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贖回你的時間RedeemingYour Time

[每日靈修] 10/6/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

在時間面前,人人平等(Time is the great leveler)。它是按絕對平等主義的條件來分配的一種資源。每個活人每天都有相同數目的小時數。忙碌的人不會在一天二十四時之外獲得額外的獎勵。時鐘沒有偏待人。


已故的文斯隆巴迪(Vince Lombardi;譯按:著名的美式足球教練)說過這句格言:「我從未輸過一場比賽;我只是沒時間了。」(I never lost a game; I just ran out of time.)這個解釋讓我想到了體育界最具戲劇性的元素之一——與時間賽跑。在規定時間內最有效率的隊伍會是贏得比賽的隊伍。當然,在體育運動中,與平日生活不同,有呼叫暫停的規定。體育比賽中的時鐘可以暫時停止。但在現實生活中,沒有休息時間。


詩八九47 求你想念我的時候是何等的短少;你創造世人,要使他們歸何等的虛空呢?
何十12 你們要為自己栽種公義,就能收割慈愛。現今正是尋求耶和華的時候;你們要開墾荒地,等祂臨到,使公義如雨降在你們身上。
可十三33 你們要謹慎,警醒祈禱,因為你們不曉得那日期幾時來到。

Redeeming Your Time

Time is the great leveler. It is the one resource that is allocated in absolute egalitarian terms. Every living person has the same number of hours to use in every day. Busy people are not given a special bonus added on to the hours of the day. The clock plays no favorites.

We all have an equal measure of time in every day. Where we differ from one another is in how we redeem the time allotted. When something is redeemed, it is rescued or purchased from some negative condition. The basic negative condition we are concerned with is the condition of waste. To waste time is to spend it on that which has little or no value.

The late Vince Lombardi introduced the adage, “I never lost a game; I just ran out of time.” This explanation points me to one of the most dramatic elements of sports—the race against the clock. The team that is most productive in the allotted time is the team that wins the game. Of course, in sports, unlike life, there are provisions for calling timeout. The clock in a sports contest can be temporarily halted. But in real life, there are not timeouts.

Coram Deo
Ask God to reveal ways you can redeem time that is being wasted on things of little or no value.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 89:47
Hosea 10:12
Mark 13:33