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接受父親的糾正Accepting Correction from theFather

[每日靈修] 11/6/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





來十二67 因為主所愛的,祂必管教,又鞭打凡所收納的兒子。 你們所忍受的,是神管教你們,待你們如同待兒子。焉有兒子不被父親管教的呢?
來十二10 生身的父都是暫隨己意管教我們;惟有萬靈的父管教我們,是要我們得益處,使我們在祂的聖潔上有分。

Accepting Correction from the Father

Some people have a hard time even thinking of God as “Father” because of the horrible abuse they suffered from their earthly fathers’ hands. But God is a Father who never abuses His children, although He does punish them. He chastens those whom He loves. It is wise for the child of God to fear the corrective wrath of the Father.

I loved my earthly father deeply. In fact, I idolized him. I was secure in his love, as he was constant in showing affection for me. I feared him in the sense that I didn’t want to disappoint him or let him down. I had the “fear” of respect for him. But I also feared his wrath and discipline. Even though, in general, I didn’t want to disappoint him or grieve him, nevertheless I often disobeyed him. That meant facing his discipline.

When my father disciplined me he always announced it to me by saying, “Son, we have to have a session.” That meant I had to follow him into his office, close the door behind me, and sit in a chair in front of him. He wouldn’t raise his voice. He would calmly tell me what I did wrong and why it was wrong. He instructed me in such a way that I was devastated. He always ended the session with a warm embrace. But talk about the conviction of sin … whew!

Coram Deo
Are you able to accept correction from your heavenly Father? Do you respond to it properly? Pray about this.

Passages for Further Study
Hebrews 12:6–7
Hebrews 12:10