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贖罪日是基督贖罪的副本TheDay of Atonement was a Copy of Christ’s Atonement

作者:  Sinclair Ferguson  譯者: Maria Marta

一般認為舊約禮儀是日後耶穌祭司職份的副本與應驗的預備模型。 但希伯來書對此有不同的看法。 舊約禮儀的大祭司穿過會幕 ------裏面有不同的房間和各樣的擺設,特別是至聖所和連著施恩座的約櫃 ------不是模型,而是副本(來八5)。

基督開辟了一條通往天堂的道路;  這是事實。 希伯來書對此有很多話要說。 耶穌基督「經過那更大、更全備的帳幕...... 不是屬乎這世界的」(來九11)。祂「用自己的血,只一次進入至聖所」(來九12)。 事實上,現在耶穌在天上的會幕裡供職(來八:2; 《聖經新譯本》)。

請注意領會作者的思想:假如副本(曠野的會幕)需要潔凈,那麽「天上物體的本身,就應該用更美的祭品去潔淨了」(來九23; 《聖經新譯本》)。 但用什麽潔淨天上的物體呢?


這個儀式是行動式比喻,是基督在贖罪之日要做之事的副本。 動物的血既不合適也不足以提供接近上帝所必要的潔凈。牲祭無法贖人類的罪。 任何有限的個人也無法贖違背無限上帝的罪。 只有上帝道成肉身者的血才能潔凈我們的罪,使我們能夠安全進入到上帝的面前,因為上帝是烈火(來一3; 十二29)。

救贖的工作在天上上帝的面前進行。 事實上,它涉及永恒的三一真神因著對我們的愛,其位格之間所進行的交易:在聖靈的幫助下,聖子願意經歷聖父對祂掩面不顧。上帝兒子流出的血為我們開辟了通向上帝的道路(徒廿28)。 這就是我們的大祭司職事之可畏與榮耀之處。

這是一種具備最崇高、最令人震驚特征的神學。它使我們有時過分務實的真屬靈核心觀相形見絀。然而,這種神學之所以如此令人敬畏,乃因上帝是最務實的;  榮耀的終結證明駭人的方法是正當的。 沒有這些方法就不會有罪的赦免。最深奧類型的神學就是最高層次的實用主義。




本文摘自Sinclair Ferguson 博士所著的《唯獨基督在裡》(In Christ Alone) 一書。

The Day of Atonement was a Copy of Christ’s Atonement
FROM Sinclair Ferguson

It is common to think of the Old Testament ritual as providing the model that Jesus’ priesthood subsequently copied and fulfilled. But Hebrews sees things differently. The Old Testament ritual of the high priest moving through the tabernacle—with its various rooms and furniture, especially the Holy of Holies and the ark with the mercy seat—is not the model but the copy (Heb. 8:5).

Christ has made a way into heaven; that is the reality. Hebrews has much to say about this. Jesus “went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is … not a part of this creation” (Heb. 9:11, NIV). “With His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all” (Heb. 9:12). In fact, Jesus now ministers in the heavenly tabernacle (Heb. 8:2).

Notice what grips the mind of the author: if the copy (the wilderness tabernacle) needed purification, then the “heavenly things themselves [had to be purified] with better sacrifices” (Heb. 9:23). But what is this purifying of heavenly things?

For the people to be brought symbolically and temporarily into the presence of God, every part of the tabernacle had to be ritually cleansed, since nothing defiled could be employed in man’s approach to a holy God (Heb. 9:19–23). Therefore, on the Day of Atonement, Aaron slew a sacrifice, entered the Holy of Holies with the blood, and poured it out on the mercy seat between the cherubim (Lev. 16:15–16).

This ritual was an acted parable, a copy of what Christ was to do on the great day when He made atonement. The blood of animals is both inappropriate and inadequate to provide the cleansing necessary to approach God. Animal sacrifice could not atone for human sin. Neither could any finite individual atone for sin against the infinite God. Only the blood of the divine image incarnate could cleanse our sin and enable us to enter safely into the presence of God, who is a consuming fire (Heb. 1:3; 12:29).

The work of atonement took place in the presence of the God of heaven. Indeed, it involved a transaction within the fellowship of the persons of the eternal Trinity in their love for us: the Son was willing, with the aid of the Spirit, to experience the hiding of the Father’s face. The shedding of the blood of God’s Son opened the way to God for us (Acts 20:28). That is both the horror and the glory of our Great High Priest’s ministry.

This is theology of the most exalted and mind-stunning nature. It dwarfs our sometimes overly pragmatic view of what is central to real spirituality. Yet what makes such theology so awe-inspiring is this—God is here at His most pragmatic; a glorious end justifies the most terrible means. Without those means there can be no remission of sins. Here theology of the deepest kind is pragmatism of the highest order.

Take time to meditate long and hard on this aspect of Christ’s priesthood and on its implications. Hebrews refers to at least four conclusions to be drawn. Since you have such a Great High Priest, who by His blood has opened a new and living way into the Most Holy Place (10:19–20):

Draw near to God in full assurance (10:22).
Do not draw back from running the Christian race (10:39).
Fix your eyes on Jesus since He is such a great Savior (12:1–2).
Be prepared to go outside the camp, sharing Christ’s humiliation (13:13–14).
This is the pathway on which Christ will lead you into the presence of God.

This post is an excerpt from Sinclair Ferguson’s In Christ Alone.