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經歷超自然的喜樂Experiencing Supernatural Joy

[每日靈修] 8/31/2018駱鴻銘編譯



耶穌也說到祂存在我們裏面的喜樂的目標或目的,即我們的喜樂可以滿足。「滿足 [full]」(新譯本作:滿溢)這個詞是指一種程度,在這句話裏是最高的程度。沒有比滿溢的喜樂更大的喜樂了。我們會經歷到部分的喜樂,或比滿溢的喜樂更少的喜樂,不是因為耶穌的喜樂會有上下起伏,而是因為我們在基督裏面的程度會有上下起伏。




Experiencing Supernatural Joy

In John’s Gospel, Jesus expounded His declaration that He is the vine and we are the branches: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).

This text indicates that the joy of the Christian is not the natural joy of human life. It is a supernatural joy insofar as it has a supernatural source. It is the work of Christ within us. Though Jesus spoke of His joy being in us, it is still our joy once it is in us. He is its source and its power, but it is still our joy.

Jesus also spoke of the end or purpose of His joy remaining in us, namely, that our joy may be full. The term full speaks of a degree, in this case an ultimate degree. There is no more joy than full joy. Yet we can experience partial joy or less than full joy, not because there are fluctuations in Jesus’ joy, but because there are fluctuations in the degree of our abiding in Christ.

We cannot fall out of Christ, but in the process of sanctification we experience greater and/or lesser degrees of clinging closely to Him. Here our wills are important in that we are called to abide in Christ.

Coram Deo
Ask God for supernatural joy to flood your life.

Passages for Further Study
John 15:11  Isaiah 61:1, 3  Isaiah 61:7