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地球上最危險的地方The Most Dangerous Place OnEarth

作者: Steven Lawson  譯者: Maria Marta 



在迦百農,有一天耶穌正處於這樣一個危險的地方。那裏的猶太教堂是撒旦的立足點。此處有宗教卻沒有悔改;  有儀式卻沒有重生;  有規條卻沒有藉著聖子,主耶穌基督與永活的上帝建立關系。毫無疑問,最反對基督的是一群無情的宗教信徒。他們認為祂的行為是魔鬼所為,指責祂是私生子,誹謗祂,中傷祂,最後把祂釘在十字架上。耶穌迎戰魔鬼,毫不畏懼地將真理推進這個惡魔般的宗教堡壘。隨之而來的是光明與黑暗、真理與謬誤、天堂與地獄、聖潔與非聖潔之間的沖突。

本文摘自Steven Lawson博士的著作《Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God》。

The Most Dangerous Place On Earth
FROM Steven Lawson

There is no more dangerous place to be than where the direct, straightforward teaching of the Word of God confronts dead religion. As long as dead religion is allowed to sleep the sleep of death, all continues placidly and peaceably. But when the truth of Scripture challenges empty religion, a cataclysmic collision is sure to result. This is because whenever the Word is taught in houses of worship that are devoid of gospel truth, hell is aggravated. As soon as the light of holiness and truth shines into the kingdom of darkness, sin is exposed, unclean spirits are angered, and Satan is provoked. Satan has no greater strongholds than houses of worship where the truth is suppressed. Nowhere is he more deeply entrenched in the lives of people than among those who are religious but who have no supernatural light of holiness and truth. But there is no greater threat to Satan’s kingdom than the penetrating light of holiness and truth as it invades these fortresses of demons.

And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the synagogue and was teaching. And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes. And immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, saying, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God.” (Mark 1:21-24)

It was in such a dangerous place that Jesus found Himself one day in Capernaum. The synagogue there was a place where Satan had gained a foothold. It was a place that had religion but no repentance; ritual but no regeneration; rules but no relationship with the living God through His holy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, it was a ruthlessly religious crowd that most opposed Christ. They attributed His works to the Devil, accused Him of being born out of wedlock, maligned Him, slandered Him, and ultimately nailed Him to a cross. When Jesus fearlessly advanced with the truth into this bastion of demonic religion, He met the Devil head on. What followed was a clash between light and darkness, truth and error, heaven and hell, and holiness and un-holiness.

This excerpt is taken from Steven Lawson’s contribution in Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God.