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面對撒但的欺騙Confronting Satan’s Deception

[每日靈修] 10/13/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





(Gen 3:1) 耶和華 神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇對女人說:「神豈是真說不許你們吃園中所有樹上的果子嗎?」
(2Co 2:11) 免得撒但趁著機會勝過我們,因我們並非不曉得他的詭計。(Rev 12:9) 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的。他被摔在地上他的使者也一同被摔下去。

Confronting Satan’s Deception

It is the nature of Satan to be deceptive. Scripture says he has been a liar from the beginning. His first appearance in Scripture comes under the guise of a serpent. The credentials of this malevolent creature are announced in his introduction: “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made” (Gen. 3:1).

These words fall as a sudden intrusion into an otherwise glorious account of God’s majestic work of creation. With the words “Now the serpent,” the whole atmosphere of the biblical record changes dramatically. A sudden and ominous sense of foreboding enters the narrative. An uninspired author of Genesis 3 may have introduced the record of the fall by saying, “It was a dark and stormy day.” But such hackneyed prose would have failed to yield the foreboding dread contained in the words “Now the serpent was more cunning.”

Cunning. Craftiness. Subtlety. Guile. These are the descriptive qualifiers that paint the biblical portrait of Satan.

Coram Deo
Cunning. Crafty. Subtle. Full of guile. How has Satan used these attributes against you in the realm of personal temptation?

Passages for Further Study
Genesis 3:1
2 Corinthians 2:11
Revelation 12:9