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長大像祂兒子一樣Growinginto Conformity

[每日靈修] 9/22/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯



合乎聖經的觀點涉及到一位神聖位格(divine person)內住在一個被神聖位格真正重生的人類位格(human person)裏面。人的位格發生了變化。他的舊本性正在日漸消亡,藉著與聖靈的恩典合作,新人正在成長,變得與基督相似。


羅八14 如今,那些在基督耶穌裏的就不定罪了。 因為賜生命聖靈的律,在基督耶穌裏釋放了我,使我脫離罪和死的律了。 律法既因肉體軟弱,有所不能行的,神就差遣自己的兒子,成為罪身的形狀,作了贖罪祭,在肉體中定了罪案, 使律法的義成就在我們這不隨從肉體、只隨從聖靈的人身上。

Growing into Conformity

The modern distinction between the “carnal Christian” and the “Spirit-filled Christian” is a dangerous one. If a carnal Christian is described as one whose fallen nature has not yet been changed by grace, it is a contradiction in terms. If a person is carnal in the sense that the Holy Spirit resides in him without affecting his constituent nature in any way, then he is simply not a Christian. To view regeneration as not effecting any real change in the person is a serious distortion of regeneration. Here the Holy Spirit indwells but does nothing to effect change in the person.

If a Spirit-filled Christian is defined as one in whom the flesh is absent entirely, then the only Spirit-filled Christians are those now in heaven. Every Christian is to some degree carnal in this world, insofar as the remnants of the flesh are still there provoking warfare. In this sense, the Apostle Paul, after his conversion, was a carnal Christian. Every Christian is also spiritual in that the Holy Spirit indwells him and works in him, through him, and on him.

The biblical view involves the indwelling of a divine person within a human person who has been truly regenerated by the power of the divine person. The human person has changed. His old nature is dying, and by cooperation with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the new man is growing into conformity to Christ.

Coram Deo
Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit working in, through, and on you.

Passages for Further Study
Romans 8:1–4