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展望未來Looking to the Future

[每日靈修] 10/30/2018, 駱鴻銘編譯  






太十六13 法利賽人和撒都該人來試探耶穌,請他從天上顯個神蹟給他們看。 耶穌回答說:「晚上天發紅,你們就說:『天必要晴。』早晨天發紅,又發黑,你們就說:『今日必有風雨。」你們知道分辨天上的氣色,倒不能分辨這時候的神蹟。

Looking to the Future

Some things in life are certain. Death and taxes are two of them. In Central Florida in the summer, there is another certainty. At 2 p.m., it rains. It happens every day. You can set your clock by the thundershowers. Yet in spite of this punctual certainty, the weatherman says every day that there is a fifty percent chance of afternoon showers. Maybe the weatherman is employed by the chamber of commerce. Maybe he is just chicken. One doesn’t need a degree in meteorology to know it will surely rain in the afternoon in Florida in the summer.

The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were much better forecasters of the weather than Central Florida meteorologists. Jesus complimented them on their astute ability to forecast the signs of the sky. They knew what every schoolchild knows: “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.”

But the Pharisees could not read the signs of the times. They were great with the weather, but they missed the coming of the Messiah. They missed the fullness of time despite the fact that they had literally thousands of biblical prophecies that converged on the person of Christ. It was the clergy, the professional theologians and scholars, who were most hostile to Jesus.

Jesus told His disciples that He was coming back. He warned us to be alert and vigilant to the signs of the times. We all must look beyond the red sky and look for the golden sky, a sky ablaze with the glory of the returning King.

Coram Deo
Where is your focus today: on the temporal circumstances of your life or on the glorious hope of the return of Jesus Christ?

Passages for Further Study
Matthew 16:1–3