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聽你的良心Listening to Your Conscience

[每日靈修] 9/25/2018, 駱鴻銘編譯


這些話構成了馬丁路德對教會當局和國家當局的重大回應的關鍵部分,當時羅馬教廷命令他在1521年的沃木斯會議(Diet of Worms)中撤回他的教導。他反對的理由是:他的意圖既不是反叛也不是要頑固對抗,而是要忠於聖經。路德宣稱,他並非不肯撤回,而是他無法撤回。


要想取悅人,他唯一的選項是違背他的良心。為取悅人而採取行動就是為了對抗神而採取行動。雖然賭注很高,但這個決定實際上是「不費腦筋的事。」(no brainer)聖經宣稱,凡不出於信心的都是罪(羅馬書十四23)。


來十22 並我們心中天良的虧欠已經灑去,身體用清水洗淨了,就當存著誠心和充足的信心來到神面前;
來九14 何況基督藉著永遠的靈,將自己無瑕無疵獻給神,他的血豈不更能洗淨你們的心(原文作良心),除去你們的死行,使你們事奉那永生神嗎?
提前一1819 我兒提摩太啊,我照從前指著你的預言,將這命令交託你,叫你因此可以打那美好的仗。常存信心和無虧的良心。有人丟棄良心就在真道上如同船破壞了一般。

Listening to Your Conscience

“My conscience is held captive by the Word of God. And to act against conscience is neither right nor safe.”

These words formed a crucial part of Martin Luther’s fateful response to authorities of church and state when he was ordered to recant of his teachings at the Diet of Worms in 1521. He was pleading that his intention was to be neither rebellious nor obstreperous, but to be faithful to Scripture. What Luther was declaring was not so much that he would not recant but that he could not recant.

Luther used the metaphor of the prisoner. He was as a man in chains, incarcerated, with no option of liberty by which he was able to do what the authorities commanded. He was not physically restrained. The irons that gripped him were of a moral sort. It was his conscience that had been captured by the Holy Ghost.

The only option by which he could please men was the option to act against his conscience. To act for men was to act against God. Though the stakes were high, the decision was actually a “no brainer.” Scripture declares that whatever is not of faith is sin (Rom. 14:23).

Coram Deo
Reflect on this statement: “To act for men is to act against God.”

Passages for Further Study
Hebrews 10:22
Hebrews 9:14
1 Timothy 1:18–19