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合併行動主義和寂靜主義Merging Activism and Quietism

[每日靈修] 2/10/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯



寂靜主義者堅持認為,上帝對他的進步或缺乏進步必須負完全的責任,從而羞辱了聖靈。如果寂靜主義者還在犯罪,那麼不言而喻的假設就是上帝沒有做好祂的工作。寂靜主義者的信條是:「放手,讓上帝動工。」(Let go and let God)沒有必要掙扎;不需要抵抗誘惑。自始至終,成聖都是上帝的工作。



弗三2021 神能照著運行在我們心裏的大力充充足足的成就一切,超過我們所求所想的。但願他在教會中,並在基督耶穌裏,得著榮耀,直到世世代代,永永遠遠。阿們!
來十三2021 但願賜平安的神,就是那憑永約之血、使群羊的大牧人我主耶穌從死裏復活的神, 在各樣善事上成全你們,叫你們遵行他的旨意;又藉著耶穌基督在你們心裏行他所喜悅的事。願榮耀歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們!
加六4 各人應當察驗自己的行為;這樣,他所誇的就專在自己,不在別人了。

Merging Activism and Quietism

The two great heresies that have plagued the church on the issue of sanctification for centuries are the heresies of activism and quietism. The twin distortions are guilty of eliminating one or the other pole of the paradox. In activism, God’s working is swallowed up by human self-righteousness. In quietism, the human struggle is swallowed up by an automatic divine process.

Activism is the creed of the self-righteous person. He has no need of divine assistance to achieve perfection. Grace is held in contempt, a remedy needed only by weak people. The activist can lift himself up by his own bootstraps. His confidence is in himself and his moral ability. Perhaps the most arrogant statement a person can make is this: “I don’t need Christ.”

The quietist insults the Holy Spirit by insisting that God is totally responsible for his progress or lack of it. If the quietist still sins, the unspoken assumption is that God has been lacking in His work. The creed of the quietist is, “Let go and let God.” No struggle is necessary; no resistance to temptation is required. Sanctification is God’s job, from beginning to end.

God calls us to the pursuit of holiness. The pursuit is to be undertaken with strength and resolution. We are to resist unto blood, to wrestle with powers, to pummel our bodies, rejoicing in the certainty that the Holy Spirit is within us helping, disposing, convicting, and encouraging.

Coram Deo
Are you an activist, rejecting God’s assistance—or a quietist, insisting that He is totally responsible for your spiritual progress or lack of it?

Passages for Further Study
Ephesians 3:20–21
Hebrews 13:20–21
Galatians 6:4