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律法與福音的區分The Difference Betwixt the Lawand the Gospel

作者:Shane Lems  譯者:   駱鴻銘

在我看來,關於律法/福音之區分,最佳的簡短討論之一,可以在托馬斯•波士頓(Thomas Boston)所寫,在他對愛德華•費雪(Edward Fisher)所著的《現代神學精華》(Marrow of Modern Divinity)的評論的第二部分中。在這段文字裏,波士頓解釋了為什麼律法/福音的區分是必要的,律法和福音之間的區分是什麼,以及如何恰當地區分兩者。以下是我發現非常有幫助和令人欣慰的部分——並請留意他如何根據律法/福音的區分來解釋唯獨靠恩典、唯獨藉著信心、唯獨在基督裏稱義:
In my opinion, one of the best brief discussions about the law/gospel distinction was written by Thomas Boston and it’s found in the second part of his comments on Edward Fisher’s Marrow of Modern Divinity. In this section Boston explains why a law/gospel distinction is necessary, what the difference is between the law and the gospel, and how to properly distinguish between the two.  Below is one section that I found very helpful and comforting – and notice how he explains justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone in light of the law/gospel distinction (the emphasis below is mine):

Briefly, then, if we would know when the law speaks, and when the gospel speaks, either in reading the word, or in hearing it preached; and if we would skilfully distinguish the voice of the one from the voice of the other, we must consider,

(Rom 7:2) 就如女人有了丈夫,丈夫還活著,就被律法約束;丈夫若死了,就脫離了丈夫的律法。
(2Th 2:12) 使一切不信真理、倒喜愛不義的人都被定罪。
Law. The law says, “Thou art a sinner, and therefore thou shalt be damned;” Rom. 7:2; 2 Thess. 2:12.

(1Ti 1:15) 「基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。」這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。在罪人中我是個罪魁。
(Act 16:31) 他們說:「當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。」
Gos. But the gospel says, No; “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;” and therefore “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,” 1 Tim. 1:15; Acts 16:31.

(1Co 6:9) 你們豈不知不義的人不能承受神的國嗎?不要自欺!無論是淫亂的、拜偶像的、姦淫的、作孌童的、親男色的、
Law. Again the law says, “Knowest thou not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God; be not deceived,” &c. 1 Cor. 6:9. And therefore thou being a sinner, and not righteous, shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

(2Co 5:21) 神使那無罪(無罪:原文作不知罪)的,替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義。
(Jer 23:6) 在他的日子,猶大必得救,以色列也安然居住。他的名必稱為『耶和華我們的義』。」
Gos. But the gospel says, “God has made Christ to be sin for thee, who knew no sin; that thou mightest be made the righteousness of God in him, who is the Lord thy righteousness,” Jer. 23:6.

(Mat 18:28) 「那僕人出來,遇見他的一個同伴欠他十兩銀子,便揪著他,掐住他的喉嚨,說:『你把所欠的還我!』
(Mat 18:30) 他不肯,竟去把他下在監裡,等他還了所欠的債。
Law. Again the law says, “Pay me that thou owest me, or else I will cast thee into prison,” Matt. 18:28, 30.

(1Ti 2:6) 他捨自己作萬人的贖價,到了時候,這事必證明出來。
(1Co 1:30) 但你們得在基督耶穌裡,是本乎神,神又使他成為我們的智慧、公義、聖潔、救贖。
Gos. But the gospel says, “Christ gave himself a ransom for thee,” 1 Tim. 2:6; “and so is made redemption unto thee,” 1 Cor. 1:30.

(Deu 27:26) 「『不堅守遵行這律法言語的,必受咒詛!』」
Law. Again the law says, “Thou hast not continued in all that I require of thee, and therefore thou art accursed,” Deut. 27:6.

(Gal 3:13) 基督既為我們受(原文作成)了咒詛,就贖出我們脫離律法的咒詛;因為經上記著:「凡掛在木頭上都是被咒詛的。」
Gos. But the gospel says, “Christ hath redeemed thee from the curse of the law, being made a curse for thee,” Gal. 3:13.

(Rom 3:29) 難道神只作猶太人的神嗎?不也是作外邦人的神嗎?是的,也作外邦人的神。
(Rom 2:3) 你這人哪,你論斷行這樣事的人,自己所行的卻和別人一樣,你以為能逃脫神的審判嗎?
Law. Again the law says, “Thou art become guilty before God, and therefore shalt not escape the judgment of God,” Rom. 3:29; 2:3.

(Joh 5:22) 父不審判什麼人,乃將審判的事全交與子
Gos. But the gospel says, “The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment to the Son,” John 5:12.

And now, knowing rightly how to distinguish between the law and the gospel, we must, in the fifth place, take heed that we break not the orders between these two in applying the law where the gospel is to be applied, either to ourselves or to others; for albeit the law and gospel, in order of doctrine, are many times to be joined together, yet, in the case of justification, the law must be utterly separated from the gospel.

Therefore, whensoever, or wheresoever, any doubt or question arises of salvation, or our justification before God, there the law and all good works must be utterly excluded and stand apart, that grace may appear free, and that the promise and faith may stand alone: which faith alone, without law or works, brings thee in particular to thy justification and salvation, through the mere promise and free grace of God in Christ; so that I say, in the action and office of justification, both law and works are to be utterly excluded and exempted, as things which have nothing to do in that behalf. The reason is this; for, seeing that all our redemption springs out from the body of the Son of God crucified, then is there nothing that can stand us in stead, but that only wherewith the body of Christ is apprehended.

Thomas Boston, The Whole Works of Thomas Boston: An Explication of the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, ed. Samuel M‘Millan, vol. 7 (Aberdeen: George and Robert King, 1850), 461–462.