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回應上帝的呼召Responding to God’s Call

 [每日靈修10/25/2018, 駱鴻銘編譯



我們的召命(vocation;或譯為「天職」)之所以會如此命名,是因為它的拉丁文字根vacatio,意思是「召喚」。「選擇天職」(vocational choice)一詞與「基督徒」一詞是矛盾的。可以肯定的是,我們確實作了選擇,並且事實上可以選擇不服從它。但是先於我們的選擇,並且以絕對的權力運行在這種選擇之上的,是神聖的呼召,這是一種強制執行的、我們不敢逃脫的責任。




(1Co 9:16) 我傳福音原沒有可誇的,因為我是不得已的。若不傳福音,我便有禍了。
林後十1516 我們不仗著別人所勞碌的,分外誇口;但指望你們信心增長的時候,所量給我們的界限,就可以因著你們更加開展, 得以將福音傳到你們以外的地方;並不是在別人界限之內,藉著他現成的事誇口。
羅十五20 我立了志向,不在基督的名被稱過的地方傳福音,免得建造在別人的根基上。
腓一17 那一等傳基督是出於結黨,並不誠實,意思要加增我捆鎖的苦楚。

Responding to God’s Call

We live in daily submission to a host of authorities who circumscribe our freedom: from parents to traffic police officers to dog catchers. All authorities are to be respected and, as the Bible declares, honored. But only one authority has the intrinsic right to bind the conscience. God alone imposes absolute obligation, and He does it by the power of His holy voice.

He calls the world into existence by divine imperative, by holy fiat. He calls the dead and rotting Lazarus to life again. He calls people who were no people “My people.” He calls us out of darkness and into light. He effectually calls us to redemption. He calls us to service.

Our vocation is so named because of its Latin root vocatio, “a calling.” The term vocational choice is a contradiction in terms to the Christian. To be sure, we do choose it and can, in fact, choose to disobey it. But prior to the choice and hovering with absolute power over it is the divine summons, the imposition to duty from which we dare not flee.

It was vocation that drove Jonah on his flight to Tarshish and caused his terrified shipmates to dump him in the sea to still the vengeful tempest. It was vocation that elicited the anguished cry from Paul, “Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:16). It was vocation that put a heinous cup of bitterness in the hands of Jesus.

The call of God is not always to a glamorous vocation, and its fruit in this world is often bittersweet. Yet God calls us according to our gifts and talents, and directs us to paths of the most useful service to His kingdom. How impoverished we would be if Jonah had made it to Tarshish, if Paul had refused to preach, if Jeremiah really had turned in his prophet’s card, or if Jesus had politely declined the cup.

Coram Deo
Think about it … what will be the tab of spiritual losses if you do not respond to God’s call?

Passages for Further Study
2 Corinthians 10:15–16
Romans 15:20
Philippians 1:17