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整体的研读:一卷书的图解Studying the whole: Charting abook

作者: Grant R. Osborne    译者: 刘良淑李永明
本文为格兰•奥斯邦所著,《21世纪基督教释经学——释经学螺旋的原理与应用》Hermeneutical Spiral (Revised and Expanded) 一书第一章“情景”(context)的第二个分题“逻辑情境”的第一个小部分。刘良淑、李永明译(台北:校园书房出版社,2012年)。

  An invaluable service for biblical scholarship has been provided by literary criticism in the last thirty years. Commentaries have encouraged an unbalanced approach due to an overemphasis on word studies that have been strung together with little or no cohesion. Literary critics have pointed out, however, that the parts have no meaning apart from the whole. Only when the message of the whole passage is considered can the parts be studied for details of this central message. In reality, the hermeneutical process can be summarized in this way: first, we chart the whole of a book to analyze its flow of thought in preliminary fashion; next, we study each part intensively in order to detect the detailed argumentation; finally, we rework the thought development of the whole in relation to the parts. We move from the whole book to its major sections and then to its paragraphs and finally to its individual sentences.

阿德勒(Mortimer Adler)和查尔斯•范道伦(Charles Van Doren)合写的名著《如何阅读一本书》[2],探究阅读的四个阶段:(1)基础阅读,重点在辨认其中的用词和文句;(2)检视阅读,就是综览全书,找出基本的架构和主要思想;(3)分析阅读,对全书作深入的研究,尽可能彻底明白其信息;(4)主题阅读,即将所得的信息与其他类似书籍作比较,对主题作出第一手的详细分析。前面两个阶段是归纳法,后面两个则是以研究为取向,不单用到原来的文本(原著),也用到次要文本(对该书的解释,或其他人所写相关的书)。
Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren, in their classic How to Read a Book, discuss four levels of reading: (1) elementary reading, which centers on the identity of individual terms and sentences; (2) inspectional reading, which skims a book to discover its basic structure and major ideas; (3) analytical reading, which studies the book in-depth in order to understand its message as completely as possible; (4) syntopical reading, which compares the message with other books of a similar nature in order to construct a detailed and original analysis of the subject matter (1972:16–20). The first two levels are inductive, the latter two are research-oriented, involving secondary literature (interpretations of the book or subject by others) as well as primary literature (the text itself).

Adler and Van Doren develop inspectional reading, the subject of this section, in two ways (1972:32–44). First, a prereading examines the introductory sections (preface, table of contents, index) and then skims key chapters and paragraphs in order to ascertain the basic progress and general thread of the work. In a biblical book this would entail the introduction and section headings (if using a study Bible) plus a perusal of particular chapters (such as Rom 1; 3; 6; 9; 12). Second, a superficial reading plows right through the book without pausing to ponder individual paragraphs or difficult concepts. This enables us to chronicle and understand the major ideas before we get lost in the particular details.

I would like to expand this inspectional reading to cover structural development and call this method a “book chart” (Osborne and Woodward 1979:29–32). Here it is critical to use a good paragraph Bible. We must remember that verse and chapter divisions were never inspired. In fact, the Bible was never versified until 1551, when a Parisian publisher, Stephanus, divided the whole Bible into verses over a six-month period as he publicized his latest Greek version. Tradition says Stephanus did it while riding his horse, and the subsequent divisions were the result of the horse jostling his pen! The problem is that Stephanus did it shallowly and quickly, so that many of the decisions were wrong. But Stephanus’s version became so popular that no one dared tamper with the results, and his divisions have continued to this day. Even though Stephanus often chose both verse and chapter divisions poorly, people today tend to assume that his decisions were correct and interpret verses and chapters apart from the context around them. Therefore, we should never depend on verse divisions for meaning. The paragraph is the key to the thought development of biblical books.

When teaching Bible study method seminars to church groups, I have discovered that the most difficult thing for the novice to learn is how to skim each paragraph and summarize its main point. People get bogged down in details and never seem to surface for air. We need an overview here, and the student should try to read the paragraph in just a couple minutes (skim) then write a six- to eightword summary for each paragraph. When we read the paragraph in too detailed a way, the summary statement often reflects only the first couple of sentences early in the paragraph rather than the paragraph as a whole. Such an error can skew the results of the entire study. So try to summarize the whole paragraph. In figures 1.2 and 1.3, I use Jonah and Philippians as examples to demonstrate how the process can work in both testaments.

As the Jonah chart shows, each paragraph is encapsulated briefly in turn, and by perusing the summaries we can gain a very real feel for the flow of thought. Moreover, by looking across the chart the basic contours of the book become visible. For instance, we can see easily that chapter 3 gives the results of the original purpose of chapter 1, namely, the mission to Nineveh and the people’s repentance. Thus there are two parallel sections, chapters 1 and 3 and chapters 2 and 4. Further, the emphasis is on the latter pair, so that Jonah is not so much about mission as about Jonah’s (and Israel’s) attitudes toward God and those on whom God shows compassion. Chapter 4 contains the actual “moral of the story,” a lesson about divine compassion.

If we were to label chapter 4 “Jonah’s Anger” or “Anger Answered,” we would miss the crucial point that Jonah learned the meaning of divine forgiveness. Therefore, each heading must catch the essence of the paragraph. However, we must remember also that this is a preliminary overview and will be subject to correction if the detailed exegesis so warrants. This sort of overview of a book the length of Jonah or Philippians should take forty to forty-five minutes.

Let us now go more deeply into the process and explore the stages by which the chart approach proceeds.

Step 1. The most efficient way to skim the paragraphs is with pen in hand. I try to summarize as I read. This helps enormously with my concentration. The major problem when skimming a text (or reading more carefully, for that matter) is a wandering mind. I often discover after reading a paragraph that my mind has shifted to a current problem or the events of the day, with the result that I must repeat the process (sometimes several times!). If I take notes as I go, stressing first impressions, I am able to concentrate far better. Also, I attempt to catch the progression of thought in a section (for instance, in the series of exhortations in Phil 4:4–7; see fig. 1.3), whenever a single summary is not possible. Again, taking notes as I skim helps tremendously. The value of the process is that the chart becomes a map tracing the flow of the entire book. When studying individual passages more deeply later, I can at a glance determine the progression of thought surrounding that statement.

Step 2. After charting the book, it is time to return and look for patterns of thought in the progression of the book’s paragraphs. We need to look for breaks of thought between paragraphs and then indicate them with a single line (see fig. 1.3). Paragraphs with similar material form major sections of the book and greater precision results. Some breaks of thought are quite easy to detect, such as the switch from Paul’s personal comments (Phil 1:12–26) to the Philippian situation (Phil 1:27–28) or the further switch from the Philippians to Paul’s commendation of Timothy and Epaphroditus (Phil 2:19–30). Other changes are not so easy to detect, such as the slight alteration from humility (Phil 2:1–11) to warning (Phil 2:12–18), or placing Philippians 4:1 with Philippians 3:17–21 rather than Philippians 4:2–9. In the latter case, the reader can make only an educated guess at this stage and should wait for later clarification as he or she exegetes the book in detail.

This is why I include both Jonah and Philippians here. Jonah is one of the few biblical books whose outline follows the chapter divisions, thus providing a relatively simple example. The only question in Jonah is whether Jonah 1:17 is the conclusion of chapter 1 or the introduction to chapter 2. Philippians is far more complex and demands more careful thought. It is an example of didactic or teaching material rather than narrative or story (like Jonah). As such the breaks are more discontinuous (such as between Phil 2:25–30 and Phil 3:1–6) and the progression of the book as a whole is not so easy to ascertain. Nevertheless, the process in both cases will help the student to understand the thought progression of the book as a whole.
另外一个困难,是找出模式改变的方法。虽然圣经每一段的组织都有意义,但思想模式却往往不容易辨识。司陶特(Douglas Stuart)说:“模式的分辨,在于寻找一些主要的特点,诸如发展、继续、独特的片语形式、中心或枢纽的字、平行、对偶交错(chiasm)、含摄(inclusio)等重复或进展的模式。模式的要诀常是重复与进展”[8]。华德•凯瑟(Walter Kaiser)提供了更详细的说明,列出八个发掘思想单位“接缝”的“线索”[9]
Another difficulty is the method for noting major pattern breaks. While every biblical passage has a meaningful organization, the pattern of thought often is not easy to detect. Douglas Stuart states: “Try to identify the patterns, looking especially for key features such as developments, resumptions, unique forms of phrase, central or pivotal words, parallelisms, chiasms, inclusions, and other repetitions or progressive patterns. The keys to patterns are most often repetition and progression” (1980:36). Walter Kaiser provides greater detail, listing eight “clues” for discovering such “seams” between units of thought (1981:71–72):

A repeated term, phrase, clause or sentence may act as the heading to introduce each part or as the colophon (tailpiece) to conclude each individual section.

Often there may be grammatical clues such as transitional conjunctions or adverbs; for example, “then, therefore, wherefore, but, nevertheless, meanwhile,” and the Greek words oun, de, kai, tote, dio.

A rhetorical question could signal a switch to a new theme and section. It may be that there also will be a series of such questions which carries forward the argument or plan of a whole section.

A change in the time, location or setting is a frequent device, especially in narrative contexts, to indicate a new theme and section.

A vocative form of address deliberately showing a shift of attention from one group to another constitutes one of the most important devices. It is often used in the epistolary type of literature.

A change in the tense, mood or aspect of the verb, perhaps even with a change in the subject or object, may be another clue that a new section is beginning.

Repetition of the same key word, proposition or concept might also indicate the boundaries of a section.

In a few cases, the theme of each section will be announced as a heading to that section. In those unusual cases, the interpreter need only make sure that all of the contents of the section are judged in light of the stated purpose of the author.

9 在我们速读各段、写摘要时,这些基本的模式中断方式颇有帮助。既知道这些可能性,在制作图表的时候,就可以判断思路的转折。甚至在作更详细的解析时,这些中断方式也有用处。
These basic types of breaks will aid us as we skim the paragraphs and summarize the contents. By being aware of the possibilities, we often can determine a break of thought even while preparing the chart. Even more, these breaks will be of service as we begin the more detailed exegesis.

Step 3. The final step is to subdivide the sections further into major units by virtue of double lines. This will be especially valuable in didactic books like Philippians. The process is the same as the previous stage but now involves larger thought units than paragraphs, building on the results of stage two.

This method, however, will not work with Psalms and Proverbs. (It will work with individual psalms but not the collection as a whole.) Although many have attempted to group the psalms in various ways, a topical organizational pattern is superior. The same is true with Proverbs: those portions which have linear development (such as Prov 1–9 or 31) can be charted, but the collection of proverbs cannot be studied easily as a connected whole (see chaps. 8–9 of this book).

In addition, we might validly ask whether the method will work for longer books like Isaiah or Jeremiah. While it is more difficult, I earnestly believe that it is quite helpful. Let me illustrate with not only a longer work but one of the most difficult portions of Scripture, the book of Revelation. Rather than take the space for a full-length chart (which I recommend for the reader), I will discuss the structural implications (steps 2 and 3). As we look for patterns in the text, it becomes obvious that the Apocalypse is organized in cyclical fashion along spatial lines. A careful reading reveals that Revelation 1, 4–5, 7 (10), 14–15 and 19:1–10 take place in heaven while Revelation 2–3, 6, 8–9, 11– 13 and 16–18 occur on earth. The concluding section (Rev 19:11–22:2) unites heaven and earth. Moreover, within this alternating pattern, the heavenly scenes are dominated by praise and worship while the earthly scenes are increasingly characterized by chaos, agony and divine judgment. The best proof of this pattern is the relationship between the seals, trumpets and bowls. By using an inductive chart we can see that their organizational pattern is the same. Therefore, the seals, trumpets and bowls are organized in cycles and are characterized by a progressive intensification of judgment and doom (in Rev 6:8 a quarter of the earth is affected, in Rev 7:7–8 a third of the earth, and in Rev 16:3–4 all the earth). The contrast between the heaven and earth scenes points to the unifying theme of the book, divine sovereignty (the vertical dimension), and leads to the horizontal dimension, which asks the church to put its trust in God in spite of present and future sufferings.

Again, I must stress that this is a preliminary rather than a final outline. It represents the reader’s viewpoint and not necessarily the original author’s (which must await further study). We must recognize the ease with which our own presuppositions affect our view of the text. The reader plays a crucial role in the inductive process, and deeper study is necessary before we can arrive at the writer’s intended plan. However, the inductive method still is invaluable for providing perspective in the process of interpretation.

格兰•奥斯邦(Grant R. Osborne)是英国阿伯丁大学哲学博士、三一福音神学院新约圣经硕士,从1977开始在美国三一福音神学院担任新约圣经教授。其研究专长为四福音书、释经学、启示录。

[2] Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren, How to Read a Book, Rev. ed. (New York:Simon & Schuster,1972), 16-20. 中文已出版,莫提默•J•艾德勒,查尔斯•范多伦,《如何阅读一本书》,郝明义、朱衣译(北京:商务印书馆,2004年)。艾德勒、范多伦,港台出版社翻译为阿德勒、范道伦。——编者注

[3]  Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren, How to Read a Book, 32-44.

[4] Osborne and Woodward, Handbook for Bible Study,(Grand Rapids:Baker, 1979), 29-32.

[5] 当然,我们承认,每一种译本的分段法都不同。但是,为了达到这个初步方法的目的,这种分别暂时可以放在一边,等到解经的进深阶段再来处理。在此我们只想将整卷书最基本的结构发展作成图表。

[6] 在此我改写从前在Osborne and Woodward 1979:29用过的大纲。

[7] 当然,开始学习的学生费时较长,而有经验的人就比较快。这里提到的时间,是指中等程度者。

[8] Douglas Stuart, Old Testament Exegesis:A Primer For Students and Pastors (Philadelphia:Westminster Press 1980), 36.

[9] Walter C. Jr. Kaiser, Toward and Exegetical Theology:Biblical Principles for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids:Baker, 1981), 7l-72.

[10] 参《21世纪基督教释经学》第七、八章。

[11] 一九八三年夏天,我在教牧博士班开了一门启示录。听课的人中有来自各个宗派的牧师和领袖,如时代主义、历史性前千禧年派、无千禧年派。我实在很战兢,不知道这个班上的冲突气氛会不会爆炸。但是情况正相反,我们发现,在这个神学议题上,可以有共同一致的地方。尽管我们的释经法和观点各不相同,但是在神学意义的层次上,却合而为一。这是我教书以来最满意的一次经验!