選我們使我們既蒙恩典、又得榮耀既蒙救贖、又走上救贖之路就是祂預定我們要行在其中的。
Article 8: A Single Decision of Election
This election is not of many kinds; it is one and the same election for all who were to be saved in the Old and the New Testament. For Scripture declares that there is a single good pleasure, purpose, and plan of God’s will, by which he chose us from eternity both to grace and to glory, both to salvation and to the way of salvation, which he prepared in advance for us to walk in.

第九條、 神這樣揀選人並不是因為神預先看見人會有信心並且因信順服、聖潔或是預先看見人𥚃面有任何其他美好的品格與性情以這些為揀選的先決條件或原因而是人蒙神揀選以致有信心、因信順服、聖潔等。所以神的揀選才是根源,人得救之後會表現各種善行,這些都是結果,例如:信心、聖潔以及其他隨著救恩而來的恩典(最後還包括永生),這些都是神的揀選產生的果效,正如使徒保羅所說;「在基督裡揀選了我們,使我們在他面前成為聖潔,無有瑕疵」(弗一4),而不是「因為我們聖潔,  無有瑕疵,所以神在基督裡揀選了我們」。
Article 9: Election Not Based on Foreseen Faith
This same election took place, not on the basis of foreseen faith, of the obedience of faith, of holiness, or of any other good quality and disposition, as though it were based on a prerequisite cause or condition in the person to be chosen, but rather for the purpose of faith, of the obedience of faith, of holiness, and so on. Accordingly, election is the source of each of the benefits of salvation. Faith, holiness, and the other saving gifts, and at last eternal life itself, flow forth from election as its fruits and effects. As the apostle says, “He chose us” (not because we were, but) “so that we should be holy and blameless before him in love” (Eph. 1:4).

第十條、神揀選的恩典只有一個原因就是神的美意神揀選的原則不是「預先看出全體人類一切可能的行為再從其中選擇一些作為得救的條件」而是「而是神樂意從同樣一群罪人中收養一些人特作自己的子民」, 如經上所記「雙子還沒有生下來善惡還沒有做出來……神就對利百加說『將來大的要服侍小的。』正如經上所記:『雅各是我所愛的,以掃是我所惡的。』」(羅九11-13),「凡預定得永生的人都信了」(使十三48)。
Article 10: Election Based on God’s Good Pleasure
But the cause of this undeserved election is exclusively the good pleasure of God. This does not involve his choosing certain human qualities or actions from among all those possible as a condition of salvation, but rather involves his adopting certain particular persons from among the common mass of sinners as his own possession. As Scripture says, “When the children were not yet born, and had done nothing either good or bad…, she” (Rebecca)” was told, “The older will serve the younger.” As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated”” (Rom. 9:11-13). Also, “All who were appointed for eternal life believed” (Acts 13:48).

Article 11: Election Unchangeable
Just as God himself is most wise, unchangeable, all-knowing, and almighty, so the election made by him can neither be suspended nor altered, revoked, or annulled; neither can his chosen ones be cast off, nor their number reduced.

Article 12: The Assurance of Election
Assurance of this their eternal and unchangeable election to salvation is given to the chosen in due time, though by various stages and in differing measure. Such assurance comes not by inquisitive searching into the hidden and deep things of God, but by noticing within themselves, with spiritual joy and holy delight, the unmistakable fruits of election pointed out in God’s Word — such as a true faith in Christ, a childlike fear of God, a godly sorrow for their sins, a hunger and thirst for righteousness, and so on.

Article 13: The Fruit of This Assurance
In their awareness and assurance of this election God’s children daily find greater cause to humble themselves before God, to adore the fathomless depth of his mercies, to cleanse themselves, and to give fervent love in return to him who first so greatly loved them. This is far from saying that this teaching concerning election, and reflection upon it, make God’s children lax in observing his commandments or carnally self-assured. By God’s just judgment this does usually happen to those who casually take for granted the grace of election or engage in idle and brazen talk about it but are unwilling to walk in the ways of the chosen.

Article 14: Teaching Election Properly
Just as, by God’s wise plan, this teaching concerning divine election has been proclaimed through the prophets, Christ himself, and the apostles, in Old and New Testament times, and has subsequently been committed to writing in the Holy Scriptures, so also today in God’s church, for which it was specifically intended, this teaching must be set forth — with a spirit of discretion, in a godly and holy manner, at the appropriate time and place, without inquisitive searching into the ways of the Most High. This must be done for the glory of God’s most holy name, and for the lively comfort of his people.

Article 15: Reprobation
Moreover, Holy Scripture most especially highlights this eternal and undeserved grace of our election and brings it out more clearly for us, in that it further bears witness that not all people have been chosen but that some have not been chosen or have been passed by in God’s eternal election — those, that is, concerning whom God, on the basis of his entirely free, most just, irreproachable, and unchangeable good pleasure, made the following decision:
to leave them in the common misery into which, by their own fault, they have plunged themselves; not to grant them saving faith and the grace of conversion; but finally to condemn and eternally punish them (having been left in their own ways and under his just judgment), not only for their unbelief but also for all their other sins, in order to display his justice.
And this is the decision of reprobation, which does not at all make God the author of sin (a blasphemous thought!) but rather its fearful, irreproachable, just judge and avenger.

第十六條、有些人還沒有經歷基督裡的活潑信心、心𥚃沒有確切的把握、良心還不得平安還沒有殷勤順服神如同兒子順服父親、也還沒有藉著基督以神為樂雖然他們𥚃面還沒有結出這些果子卻仍舊持續使用蒙恩的管道means of grace, 就是神所指定要使人𥚃面能產生這些恩典果效的方法),不必聽到遺棄就驚慌也不必算自己是被神遺棄的而應該殷勤持續使用這些蒙恩的管道並以熱切、敬虔、謙卑的態度等候更豐盛恩典的時期來到。至於有些人誠心願意歸向神,單求神的喜悅,脫離取死的身體,但還沒有到達所盼望的聖潔與信心程度,更不必因遣棄的教義而驚懼,因為慈悲憐憫的神已經應許,將殘的燈火祂不吹滅,壓傷的蘆葦祂不折斷。但是有些人忽視神,藐視救主耶穌基督,沈緬於今生的思慮、肉體的快樂,他們如果還沒有誠心歸向神,就應該害怕遣棄的教義。
Article 16: Responses to the Teaching of Reprobation
Those who do not yet actively experience within themselves a living faith in Christ or an assured confidence of heart, peace of conscience, a zeal for childlike obedience, and a glorying in God through Christ, but who nevertheless use the means by which God has promised to work these things in us — such people ought not to be alarmed at the mention of reprobation, nor to count themselves among the reprobate; rather they ought to continue diligently in the use of the means, to desire fervently a time of more abundant grace, and to wait for it in reverence and humility. On the other hand, those who seriously desire to turn to God, to be pleasing to him alone, and to be delivered from the body of death, but are not yet able to make such progress along the way of godliness and faith as they would like — such people ought much less to stand in fear of the teaching concerning reprobation, since our merciful God has promised that he will not snuff out a smoldering wick and that he will not break a bruised reed. However, those who have forgotten God and their Savior Jesus Christ and have abandoned themselves wholly to the cares of the world and the pleasures of the flesh — such people have every reason to stand in fear of this teaching, as long as they do not seriously turn to God.

Article 17: The Salvation of the Infants of Believers
Since we must make judgments about God’s will from his Word, which testifies that the children of believers are holy, not by nature but by virtue of the gracious covenant in which they together with their parents are included, godly parents ought not to doubt the election and salvation of their children whom God calls out of this life in infancy.

第十八條、神的揀選顯出祂的恩典寬大神的遺棄顯出祂的公義嚴厲如果有人對此心懷不平我們要按照使徒保羅所說的回答「你這種人哪你是誰競敢向神強嘴呢羅九20又引用主耶穌所說「我的東西難道不可隨我的意思用麼大廿15我們景仰這樣的奧秘無比神聖所以用使徒保羅的話表達我們的驚嘆「深哉神豐富的智慧和知識。他的判斷何其難測!他的蹤跡何其難尋!誰知道主的心, 誰作過他的謀士呢?誰是先給了他, 使他後來償還呢?因為萬有都是本於他, 倚靠他,歸於他。願榮耀歸給他, 直到永遠。阿們。」(羅十一33-36
Article 18: The Proper Attitude Toward Election and Reprobation
To those who complain about this grace of an undeserved election and about the severity of a just reprobation, we reply with the words of the apostle, “Who are you, O man, to talk back to God?” (Rom. 9:20), and with the words of our Savior, “Have I no right to do what I want with my own?” (Matt. 20:15). We, however, with reverent adoration of these secret things, cry out with the apostle: “Oh, the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways beyond tracing out! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Or who has first given to God, that God should repay him? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen” (Rom. 11:33-36).

Rejection of the Errors by Which the Dutch Churches Have for Some Time Been Disturbed 

Having set forth the orthodox teaching concerning election and reprobation, the Synod rejects the errors of those 

I. Who teach that the will of God to save those who would believe and persevere in faith and in the obedience of faith is the whole and entire decision of election to salvation, and that nothing else concerning this decision has been revealed in God’s Word.

For they deceive the simple and plainly contradict Holy Scripture in its testimony that God does not only wish to save those who would believe, but that he has also from eternity chosen certain particular people to whom, rather than to others, he would within time grant faith in Christ and perseverance. As Scripture says, “I have revealed your name to those whom you gave me” (John 17:6). Likewise, “All who were appointed for eternal life believed” (Acts 13:48), and “He chose us before the foundation of the world so that we should be holy…” (Eph. 1:4).

神有許多種不同的揀選有些是一般的揀選general election),沒有特定對象indefinite),有些是特別的揀選particular election、有特定對象definite):而即使是後者有特定對象),還可以分成「不完全的揀選」incomplete election和「完全的揀選」complete election。所謂「不完全的棟選」,是指「神對這個特定對象,也還沒有完全決定要不要一直揀選他到底」,這種揀選有條件,可反悔。所謂「完全的揀選」,則指神對這個特定對象,已經決定要一直揀選他到底了」,這種揀選不講條件、不會反悔。換句話說,有一種「使人相信的揀選」(election unto faith),有一種「使人得救的揀選」(election unto salvation)。神可以只揀選一個人使他有信心、被稱義但還沒有完全決定要揀選他得救。
II. Who teach that God’s election to eternal life is of many kinds: one general and indefinite, the other particular and definite; and the latter in turn either incomplete, revocable, nonperemptory (or conditional), or else complete, irrevocable, and peremptory (or absolute). Likewise, who teach that there is one election to faith and another to salvation, so that there can be an election to justifying faith apart from a peremptory election to salvation.

For this is an invention of the human brain, devised apart from the Scriptures, which distorts the teaching concerning election and breaks up this golden chain of salvation: “Those whom he predestined, he also called; and those whom he called, he also justified; and those whom he justified, he also glorified” (Rom. 8:30).

聖經講揀選時提到神的「美意」與「安排」但這美意與安排並不是神揀選這人、遺棄那人而是神從各種可能條件包括律法的功效),或各種事物規則中揀選「信心的舉動」act of faith。這種信心的舉動原本不配得賞、不能邀功,帶來的順服也不完全,但神規定以這種信心舉動作為得救的條件,願意按著祂的恩典把這些不完全的順服看成完全,算這種不完全的順服配得永生賞賜。
III. Who teach that God’s good pleasure and purpose, which Scripture mentions in its teaching of election, does not involve God’s choosing certain particular people rather than others, but involves God’s choosing, out of all possible conditions (including the works of the law) or out of the whole order of things, the intrinsically unworthy act of faith, as well as the imperfect obedience of faith, to be a condition of salvation; and it involves his graciously wishing to count this as perfect obedience and to look upon it as worthy of the reward of eternal life.

For by this pernicious error the good pleasure of God and the merit of Christ are robbed of their effectiveness and people are drawn away, by unprofitable inquiries, from the truth of undeserved justification and from the simplicity of the Scriptures. It also gives the lie to these words of the apostle: “God called us with a holy calling, not in virtue of works, but in virtue of his own purpose and the grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time” (2 Tim. 1:9).
人要符合某些條件才能蒙「得信心的揀選而這些條件已經事先講明就是人應該善用天然的光light of nature、敬虔、謙卑、溫柔使自己適合承受永生仿佛是依靠美德被揀選。
IV. Who teach that in election to faith a prerequisite condition is that man should rightly use the light of nature, be upright, unassuming, humble, and disposed to eternal life, as though election depended to some extent on these factors.

這很象伯拉糾Plegius的教導不符使徒的教義因為保羅說「我們從前也都在他們中間放縱肉體的私欲隨著肉體和心中所喜好的去行本為可怒之子和別人一樣。然而 神既有豐富的憐憫,因他愛我們的大愛,當我們死在過犯中的時候,便叫我們與基督一同活過來(你們得救是本乎恩)。他又叫我們與基督耶穌一同復活,一同坐在天上,         要將他極豐富的恩典,就是他在基督耶穌裡向我們所施的恩慈,顯明給後來的世代看。你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是 神所賜的;也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇」(弗二3-9)。
For this smacks of Pelagius, and it clearly calls into question the words of the apostle: “We lived at one time in the passions of our flesh, following the will of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else. But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in transgressions, made us alive with Christ, by whose grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with him and seated us with him in heaven in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages we might show the surpassing riches of his grace, according to his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God) not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph. 2:3-9).

V. Who teach that the incomplete and nonperemptory election of particular persons to salvation occurred on the basis of a foreseen faith, repentance, holiness, and godliness, which has just begun or continued for some time; but that complete and peremptory election occurred on the basis of a foreseen perseverance to the end in faith, repentance, holiness, and godliness. And that this is the gracious and evangelical worthiness, on account of which the one who is chosen is more worthy than the one who is not chosen. And therefore that faith, the obedience of faith, holiness, godliness, and perseverance are not fruits or effects of an unchangeable election to glory, but indispensable conditions and causes, which are prerequisite in those who are to be chosen in the complete election, and which are foreseen as achieved in them.

這牴觸整本聖經的教導。聖經不斷教導「揀選不是因為行為乃是乎召人的主」「神揀選人的旨意不在乎人的行為乃在乎召人的主」或類似的觀念」羅九11),「凡預定得永生的人都信了」( 徒十三48) 「就如 神從創立世界以前在基督裏揀選了我們使我們在他面前成為聖潔」弗一4,「不是你們揀選了我是我揀選了你們」約十五16,「既是出於恩典就不在乎行為」羅十一6,「不是我們愛 神乃是 神愛我們差他的兒子為我們的罪作了挽回祭這就是愛了」約壹四10
This runs counter to the entire Scripture, which throughout impresses upon our ears and hearts these sayings among others: “Election is not by works, but by him who calls” (Rom. 9:11-12); “All who were appointed for eternal life believed” (Acts 13:48); “He chose us in himself so that we should be holy” (Eph. 1:4); “You did not choose me, but I chose you” (John 15:16); “If by grace, not by works” (Rom. 11:6); “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son” (1 John 4:10).

VI. Who teach that not every election to salvation is unchangeable, but that some of the chosen can perish and do in fact perish eternally, with no decision of God to prevent it.

By this gross error they make God changeable, destroy the comfort of the godly concerning the steadfastness of their election, and contradict the Holy Scriptures, which teach that “the elect cannot be led astray” (Matt. 24:24), that “Christ does not lose those given to him by the Father” (John 6:39), and that “those whom God predestined, called, and justified, he also glorifies” (Rom. 8:30).

VII. Who teach that in this life there is no fruit, no awareness, and no assurance of one’s unchangeable election to glory, except as conditional upon something changeable and contingent.

For not only is it absurd to speak of an uncertain assurance, but these things also militate against the experience of the saints, who with the apostle rejoice from an awareness of their election and sing the praises of this gift of God; who, as Christ urged, “rejoice” with his disciples “that their names have been written in heaven” (Luke 10:20); and finally who hold up against the flaming arrows of the devil’s temptations the awareness of their election, with the question “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?” (Rom. 8:33).

VIII. Who teach that it was not on the basis of his just will alone that God decided to leave anyone in the fall of Adam and in the common state of sin and condemnation or to pass anyone by in the imparting of grace necessary for faith and conversion.

因為神的元旨非常確定「神要憐憫誰就憐憫誰要叫誰剛硬就叫誰剛硬」 羅九18),「因為天國的奧秘只叫你們知道不叫他們知道」太十三11),「父啊天地的主我感謝你因為你將這些事向聰明通達人就藏起來向嬰孩就顯出來」 ( 太十一25-26)
For these words stand fast: “He has mercy on whom he wishes, and he hardens whom he wishes” (Rom. 9:18). And also: “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matt. 13:11). Likewise: “I give glory to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and have revealed them to little children; yes, Father, because that was your pleasure” (Matt. 11:25-26).

IX. Who teach that the cause for God’s sending the gospel to one people rather than to another is not merely and solely God’s good pleasure, but rather that one people is better and worthier than the other to whom the gospel is not communicated.

摩西反對這種說法所以以色列說「看哪天和天上的天地和地上所有的都屬耶和華你的神。耶和華但喜悅你的列祖,愛他們,從萬民中揀選他們的後裔,就是你們,象今日一樣。」(申十14-15); 基督也說:「哥拉汛哪,你有禍了!伯賽大啊,你有禍了!因為在你們中間所行的異能,若行在推羅、西頓,他們早已披麻蒙灰悔改了」(太十一21)。
For Moses contradicts this when he addresses the people of Israel as follows: “Behold, to Jehovah your God belong the heavens and the highest heavens, the earth and whatever is in it. But Jehovah was inclined in his affection to love your ancestors alone, and chose out their descendants after them, you above all peoples, as at this day” (Deut. 10:14-15). And also Christ: “Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! for if those mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes” (Matt. 11:21).

第二項教義 論基督的死,和人藉此所得的救贖
The Second Head of Doctrine: Christ’s Death and Human Redemption Through It

第一條、 神不但是無限慈愛,神也無限公義。神無比尊嚴,我們犯罪幹犯了祂,按照神的公義,這罪必須受刑罰,正如聖經所啟示的;不但現在受刑罰,也要永遠受刑罰;不但身體受刑罰,靈魂也要受刑罰;除非神的公義得到滿足,否則我們不能逃脫這刑罰。
Article 1: The Punishment Which God’s Justice Requires
God is not only supremely merciful, but also supremely just. His justice requires (as he has revealed himself in the Word) that the sins we have committed against his infinite majesty be punished with both temporal and eternal punishments, of soul as well as body. We cannot escape these punishments unless satisfaction is given to God’s justice.

第二條、 所以既然我們自己這個人不能滿足神的公義,也不能救自己脫離神的忿怒,神就樂意賜下衪的獨生子作我們的中保,使他成為罪,為我們成了咒詛,又代替我們受咒詛,好使他(祂)替我們滿足神的公義。神這樣做是出於祂無限的憐憫。
Article 2: The Satisfaction Made by Christ
Since, however, we ourselves cannot give this satisfaction or deliver ourselves from God’s anger, God in his boundless mercy has given us as a guarantee his only begotten Son, who was made to be sin and a curse for us, in our place, on the cross, in order that he might give satisfaction for us.

第三條、 神的兒子受死,這是惟一的贖罪祭,也是最完全的贖罪祭,惟有這樣才能滿足神的公義,也最能滿足神的公義;這贖罪有無限的價值,足以補償全世界的罪,而且綽綽有余。
Article 3: The Infinite Value of Christ’s Death
This death of God’s Son is the only and entirely complete sacrifice and satisfaction for sins; it is of infinite value and worth, more than sufficient to atone for the sins of the whole world.

第四條、 基督受死具有無限的價值與尊嚴,理由如下:(一)這位受死的基督不但是一個完全聖潔而真實的人,更是神的獨生子,衪的本質與聖父、聖靈同樣永恒而無限;無論是誰,都必須具備這樣的本質,才有資格作我們的救主;(二)我們犯罪,當受神的忿怒與咒詛,而基督受死,為我們擔當了這一切。
Article 4: Reasons for This Infinite Value
This death is of such great value and worth for the reason that the person who suffered it is — as was necessary to be our Savior — not only a true and perfectly holy man, but also the only begotten Son of God, of the same eternal and infinite essence with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Another reason is that this death was accompanied by the experience of God’s anger and curse, which we by our sins had fully deserved.

Article 5: The Mandate to Proclaim the Gospel to All
Moreover, it is the promise of the gospel that whoever believes in Christ crucified shall not perish but have eternal life. This promise, together with the command to repent and believe, ought to be announced and declared without differentiation or discrimination to all nations and people, to whom God in his good pleasure sends the gospel.

第六條、 神用這福音呼召人,盡管許多人並不悔改,也不相信基督,以致他們滅亡,但這不是因為基督在十字架上所獻的祭有任何缺點,或是還不夠,而是要完全怪他們自己。
Article 6: Unbelief Man’s Responsibility
However, that many who have been called through the gospel do not repent or believe in Christ but perish in unbelief is not because the sacrifice of Christ offered on the cross is deficient or insufficient, but because they themselves are at fault.

第七條、 但那些真實相信的人,就因基督受死而得救,脫離罪惡,不致滅亡;這完全是因為神從萬古之先,就在基督𥚃賜給他們恩典,他們才能得到這好處,他們自己並沒有任何功勞。
Article 7: Faith God’s Gift
But all who genuinely believe and are delivered and saved by Christ’s death from their sins and from destruction receive this favor solely from God’s grace — which he owes to no one — given to them in Christ from eternity.

Article 8: The Saving Effectiveness of Christ’s Death
For it was the entirely free plan and very gracious will and intention of God the Father that the enlivening and saving effectiveness of his Son’s costly death should work itself out in all his chosen ones, in order that he might grant justifying faith to them only and thereby lead them without fail to salvation. In other words, it was God’s will that Christ through the blood of the cross (by which he confirmed the new covenant) should effectively redeem from every people, tribe, nation, and language all those and only those who were chosen from eternity to salvation and given to him by the Father; that he should grant them faith (which, like the Holy Spirit’s other saving gifts, he acquired for them by his death); that he should cleanse them by his blood from all their sins, both original and actual, whether committed before or after their coming to faith; that he should faithfully preserve them to the very end; and that he should finally present them to himself, a glorious people, without spot or wrinkle.

第九條、 神這樣定意,是出於祂對選民永遠的愛。神從創立世界到今天,一直都在以大能成全這心意,盡管陰間的權柄要攔阻神的心意成全,也無法得逞,神還要一直繼續成全祂的心意,所以選民會在適當的時候合而為一,而且任何時候都會有信徒組成教會,這樣的教會根基是建立在基督的寶血上,並且持續堅定愛主,忠心服事主;教會是新婦,主是新郎,在十字架上為新婦捨命,教會要稱頌讚美祂,從今世直到永遠。
Article 9: The Fulfillment of God’s Plan
This plan, arising out of God’s eternal love for his chosen ones, from the beginning of the world to the present time has been powerfully carried out and will also be carried out in the future, the gates of hell seeking vainly to prevail against it. As a result the chosen are gathered into one, all in their own time, and there is always a church of believers founded on Christ’s blood, a church which steadfastly loves, persistently worships, and — here and in all eternity — praises him as her Savior who laid down his life for her on the cross, as a bridegroom for his bride.

Rejection of the Errors
Having set forth the orthodox teaching, the Synod rejects the errors of those

I. Who teach that God the Father appointed his Son to death on the cross without a fixed and definite plan to save anyone by name, so that the necessity, usefulness, and worth of what Christ’s death obtained could have stood intact and altogether perfect, complete and whole, even if the redemption that was obtained had never in actual fact been applied to any individual.

這種教導近於藐視父神的智慧與耶穌的功勞,並且違反聖經,因為耶穌會說:「我為羊捨命……我也認識他們」 (約十1527)。先知以賽亞論到救主也說:「耶和華以他為贖罪祭,他必看見後裔,並且延長年日,耶和華所喜悅的事必在他手中亨通」(賽五十三10)。最後,我們相信大公基督教會,而這教導違反大公基督教會所依據的信條。
For this assertion is an insult to the wisdom of God the Father and to the merit of Jesus Christ, and it is contrary to Scripture. For the Savior speaks as follows: “I lay down my life for the sheep, and I know them” (John 10:15, 27). And Isaiah the prophet says concerning the Savior: “When he shall make himself an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days, and the will of Jehovah shall prosper in his hand” (Isa. 53:10). Finally, this undermines the article of the creed in which we confess what we believe concerning the Church.

II. Who teach that the purpose of Christ’s death was not to establish in actual fact a new covenant of grace by his blood, but only to acquire for the Father the mere right to enter once more into a covenant with men, whether of grace or of works.

For this conflicts with Scripture, which teaches that Christ “has become the guarantee and mediator of a better — “that is, “a new-covenant” (Heb. 7:22; 9:15), “and that a will is in force only when someone has died” (Heb. 9:17).

基督的補罪(satisfication) 並沒有使衪有資格為任何人成全救恩本身,也沒有使衪有資格為人成全信心,使人因這信心真實得到基督補罪的功效,以致得救。基督的補罪,只讓衪有資格使父上帝有權、或有意再次與人相交,並讓父神按衪所喜悅的制定新的條件;不過人是否能順服這些條件,要看人的自由意志,以致結果可能沒有人能履行這條件,或是每個人都能履行這條件。
III. Who teach that Christ, by the satisfaction which he gave, did not certainly merit for anyone salvation itself and the faith by which this satisfaction of Christ is effectively applied to salvation, but only acquired for the Father the authority or plenary will to relate in a new way with men and to impose such new conditions as he chose, and that the satisfying of these conditions depends on the free choice of man; consequently, that it was possible that either all or none would fulfill them.

這種教導太輕視基督的受死,不承認基督因受死得到極重要的果效與益處,這是伯拉糾主義(Pelagianism) 錯誤從地獄復出。
For they have too low an opinion of the death of Christ, do not at all acknowledge the foremost fruit or benefit which it brings forth, and summon back from hell the Pelagian error.

基督受死,在人與神之間作居間和解(mediation) 的工作,因此父神與人立恩典的新約,但這約並不在於「我們因信接受基督的功勞,在神面前稱義而得救」,而是在於「神不再要求人能憑信完全順服,而是把我們不完全的信心和順服看成完全順服律法,並且神按著衪的恩典認定這種不完全的信心和順服配得永生的賞賜」。
IV. Who teach that what is involved in the new covenant of grace which God the Father made with men through the intervening of Christ’s death is not that we are justified before God and saved through faith, insofar as it accepts Christ’s merit, but rather that God, having withdrawn his demand for perfect obedience to the law, counts faith itself, and the imperfect obedience of faith, as perfect obedience to the law, and graciously looks upon this as worthy of the reward of eternal life.
這違反聖經所說:「如今卻蒙神的恩典,因基督耶穌的救贖,就白白地稱義。神設立耶穌做挽回祭,是憑著耶穌的血,藉著人的信,要顯明神的義。因為他用忍耐的心寬容人先時所犯的罪」( 羅三24-25)。這種教導和可惡的索西奴派(Socinianism) 一樣,都在宣掦一種在上帝面前稱義的奇怪新法,不符全體教會的共識。
For they contradict Scripture: “They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ, whom God presented as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood” (Rom. 3:24-25). And along with the ungodly Socinus, they introduce a new and foreign justification of man before God, against the consensus of the whole church.

V. Who teach that all people have been received into the state of reconciliation and into the grace of the covenant, so that no one on account of original sin is liable to condemnation, or is to be condemned, but that all are free from the guilt of this sin.

For this opinion conflicts with Scripture which asserts that we are by nature children of wrath.

有人特意區分「配得」(merit) 與「支取」(appropriate), 以致有人如果粗心大意,經驗不足,就可能以為「就神而言,神已經決定要把基督受死帶來的益處,一律平等地施行在每個人身上」;至於有人罪得赦免得永生,有人則否,原因在於「他們自己的自由意志。恩典是每個人都有的,無無例外,但需要這自由意志與思典連在一起,才能有果效,使人得救」,而不在於「神有特殊的憐憫與恩典,以大能運行在他們心中,以致他們比別人更能支取這恩典」。
VI. Who make use of the distinction between obtaining and applying in order to instill in the unwary and inexperienced the opinion that God, as far as he is concerned, wished to bestow equally upon all people the benefits which are gained by Christ’s death; but that the distinction by which some rather than others come to share in the forgiveness of sins and eternal life depends on their own free choice (which applies itself to the grace offered indiscriminately) but does not depend on the unique gift of mercy which effectively works in them, so that they, rather than others, apply that grace to themselves.
For, while pretending to set forth this distinction in an acceptable sense, they attempt to give the people the deadly poison of Pelagianism.

VII. Who teach that Christ neither could die, nor had to die, nor did die for those whom God so dearly loved and chose to eternal life, since such people do not need the death of Christ.

這種教導違反使徒保羅所說:「基督愛我,為我捨己」(加二20)、「誰能控告神所揀選的人呢?有神稱他們為義了。誰能定他們的罪呢?有基督耶穌已經死了」(羅八33-34, 就是「已經為他們死了」;也違反救主所說:「我為羊捨命」(約十15)、「你們要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣,這就是我的命令。人為朋友捨命,人的愛心沒有比這個大的」(約十12-13)。
For they contradict the apostle, who says: “Christ loved me and gave himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20), and likewise: “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? It is Christ who died,” that is, for them (Rom. 8:33-34). They also contradict the Savior, who asserts: “I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:15), and “My command is this: Love one another as I d you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:12-13).