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如何對待比你軟弱的人Dealing with Those Who AreWeaker

[每日靈修] 9/27/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯




羅馬書第十四章提出的第三個原則是:比較剛強的兄弟不應該讓他軟弱兄弟絆跌,而應該體貼他。他不應當在一個軟弱的兄弟面前炫耀他的自由。他不應該哄騙他的兄弟放縱。第22節中有一條準則:「你所信的,你自己要在 神面前持守。」(新譯本)。



羅十四1 信心軟弱的,你們要接納,但不要辯論所疑惑的事。
羅十四2122 無論是吃肉,是喝酒,是什麼別的事,叫弟兄跌倒,一概不做才好。你有信心,就當在神面前守著。人在自己以為可行的事上能不自責,就有福了。
羅十四13 所以,我們不可再彼此論斷,寧可定意誰也不給弟兄放下絆腳跌人之物。

Dealing with Those Who Are Weaker

Let us examine some of the guidelines Paul gives in Romans 14 for dealing with those who are weaker in faith.

The first rule of Christian love is that we receive others who are weaker in faith as brothers and sisters. Every Christian is a servant of Christ. Christ is his master and judge. I am not to judge those who are Christ’s.

A second principle of Christian liberty is that a person should not be forced to act according to another person’s conscience with respect to “matters indifferent.” This rule presupposes that Christians are at various levels of personal growth.

A third principle set forth in Romans 14 is that the stronger brother ought not to cause his weaker brother to stumble but should be considerate. He is not to flaunt his liberty in front of a weaker brother. He is not to coax his brother to indulge. A guideline is set down in verse 22: “Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God” (KJV).

Paul declares that the kingdom of God is not in eating or drinking. It is not a matter of indifferent externals. In these things we are to have love for each other, respecting the scruples of the individual as well as his or her liberties. Patience and forbearance are called for. In matters of externals, the internal fruit of the Holy Spirit must be made manifest.

Coram Deo
How does your response to weaker brothers and sisters line up with the three guidelines given in this reading?

Passages for Further Study
Romans 14:1 Romans 14:21–22  Romans 14:13